PALMDALE – Kinkisharyo, a world leader in rail car production, has announced that it will construct a new, permanent manufacturing facility in Palmdale.
In a letter sent to the Palmdale’s Director of Economic Development and Communications Dave Walter, Kinkisharyo General Manager, Program Management Donald S. Boss wrote, “We look forward to partnering with the City and the opportunity to develop a long term working relationship. On behalf of all of us at Kinkisharyo, we thank you for your patience and appreciate the effort that you and your team went through to make this deal happen. We will be proud to call Palmdale our new home.”
The City will sell 60 acres of land located on the corner of Sierra Highway and Avenue M for $1.3 million to Kinkisharyo, and bring utilities and infrastructure to the property. The targeted completion date is May 2015.
“This is a monumental project for Palmdale and the Antelope Valley as a whole,” said Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford. “Having Kinkisharyo come here and build a permanent facility helps further solidify our position as the transportation epicenter California. Where else do you have two high speed rails systems, two freeways, commuter rail, and an airport converge in one location, inside a Foreign Trade Zone and with a major railcar manufacturer smack dab in the middle? I believe this is just the beginning of a manufacturing renaissance here in the Antelope Valley.”
The $60 million dollar project to build the 460,000 square foot plant will create hundreds of construction jobs and when completed provide between 150 to 200 high paying jobs.
“With the Palmdale Power Plant and now Kinkisharyo at the Sierra Highway and Ave. M location, it kick starts one of the most valuable pieces of industrial real estate in Southern California,” Ledford said. “As this area is developed with infrastructure, as well as easy access to rail and freeways, it opens up the reality of creating an inland port right here in the AV. This will bring even more jobs and economic stability to our region.”
Currently, Kinkisharyo is leasing a hanger at Palmdale Plant 42’s Site 9 where the first two railcars are scheduled to be completed by June. Kinkisharyo landed a 10-year, $891 million contract with MTA in Los Angeles for over 200 rail cars for the Metro system.
“We’ve been waiting for this day for a long time,” said Economic Development Director Dave Walter. “So many people and organizations played huge roles in making this a reality. Supervisor Antonovich, the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, our Mayor and Council, and City staff went above and beyond to do everything they could to help solidify the deal.”
Some of Kinkisharyo’s other clients include Boston’s MBTA, New Jersey’s Hudson-Bergon Light Rail and Newark City Subway, San Jose’s VTA Light Rail, Seattle’s Sound Transit Central Link Light Rail. Dallas’ Dart Light Rail, Hong Kong’s Kowloon-Canton Railway, Singapore’s Mass Transit System, Japan Rail Group, Philippine’s Manila Light Rail Transit System, UAE’s Dubai Metro, Egypt’s Cairo Metro and the Trans-Australian Express train coaches.
For more information, contact Palmdale’s Economic Development and Communications Department at 661-267-5125.
For more information on Kinkisharyo, visit www.kinkisharyo-usa.com.
(Information via press release from the city of Palmdale.)
khmere@hotmail.com says
If you want Kinkisharyo to build the rail plant in Palmdale, the electric teamster or the IBE whatever need to stop filing their lawsuit base on environmental impact. The only thing they are interested is money in their pockets. A bunch of freakin’ communists.
We need jobs here, especially in California. If Kinkisharyo move out of state, blame the electric teamsters.
Rail Fan says
IBEW Local 11 is Thieves trying to Line their pockets. The IBEW is not giving any cares to any of the Outer jobs they could Cost Palmdale, IBEW Local 11 this is California not Chicago take your Dirty Games Some where elce and Stop playing Games
Bob S. says
Palmdale has a mayor with visionary ideas and Lancaster has one with singular thoughts of taking what he can and stealing the rest.
AV Truth says
Now the Lancaster mayor is scaring people with his “asteroid” schtick. If he was really concerned about any carbon footprint he would take his dog and pony show on the road to Germany and China and India where they are burning coal faster than a trial lawyer chasing an ambulance. How much money is he making from his scare tactics?
Interest in Lancaster-Property owner says
Its a shame for 2 towns that suppose to be unified bashing Lancaster. My kids live in Palmdale by the elite gulf course & now Quartz Hill. Vitrina Lane has changed quite a bit. You all should live in unity and support each other. It is a shame to batch each other try to find common grounds and work in Unity. As for one of your Palmdale resident that does not believe in God Theresa. Wake up & be careful God is a jealous God & don’t think that there is no God because you are so wrong. I wish Palmdale & Lancaster the best and please find common grounds & do what is best for the Antelope Valley. Rex is the mayor of Lancaster don’t bash the city of Lancaster because you may have differences with Rex.
Son of the Anti Rex says
Yes Rex is the Mayor of Lancaster and for that reason I have a problem with Lancaster. He has ruined a very good place with his idiotic actions and deeds. Lancaster is dead to me with Rex in power.
William says
@Interest in Lancaster-property owner
Funny for so ‘holy’ a person as you that your priority as a ‘Lancaster property owner’ is your ‘Lancaster property’.
Anyway, this ‘God’ you speak of, is it the ‘invisible one’, the one with the white hair and beard and the booming voice, the ‘jealous God’ or the ‘benevolent one’?
So, you are using this ‘God’ to tell me I’m wrong. Interesting. How Christian of you. Where did you learn such things? LBC?
Bottom line. You ain’t helping Lancaster’s image even as you pretend to. You might want to talk directly to Rex. HE is the problem, not me.
theresa says
Thankful that God blesses Palmdale. Keep marching forward Palmdale leaders. We stand behind you!
William says
@theresa and others
While I don’t believe in God, I do think that the good things that keep happening for Palmdale are an accurate reflection of the City’s elected officials and staff. They are good people who put the City and its residents before their personal or financial gain. That is attractive to potential business owners even if they aren’t necessarily aware of the details. It’s the kind of thing you can sense when speaking to Mayor Ledford, the Counicl Members and City Staff. Would you rather buy a used car from Rex Parris or Mayor Ledford?
I guess it’s a matter of ‘if the City and its residents do well, it’s their reward for having contributed to it’.
The contrast between Palmdale and Lancaster is so obvious. So much of the activity that Lancaster’s ‘good ol’ boy’ leaders are behind benefits them financially regardless of whether or not it is something the citizens want or if it benefits them at all.
Certain people benefited financially from selling the property across from Quartz Hill High School to Walmart and then the Planning Commission rezoned it (and guess who was on that commission?), from remodeling Lancaster Boulevard, from the spy plane, and other ventures. A certain church and a predatory trade school have benefited from their close association with the city of Lancaster as did the owner of a car dealership that I will never patronize.
And, that folks, is why Lancaster keeps falling behind Palmdale in having desirable retail, dining establishments and even a rail car manufacturer that have located in our City minus all the shady dealings and controversy that takes place in Lancaster such as the problems with BYD and how it paid its employees and Rex suing Starwoods as they left town. I’m sure other businesses will think twice before locating there if they do any research. Of course, they’ll need a little ‘gift’ from Lancaster’s coffers to complete the deal.
What gets me is how much Rex boasts and brags about coming attractions while Mayor Ledford teases us with the news of a new business but can’t tell us till it’s a completed deal and then makes an announcement. Then, he goes about working on the next great thing, quietly.
I do notice that Rex doesn’t say much about the ‘world class, heart of the Valley, safest place in the universe BLVD’ any longer. Apparently he’s out of town a lot at another residence, so he doesn’t frequent the BLVD like he expected everyone in the world to do while he has better places to go and things to do.
It’s been fun, Rex, watching you kick and scream for the last few years while Mayor Ledford has been politely eating your lunch like the gentleman he is. The best you could do is to sue Palmdale. But, Palmdale will be fine whatever the outcome. Your pathetic attempts to do damage to my City seem to have caused Lancaster more harm in the end. Talk about karma being a b****. Rex, you’ve got a lot more coming at ya from the universe. The universe just doesn’t like you and for good reasons.
Son of the Anti Rex says
Amen, William.
William says
@Son of the Anti Rex
You’ll love this from the Get Parris Out of Lancaster website in reference to the district lawsuit.
“”In a declaration to the court over his request for more than $1.3 million in fees for his firm, Parris said his firm’s reputation has been harmed by (Palmdale) city officials’ repeated accusations that the lawsuit is being pursued to make money for the attorneys.
“From the beginning of the litigation and continuing today, the city of Palmdale has engaged in an unrelenting publicity campaign, both on the Internet and in announcements to the local press, accusing plaintiffs’ attorney of being ‘money-grubbing lawyers’ who filed this case for no other purpose than to ‘rip off the taxpayers,'” Parris’ declaration says. “Because of the significant media attention this case has received the disparagement of plaintiffs’ attorneys by Defendant has, and continues to have, a negative impact on this firm’s standing in the community.”
So, I guess Rex will now sue Palmdale for libel and/or slander because he is the lowest of the low. There ain’t any any lower to go than R. Rex Parris.
I mean, doesn’t this guy have any shame? Is he missing the ‘shame gene’ in his DNA? All Palmdale has to do is publish all the disparaging things Rex has said about Palmdale and Mayor Ledford.
Not only has Rex damaged his firm’s reputation in the community but Lancaster’s as well. He’s a joke in news media outside the Antelope Valley somewhat like the mayor of Toronto, Canada.
I caught one of his ‘solar capital of the world’ lectures, including the twirling of hands, on TWC28 the other day and he was boasting about how the world now knows what a futuristic, forward thinking city Lancaster is. Can you imagine someone from another state or country coming to see Lancaster for himself and wondering WTF is he talking about?
There are some solar farms, Walmarts, thrift stores, auto wrecking yards, half empty shopping centers, seedy motels on Sierra Highway, and a $10 million BLVD of failed dreams. Did I leave anything out? A mayor that sues business in his own city, sues neighboring cities and 2 American Legion posts in Lancaster. What’s there not to like?
The best thing Lancaster has going is a COSTCO. And, even COSTCO wanted to move closer to Palmdale.
Poor, poor Rex. Not only is he unloved by most people in the Antelope Valley but the thing he values most-$$$$s- was reduced by the judge. So, he loses twice. That’s 2 fer flinching.
I’m guessing that there will be a new technology in the next 5 years that will make those solar farms obsolete given Rex’s ability to taint everything he touches. He’s sorta the Dick Cheney of mayors. Always wrong but never in doubt.
William says
@Son of the Anti Rex
You’ll love this from the Get Parris Out of Lancaster website in reference to the district lawsuit.
“”In a declaration to the court over his request for more than $1.3 million in fees for his firm, Parris said his firm’s reputation has been harmed by (Palmdale) city officials’ repeated accusations that the lawsuit is being pursued to make money for the attorneys.
“From the beginning of the litigation and continuing today, the city of Palmdale has engaged in an unrelenting publicity campaign, both on the Internet and in announcements to the local press, accusing plaintiffs’ attorney of being ‘money-grubbing lawyers’ who filed this case for no other purpose than to ‘rip off the taxpayers,’” Parris’ declaration says. “Because of the significant media attention this case has received the disparagement of plaintiffs’ attorneys by Defendant has, and continues to have, a negative impact on this firm’s standing in the community.”
So, I guess Rex will now sue Palmdale for libel and/or slander because he is the lowest of the low. There ain’t any any lower to go than R. Rex Parris.
I mean, doesn’t this guy have any shame? Is he missing the ‘shame gene’ in his DNA? All Palmdale has to do is publish all the disparaging things Rex has said about Palmdale and Mayor Ledford.
Not only has Rex damaged his firm’s reputation in the community but Lancaster’s as well. He’s a joke in news media outside the Antelope Valley somewhat like the mayor of Toronto, Canada.
I caught one of his ‘solar capital of the world’ lectures, including the twirling of hands, on TWC28 the other day and he was boasting about how the world now knows what a futuristic, forward thinking city Lancaster is. Can you imagine someone from another state or country coming to see Lancaster for himself and wondering WTF is he talking about?
There are some solar farms, Walmarts, thrift stores, auto wrecking yards, half empty shopping centers, seedy motels on Sierra Highway, and a $10 million BLVD of failed dreams. Did I leave anything out? A mayor that sues business in his own city, sues neighboring cities and 2 American Legion posts in Lancaster. What’s there not to like?
The best thing Lancaster has going is a COSTCO. And, even COSTCO wanted to move closer to Palmdale.
Poor, poor Rex. Not only is he unloved by most people in the Antelope Valley but the thing he values most-$$$$s- was reduced by the judge. So, he loses twice. That’s 2 fer flinching.
I’m guessing that there will be a new technology in the next 5 years that will make those solar farms obsolete given Rex’s ability to taint everything he touches. He’s sorta the Dick Cheney of mayors. Always wrong but never in doubt.
:( says
$100+ million BLVD of failed dreams. Added a zero for you William. Otherwise you are spot on!
soapbox journal says
Answer me this if you can. Why does Palmdale have a high school named for the Mayor of Lancaster, and why doesn’t the city of Palmdale change the name if our mayor is so much trouble?
Eric says
If the high school in discussion was a high performing, magnet school, there may be an argument. But we are talking a “continuation” school. While there are quality students there, there also quite a few “hoodlums” there. Its more a barb than an honor.
It was also built well before Parris was mayor out here.
Money Talks says
Simple answer. Money. He paid for it. Like he paid for his name at the Fair. Like he buys loyalty. Money, money, money, money…money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
William says
Rex has the same mentality as a gang-banger ‘putting’ his name over everything in the Valley like graffiti.
San Francisco wanted to name their sewage treatment plant after George Bush so why couldn’t Palmdale name theirs after R. Rex Parris. Both are full of ‘it’.
It’s only fitting.
Bob S says
Golly Mr. Rex, why is you keep striking out to the mayor of Palmdale. Oh yeah forgot, you did get us the Blvd. to nowhere.
William says
@Bob S
Well, Bob, the BLVD does go from one end to the other and has trees. I’m just not sure if they are real like those wonderful bird songs.
And, it was such a great idea for Rex to hire people to dress like homeless folks to add charm to the BLVD and pretend to steal sandwiches from young women. That is so ‘BLVD’.
What’s next, a ‘High Noon’ re-enactment?
A go kart race with crashes? Oops! That was Rex crashing, a metaphor for the BLVD and his terms as mayor.
The way things have been going, I wouldn’t be surprised if the sun quit shining on Lancaster and its solar panels. I’m guessing that in a short time, a new technology will come out that will make them obsolete. Of course, the solution to that would be to do more landscaping on the BLVD and/or put roundabouts on the 14 freeway.
Well, that was fun.
SayWhuu! says
250 jobs but how many of them are going to be there people? Will just have to wait an see!
Nikolas says
This is fantastic news!
250 permanent, well-paying jobs support, what, 3-4x that number of entry-level/minimum wage jobs in the community? I don’t know the exact number, but I know that it will have a positive affect on the community beyond the direct jobs created.
Interesting to hear him speak of the 2nd freeway (long-proposed connector between the 14 and I-15). That is still at least a decade away. If they break ground on that project prior to 2024, I’ll be beside myself.
Same goes for the Desert XPress rail line between Palmdale, Victorville and Las Vegas.. And of course the CA HSR project (which I am a BIG supporter of).
I was telling my wife that we need to by some land within walking distance of the proposed HSR station in Palmdale. The value will skyrocket as the project nears completion.
TheBigLebowski says
2 freeways – 138 and 14.
bird says
Fantastic! This has been in the works for over two years, with more like 250 permanent jobs.
William says
Good work, Mayor Ledford. You’re unstoppable.
But, I can’t help wondering why the company didn’t locate in so very ‘business friendly’
And, to all you folks who whined a while back when new restaurants and retail were coming to Palmdale, that you wanted good paying jobs and manufacturing, let’s hear some positive comments about this project.
Parris will get a couple million from suing Palmdale but what good does that do for Lancaster residents, I ask you? Time for them to wise up.
j says
So another freeway to get to palmdale other then the 14?
Damien says
Why would we need another freeway other than the 14? Hopefully all 150+ jobs will be fulfilled by hiring AV residents and with the large pool of Aerospace workers out here, they should have no problem filling those positions.
Well done Dave.
Will says
I’m assuming the two freeways and (functioning) airport are in the future plans for Palmdale.