By Lancaster resident Joey Gorman. [Gorman’s senior parents were stranded some 55 miles away from home last week after purchasing fuel (alleged to be contaminated) from the Shell gas station on the corner of Challenger Way and Avenue K].
On Oct. 2, 2014, my father filled up his minivan to take his wife down to Panorama City for testing due to her seven-year battle with breast cancer. They made it from Lancaster to Panorama City, but upon leaving Kaiser, their van started stalling and the ‘check engine’ light started flashing. The minivan is only a year old. The only option was to have it towed to the nearest dealership in Van Nuys and have family drive from Lancaster to bring them back home.
The next day, Honda called and stated the problem was due to contaminated fuel. They said repairing it would start at $800, and it might be higher depending on the damage from the bad fuel.
Once getting this information, we contacted the Shell station directly, at around 10 a.m. Oct. 3, and spoke with the manager, Suzie. She said they were waiting for inspectors to come out and inspect the tanks and see what was happening. She stated that all she was doing was taking names and phone numbers until they get the results from the inspection. I then stopped by around 5 p.m. that afternoon to find out the status of the inspection.
When I arrived, I snapped a photo (see above) of the inspectors working at the tanks. The Shell station had stopped selling any unleaded fuel by this time.
I spoke to Suzie in person, this time regarding the reimbursement to customers due to this. She stated she was still waiting for the inspectors to finish and give her a report, and she would contact everyone on her list. She also stated that it only appeared to be the unleaded fuel that was affected, and if the fuel was contaminated, the repairs would be their (Shell’s) responsibility.
I found out Saturday that the Honda dealership had possibly found more damage to my parents’ minivan due to the contaminated fuel, which would be additional costs.
I again contacted the Shell station. When the person answered the phone, she stated Suzie had left and I would have to contact the corporate office. When trying to contact the corporate office, it went right to voicemail.
At this point, we have not heard anything back from the Shell station manager or the corporate office. At this time, my parents’ van is still sitting at Honda in Van Nuys waiting for parts to repair the damage this station has caused.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
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Editor’s note: We tried contacting the Shell station for more information on this incident, and we were told we would have to contact the corporate office at 877-867-4355. Repeated calls to that number went straight to voicemail.
Jim Scimonetti says
I remember this same gas station had this problem right after it opened up about 10 years ago. It was a big story in the local news because it damaged the fuel systems to a whole lot of cars. I do not trust those guys. The odd thing about this is that all these gas stations are buying their fuel (wholesale) from the very same refinery’s. Why is it that THIS particular Shell station is one having these issues? I smell a rat.
Carlos Castellon says
I also purchased gas last week at this shell gas station and the car that I am purchasing to give to my parents started misfiring really bad and I didn’t know why since I am taking VERY good car of this car to give to my parents…… Figured ill look into it later so I rode my motorcycle to and from work. Well I stopped to fill my brand new bike and sure enough my bike started misfiring!!!!!!!!!! Both of my forms of transportation are down because of this contaminated gas. I spend the extra money to make sure I get better gas WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM PISSED. My car is at the Ford dealer and I got an estimate of about $2800 to fix my car……FML I am currently waiting to see what they tell me about my BRAND NEW Harley. WTH Shell???
I AM PISSSSSSSSEEEEEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Esmeralda says
If you were a victim of this and have proof, call 1-503-512-7761. They will have your shop fax them a copy of an estimate of the repairs and will take care of the expenses. Not sure how long it will take since I , myself am waiting to get my car repaired
cheryl says
I have had problems like this in the past with shell before but not as bad just damaged my fuel pump. I stopped buying Shell gas 15 years ago. Every time I went there seems something went wrong with my car.
sees says
Hmmm, that corner could be a great site and surrounding area for a shopping mall to be developed. Hmmm
Joyce Macconnell says
Happened to me too car currently at Hunter Dodge awaiting repair over $500, Finally spoke to someone in Texas at Shell today Tues who is getting things done
Jennifer says
who do I call? my car wont even start this morning?
JG says
888-GO-SHELL (888-467-4355)
marchella says
I bought gas on Thursday the 2nd and the same thing happened to me. My 2014 Honda Accord is still at Lancaster Honda. They thought it would be ready today but they keep finding more and more stuff wrong. We started out at $295, now we’re at $1,800.
Adrienne says
I had the same problem with this gas station about 10 years ago. The repair costs were over $1000 but I was reimbursed from Shell. Make sure you keep your gas and repair receipts. I have refused to buy gas from this station ever since then.
Z says
Way to hype up a headline.
Eric says
Definite click bait.
KayDee says
I bet you wouldn’t say that if it was your Nana stranded down the hill after her cancer treatment. If this was my mother or Nana, best believe this shady shell station would have a lot more to worry about than a letter. Shame on you for trying to downplay!
Eric says
They went for testing, not treatment. This would have been an issue, regardless the age or health of the seniors. It is what it is; click bait. The article is regarding issues with the gasoline, not the health and well being of the elders. It is irrelevant information, intended to incite.
Z says
I would still say that if that was my nana or whoever. The topic of the story has to do with bad gasoline that is damaging many vehicles and causing a lot of strife to their owners. And yes, if that was my nana or me or whoever, this station does have a lot more to worry about and a lot of people to reimburse and pay for damages for, but, am I downplaying what I read? Not at all. No shame on me. I’m just reading the story.
Eric says
I filled my car up at that station for years; now I do at the one on the westside of Lancaster (same owners). Never had a problem with their fuel. It sounds like they are on top of it and taking responsibility, sounds like some people just need to be a bit more patient.
Eric says
They also operate the Shell on 47th East & S.
J says
Thanks, I won’t go there either.
Eric says
One of the ONLY gas stations on that side of town as well. Quite a mass residential area. Who knows how many complaints that they will have to deal with from this, could cause quite a delay. Add to it that it has now been publicized, there are probably tons of people running in claiming that the station has caused their automobiles to have defects, claiming they bought gas there with cash and have no receipt. Sure that isn’t making it any easier.
Cindy says
10 years again it did happen to my family as well at that same gas station, we had to threaten with a law suit to get someone to hear our complaints and do something. Also it is correct you have to keep some of the contaminated gas as proof, not the whole gas tank full but some, we kept a half a gallon of it. This problem caused alot of damage to our car’s fuel system and is not an easy fix. If your smart stop buying gas from those gas stations, they will do as little as possible to help you, no rental car or anything extra.
Dave says
Comprehensive covers all non-collision incidents. Flooding, vandalism, and animal damage are some of the more common claims on a comprehensive policy. Comprehensive is an add-on and is not part of a basic policy which only offers liability. If contaminated gas has caused damage to your vehicle, check your policy to see if you have comprehensive.If you are carrying comprehensive you will need to contact your agent in regards to coverage for contaminated gasoline. Some policies offer protection against contaminated fuel while others rule out coverage.
Terri Rowe says
Get the same attorney!!
nicole says
Years ago, maybe 8-10 yrs ago, this same thing happened to my grandparents after purchasing gas from this same shell station. Shell paid for a New engine & fuel pump, etc………..
JumpinJackFlash says
NO-NO-NO to a “Class Action” suit. The only ones to make out on those are the lawyers and the originators. Attorneys fees get racked up, it takes years and EVERYONE ELSE gets the short end of the stick.
I they are willing to take care of the claims, let them. Law suits should be always the last resort.
Don’t believe the slick ads from ambulance chasers.
Mel says
I got gas Thursday night also and my car broke down on Friday. Car is still in the shop and cost to fix is going up.
Katy Day says
I filled up with unleaded gas at Shell on Challenger and Ave K on Thursday, 2 Oct. My car broke down Thursday night and I had to have it towed to a repair shop. It has been there ever since and the costs are adding up as I write this to determine the extent of the damage, not to mention the tank full of gas, the towing costs, and my inconvenience of having to find transportation to church, to work, and to re-arrange my week since I did not have a car and had multiple costs to take care of. The Shell station refused to give me any more information than the fact that they are doing an investigation. That really doesn’t help me though.
Max says
You can clear water from a car gas tank and fuel system with a fuel additive you buy at an auto parts store. I have seen mechanics spend many hours diagnosing a car’s problems when it was just water in the tank. If you get a sudden brief loss of power, maybe only when going uphill, it’s a clue…
afram says
you mite be right,i always fill my gas there last time it was on 9/26/14 and during this period i experienced sudden drop in speed.again today 10/06/14 at 9pm i filled my tank but i added stp fuel injection to my full tank of gas .but id did seen many peoples talking to the cashiers no one saying any things until i got home when my son was browsing in local news and its all over the news about gas contamination at that shell at challenger way .i will find out tomorrow when i drive my car again and see the performance .
Angie says
could there be any long term effects?? i go to that shell all the time and i definitely went last week. no problems with my car so far thank god, but just wondering if anyone knows if its just immediate or could it have long term consequences. thank you
BigRick says
…. i smell the blame game.?
DJ says
I remember hearing about this same problem 5 – 8 years ago. Same gas station.
Sandy says
Turn them into BAR Bureau of Auto Repair
james stouvenel says
Shell gas stations have a history of selling bad gas mixed with water.
I knew this 20 years ago. My grandfather would refuse to go to shell.
Arco has way better gas as well as chevron .
jj says
This station has gotten in trouble before for watering their fuel down
mgonzalez says
Wow that happened to my daughter in August from the same place!! We also couldn’t figure out what happened to the car and until the car was flushed out.
Marie Aguirre says
Oh my gosh! I was just reading somewhere last week that few people went and gassed up at a Lancaster Shell station and they were having problems with their cars afterwards!
Pepper says
Start seeking an attorney.