LANCASTER – The woman sexually abused by Greg Anthony Adrian when she was 6 years old did not get to finish telling the convicted child molester what she thought of him.
As the woman tearfully gave her victim impact statement Thursday in an Antelope Valley courtroom, Adrian suddenly launched into a tantrum. It began with him waving his head back and forth and ended with him cursing and screaming as he was dragged from the courtroom.
During the outburst, the 44-year-old bit his own hand, banged his head against a desk and wall, and shouted threats as he struggled with seven deputies. He seemed to be referring to himself in the third person as he shouted, “Today I shall take over him! He will be dead by the end of the day… Sentence him to death and get it over with! F*cking do it!”
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Charles Chung refused to stop the sentencing hearing, saying the outburst had nothing to do with Adrian’s mental competency.
“It was him putting on a show,” Chung said, before sentencing Adrian to 25 years to life in state prison.
The sentence stems from years of sexual abuse meted out by Adrian on at least two young female relatives.
Adrian first pleaded no contest in 1996 after molesting a 6-year-old female relative numerous times over a one-year period. He served three years in state prison for that crime; and shortly after his release, he began sexually abusing another young female relative. The abuse continued over a seven-year period, according to Deputy District Attorney Jon Hatami, who prosecuted the case.
On Nov. 8, 2007, Adrian hit the 12-year-old victim over the head with a telephone to prevent her from calling 9-1-1, according to the prosecutor. That day, the girl told a Lancaster teacher about being sexually abused by Adrian since she was in kindergarten. When authorities moved to arrest the convicted child molester, he had already skipped town. In June 2008, Adrian was featured on the national television show, “America’s Most Wanted.”
Adrian was finally found in Flagstaff, Ariz., and sent back to California Aug. 14, 2013.
He pleaded no contest Oct. 14 to one count of lewd act upon a child and admitted to the 1996 sex crime conviction. He was scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 28, but the sentencing hearing was pushed back to allow for a mental competency evaluation after Adrian told the judge he was “probably possessed.” [Read more here.]
The mental competency evaluation concluded that Adrian was “malingering,” or faking a mental health disorder to avoid sentencing, according to the prosecutor. At Thursday’s sentencing hearing, Adrian’s defense attorney argued a motion to subpoena records for another evaluation, but this time the motion was denied.
The young woman Adrian molested from 1995 to 1996 was then allowed to give a victim impact statement.
“All the children that you molested… we battle every day,” the victim said, suggesting that Adrian had molested many more victims. She told Adrian her life had been altered in many negative ways by the sexual abuse that happened 19 years ago.
“I choose to end my battle today,” the victim said, just before Adrian’s courtroom tirade.
After the interruption, the victim declined to finish her statement. A second victim was in the courtroom Thursday, but she did not give a victim impact statement.
Previous related story: Sentencing delayed for convicted child molester
bill says
Luk 17:2 it is more profitable to him if a weighty millstone is put round about his neck, and he hath been cast into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to stumble.
one has to wonder how long this matter will drag out
before the real judge gets his case before the bar of
Danny says
This guy needs to die a slow painfull death
NOAV4ME says
This dude is in for a world of hurt when he hits that prison.
Just saying says
For the victim(s) I think they should have bound his hands and taped his mouth shut, so the victim could continue with what she had to say, that way she could have some kind of closer. As for him,,,Remember what goes around comes around!!
PS… as for john, who thinks he should have a second chance…you’d be talking out of the other side of your mouth if that happened to YOU or YOURS. Oh wait!! with all the over crowding, he (or someone just like him) may get out in time to hunt you/yours down, then we’ll ask you about that second chance. Your just as bad as that scum, douche bag.
Just saying…
callitasitis says
I only wish is for this Predator is that he really serve his 25 years to life. Just like the pillow case rapist these monsters NEVER really do their time (Life). If the victim(s) do not go to their parole hearing the parole board WILL set them free to repeat their carnage in the community. They will release him back to us to deal with them. He will be screen by the mental health doctors assessed a risk level plus SSI disability. Maybe GPS by parole and supervised but really he SHOULD NEVER be Free again. We will wait and see how the Great State of California will deal with him.
confused says
After serving 3 years, how did any family members allow him access to their children?! They should also be held responsible for putting their children in harm’s way.
Staycool says
Because they never believe their family member is guilty of such a horrible thing in the first place. Sick, I know….ugh!
callitasitis says
Interfamilial molester is what the DCFS people call them. The problem with inside the family setting is the family’s unwillingness to believe the child (step dad/ boyfriends** / older brother/ uncle). A 6 year can lie about taking cookies or making a mess BUT not about this type of sexual behavior (sexual) unless they have been coached by an ex-spouse in a custody issue case. The child at the time of the molestation would of have some type of physical evidence(New DNA) that is workable for law enforcement without putting a child on the stand but it should also be apparent to a watchful parent ? This is when mommy’s should be on guard but to many are not with the new boyfriend or step dad is #1. It is a sad situation for this woman who was failed by her family at 6 years old and the other children as well.
Yes, I agree with an entry they SHOULD hold the other family members accountable but most likely now.
John says
Being a liberal I believe he deserves a second chance.
Julie says
Most ‘liberals’ would disagree….
Ryan says
He got a second chance and blew that. If you read the story “Adrian first pleaded no contest in 1996 after molesting a 6-year-old female relative numerous times over a one-year period. He served three years in state prison for that crime; and shortly his release, he began sexually abusing another young female relative.” So now do you want to give him a third chance?
Justshutup says
Being liberal has nothing to do with your opinion. I’m liberal and I want him to howl in prison while he’s reamed from behind by the law.
susie says
Sounds like a liberal…..always pro-criminal….
BigRick says
Stinger says
BigRick, I believe that you owe an apology to hard working douche bags everywhere for insulting them by comparing them to this … this… ya know, I just can’t come up with a bad enough word that wouldn’t get removed, so I’ll do it myself: This [removed].
William says
Why did you ‘remove’ the word ‘priest’?
Stinger says
@William: LOL! :-D