LANCASTER – Four teenagers were taken into custody Wednesday just minutes after two Lancaster home burglaries, and the alleged thieves may be linked to other local burglaries, authorities said.
Three 17-year-old boys and 18-year-old Daneous Nicholas were arrested after field deputies contained a Lancaster neighborhood, according to Lancaster Community Relations deputy Miguel Ruiz. Deputies also recovered stolen items from inside the alleged getaway vehicle, Ruiz added.
The incident began around 11:05 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5 with a “hot prowl” burglary at a home on the 44300 block of Honeybee Lane.
“A lone female resident was in her home when she heard the [three] subjects enter through an open window. She hid in a closet, but was discovered by the intruders,” Ruiz stated. “The subjects quickly ran out of the home after stealing jewelry.”
A few minutes later, the thieves struck again at a home about a mile and a half away, according to Ruiz.
“The same subjects were reportedly seen making entry into a home located on the 6000 block of West Avenue J-4,” Ruiz stated. “Field Deputies quickly contained the neighborhood and searched for the subjects.”
Ruiz said the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Aero unit assisted in the search and quickly spotted the suspects running from a white 2004 Chevrolet Malibu. The three 17-year-old boys – two from Los Angeles and one from Palmdale – were located and detained, Ruiz stated. The driver of the white Malibu, identified as 18-year-old Lancaster resident Daneous Nicholas, was also located and arrested, according to Ruiz.
“Stolen jewelry from the Honeybee Lane home was recovered in the white car. Additional personal property from the J-4 home was also recovered,” Ruiz stated.
Nicholas and the three juveniles were transported to the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station jail for booking, and they are expected to be charged with burglary.
“The investigation is continuing, which could possibly link the arrested individuals to other burglaries,” Ruiz stated. “Victims will be contacted soon by detectives.”
During the incident, Sundown Elementary School and Noah’s Ark Daycare were placed on lockdown for about 15 minutes.
“At no time did any of the subjects enter any of the campuses nor were any students or staff reportedly injured,” Ruiz stated.
Parent says
Those dudes should have been shot dead. Lancaster residents need to be armed. Those pos’s come in my spot; lights out
Patty Cake says
Why are my comments being moderated? They do not contain any racist remarks, no swear words, no name calling, no banned words? What’s up Admin?
William says
@Patty Cake
Contact the adminstration directly in upper right hand corner. There might have been a mixup.
BTW Your username reminded me of a great youtube video ‘cats playing patty cakes, what they are saying.
funny! says
Av Times don’t like it when you tell the truth!
Patty Cake says
Got it. Thanks for the video connection. So, big meanie William likes cats? Can’t be all that bad.
Turd Ferguson says
Great work sherriffs.Great work sherriffs.How could you do it without LEAPS?How could you do it without LEAPS.Imagine what you could do with $90,000.00 a month for more sherriffs.Imagine what you could do with $90,000.00 a month for more sherriffs.LEAPS is a joke.LEAPS is a joke.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to more sherriffs.Yes to more sherriffs.LEAPS cost $1,080,000.00 a year.LEAPS cost $1,080,000.00 a year.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.Hire more sherriffs.Hire more sherriffs.Fire LEAPS.Fire LEAPS.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to sherriffs.Yes to sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
nannynanny says
Why the surprise? The police call the AV, “Little Compton/Watts). Where are the truant officers/police?
I see many young children, teens and younger, roaming around during the day, and wonder why aren’t they in school.
Keep your eyes open everybody, and notice when you see a young person (boy or girl), walking down the street with a back-pack during the time that they should be in school.
I did see a nice white call like the one that is described, and wondered as to how in the world can they afford it.
Just wait until they open up the gate at the Ca State prison on 60th St West, and release a whole lot of criminal punks. I heard that it is going to be done immediately; releasing low-level offenders.
Jessica says
Stupid KIDS! Imagine if they had entered the wrong home. There’s been some stories lately where intruders have been shot and killed. Rightfully so! Would if that first woman that hid in a closet had a gun pointed straight out? The moment one of those kids opened that closet, it would’ve been the last thing they did.
Wrong home…If they’d entered my home, that’d have been the “wrong home” because they’d have been met with my 12 gauge shotgun with “double ought buck” and turned into hamburger meat.
callitasitis says
What triggers their criminal conduct the community is really poor parenting, They did not just one day woke up and said to each other, Hey let us make some easy money by stealing. Where do you think they keep all that stole property at? Let us see your 16-18 years who is NOT working show up with lots of stuff. You being a good and concern parent ask those critical questions, where did you get this stuff??? A good parent is a good lie detector, who does not know their own child??? Poor parents either do not care or have modeled the criminal behavior themselves. He is only doing what he has SEEN. If you really want the truth you will dig for it if you really do not want to know the truth just excuse it. The Cause and Effect. Do not tell me it is poverty because we see the rich also caught for stealing.
steve says
These are LA scums invading like coach-roaches. If they come into my home I got a mean ass dog and plenty of shotgun shells ready to be used. Guaranteed!
callitasitis says
Yes, we hear that good OLD excuse that they were only trying feed their babies. I though AFDC (taxpayers funded) will provide EBT card for these babies and their mothers. These young men are smart they see it as easy picking (property crimes). The 17 year old will be under the Juvenile Justice System so no real punishment just a hand slap. Under AB109 sentencing law PROPERTY CRIME will serve their time in county jail at no more than 3 years, under a federal court order to reduce the population because of OVERCROWDING. So a criminal is sentenced by the court to three years county jail, he is out is less than one year. It is a great deal for criminals and a bad deal for the victims. We the taxpayers are getting hosed by OUR politicians.
Kendall says
What put them to that point? Most of the comments on here are so ignorant. I’ll tell you why. You see someone who steals you think they are a low life because they stole. Yes it was wrong but Does ANYONE think about what made them get to that point…
Maybe he is a father who has been TRYING to get a job out here in the av. Which isn’t easy! Maybe that father just wanted to put food in his babies bellies. The saddest part, is people judge others SO quick but could NEVER walk a mile in their shoes. I hope what made these boys do this will come to light.
Stay strong boys, God took away all your sins, on the cross.
Jason says
Do you really think one of then was a father trying to get food for his kids? The reasons people will come up with to excuse criminal behavior. What got them to that point is a lack of solid parenting and teaching accountability for their actions. They have zero respect for other people and their property plain and simple.
TJ says
parenting skills aren’t to blame here.clearly it states they are 17 and 18 years of age at that point you cant point the finger at the parent(s) they are responsible for their own actions. I’m pretty sure nobody wants their off spring in jail. You should not judge people or their personal home life from media post.
Uh Yeah you can says
Yes you can blame parenting skills, if the children had poor upbringing by their parents then they don’t know right from wrong 18 or not. They are just held accountable for their own actions at this point. You sound like a lazy parent. Kids no longer have proper discipline at home, they do not learn respect for others. They are all self entitled little brats and were not taught accountability for their own actions. How you raise your kids for the first 18 years will reflect how they grow up.
Jason hill says
No you cannot blame the parenting skills, I grew up in the same house hold with one of the boys that’s was arrested, and I can tell you for a fact that we were raised by two hard working parents. My mother, father, not myself have ever been arrested. My parents work hard for everything they have/had. My brother just was being a dummy, and yes I personally feel he should do time for his actions, but our parents are not to blame, and neither or the other children’s parents.
P.W. says
JASON – These kids just have nothing better to do than skip school and steal to afford their drugs, alcohol or pot. I bet you’d be singing a different tune if they broke into your home or apartment and stole whatever you worked hard to get. There are plenty of jobs out there for kids their age but they’d rather steal. I too believe some of these behaviors from kids stems from their a product of their environment!!!! If I would have caught them in my house I’d shoot them in the foot so they wouldn’t steal from another HARD WORKING SOUL as they wouldn’t get very far!!
P.W. says
Correction **stems from poor parenting or LACK OF parenting.
callitasitis says
If you shot them in your house or apartment, you will be in jail or worst in prison. The system does not work for the regular people so my advice: arrest them under citizen arrest hold them at gun point under the cops arrive. Make sure the dispatcher knows it that you are holding them at gun point. What ever you do , DO NOT shot them unless they attack you. If they run let them run because the LASD will arrest you and the DA office will file against you IF you shot them. You will not believe the nightmare the system will put you through in LA COUNTY.
Jason says
PW I think you took my post wrong. I wasnt condoning what they were doing, I was speaking out against it and the excuses some in society make for people like this.
wow says
The word enabler comes to mind when I read your comment. Jobs are available in the AV, maybe they’re not glamorous, but they are out there. The reality is that people today would rather get what they need by way of handout or simply by taking it. Entitlement is everywhere.
Yup says
Self Entitlement. They do not care about others, they lack discipline and respect.
Hammer Pants says
“Criminals indulge on society’s “understanding””.
I can assure you these kids weren’t looking for a job, they weren’t looking to put food in their family’s belly. If that was the case they’d steal some applications and go to the store and steal FOOD.
They were looking for loot they could pawn, sell or trade for whatever it was they wanted.
I don’t think anyone here is judging either. I think most of us are pissed because we work hard and enjoy the things we are able to afford and then a few criminals decide that they “need” it more than we do. Just because they are too lazy or too stupid to get a job, or because nobody would hire them (wonder why?)
Furthermore, none of us want to walk in their shoes. That’s why we don’t steal from others, have respect for others property and have our own stuff. Because we know it’s not worth going to jail over or getting shot breaking into people’s houses. But you go right ahead and sympathize and walk in their shoes if you’d like. Sounds like you’d fit right in with them.
And all that “”God” paid for your sins” stuff does not apply here. This has little to do with “sinning” as it does doing stealing stuff from others that is not yours.
Perhaps you should remove your head from your gluteusmaximus.
And TJ, this has everything to do with parenting. Sure the “kids” we’re old enough to “make their own choices”, but do you think breaking and entering and stealing are alternatives that their parents taught them to do? Chances are no, but that depends on the environment in which they were raised… Sounds like parenting to me.
lisa says
“God took away your sins, on the cross” WHAT!!! That doesn’t mean you have a pass to lie steal and SIN and it’s all excused. Someone’s struggles doesn’t make it ok. If you need help ASK!!!
Mario says
Ayeeee Blood You FUFU
Patty Cake says
Are you kidding me? If any of these young males is a father, the problem is even worse than what is reported in this news story. They seem to have the “gimme whats mine”, attitude that is prevalent in the families of gang kids. No denying them anything they want. They find a way to get it whether it’s from lying, cheating or stealing, all the while Momma’s talking about “God is good”.
They take pride in instilling fear in the elderly and will steal from anyone at anytime.
Drug rehab? haha. These kids have learned (been schooled in) how to work the system and will plead “not guilty” even though they were caught red handed. This will cost the community plenty.
I would expect their family and friends to come on here shooting their mouths off about how God is watching over them and will forgive them no matter what they have done. They’ll be talking about what great kids they are. Great kids don’t do this crap. These guys are not drug addicts breaking into a house to feed their families (sheesh), they are thieves and gangsters.
They are lucky the girl in the closet didn’t shot someone when they opened the closet door. I wouldn’t have hesitated. They were there to take what was not theirs and probably were armed.
These crimes have nothing to do with the job situation. None of them would work. They probably can’t read and have never HAD to be anyplace but court at a specific time. These guys know they can’t smoke weed and run game on everyone if they are tied up with a REAL job. Their “girls” don’t want them to work because they can’t keep an eye on them.
I did notice this story said NOTHING about race. I am glad about that.
“Maybe he is a father who has been TRYING to get a job….” Or maybe he is a CRACKHEAD looking for easy money so he can buy crack! Geeze…get real you liberal entitlement knucklehead.
callitasitis says
So these young men as strong Christian believers? Wow, did not know that Jesus taught stealing from your neighbor is God’s work? Must be a different bible. Or are you saying to these young men to change their criminal ways through Jesus? OR that their sins are forgiven IF they accept Christ and turn away from their sin (stealing). Or are you saying they are forgiven without acknowledgement of own their sin?
Alice says
Too close to home for me…I’ll hide in the closet too…that’s where my 9mm is…..
lisa says
My son recently had his expensive scooter stolen out of the back yard of home on ave K and yew st. in Lancaster. Hmmmm just a thought.
Cheri says
Local schools on the far westside went on lockdown for this madness! I got an e-mail from my child’s school after the fact!
jordan miller says
Drug court is more like it. These young kids may still have a chance to be productive members of society if they can get off the opiates they are likely fiending for.
John says
Hey Jordan: How about they move in with you and your family during their so called rehab?
cookha says
Thanks to Prop 47, they’ll be back out on the street repeating in no time.
Michelle Egberts says
@Cooka… Where is the “nexus” (connection) with Prop 47 and Residential Burglary/First Degree Burglary? With a person present in the home at the time of the burglary is a “strike” offense, not to mention a SERIOUS/VIOLENT FELONY under California’s sentencing law and will do 85% of their sentence in STATE PRISON.
Personally, I’m glad that the victim of the crime when discovered by these individuals was not physically harmed, raped or killed. However, with the emotional trauma she experienced she may be eligible for CALIFORNIA VICTIMS OF CRIME compensation http://www.vcgcb.ca.gov/
Furthermore, why weren’t these juveniles in school at the time of the commission of the crime and the parents have some accountability in this as well. The 17 yr. old’s could well be prosecuted as adults. Hopefully whatever “triggered” their criminality, they will take advantage of the programs offered during their incarceration i.e. drug treatment, GED or vocational training.
Ff says
What a bunch of losers.
Patty Cake says
Daneous SB Nicholas? Is that the same guy? 60’s Crips?
Jon V says
What LEAPS was not used? What a wasted of our money… Thanks REX!!
mike says
Are we still beating the leaps thing. Nobody cares anymore it’s not going to go away until it crashes.
Turd Ferguson says
We keep beating LEAPS because it is a waste of taxpayer money.We keep beating LEAPS because it is a waste of taxpayer money.It is like teets on a bull.It is like teets on a bull.We are on the hook for 10,800,000.00.We are on the hook for $10,800,000.00.To Rexs pals.To Rexs pals.Enough is enough.Enough is enough.We need the money for more Sherriffs.We need the money for more Sherriffs.We need the money to help the homeless.We need the money to help the homeless.We need the mo RY to pay off the lawsuits from Rexs big mouth.We need the money to pay off the lawsuits from Rexs big mouth.No to LEAPS.No To LEAPS.
Turd says
Yes LEAPS is a waste of money.Yes LEAPS is a waste of money.A worthless failed boondoggle.A worthless failed boondoggle.Just to keep Rexs friends in the dough.Just to keep Rexs friends in the dough.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.
Patty Cake says
Why don’t we hear anything about LEAPS?
I imagine that plane has a stripper pole in it with our “beloved” city officials tossing $$$ at some girl as they fly around above Lancaster.
Jip Joe says
Give them each 10 years hard labor. One meal a day. Clean clothes once a month. No tv, no pc, no gym, nothing! No more Hotel California for criminals.
IConcur says
You got it Jip Joe! If they would make prison a true punishment–no tv, computer, gym, etc. it would help decrease the repeat offenders. Send these little thugs off to a place of true deprivation and maybe they won’t want to break the law again.