LANCASTER – Three men were found guilty Thursday for their involvement in the 2012 daylight shooting death of a man in Lancaster.
Terrell Henderson, 22, Randy “Bam” Sullivan, 36, and Joshua Lockett, 21, were all found guilty of second degree murder. However, the jury rejected the gang enhancement allegations.
“I’m satisfied,” said the victim’s mother, Sheila Kaufman, who wept as the last verdict was read. “My son finally gets to rest in peace.”

Her son, Brandy “Brandon” Houston, was shot 12 times during an afternoon street brawl near Coach’s Sports Bar on Nov. 29, 2012. Though none of the three defendants pulled the trigger, they’re every bit as culpable for Houston’s death, prosecutor Jon Hatami convinced the jury.
“The jury system worked, and justice has been served today,” Hatami said Thursday.
More than two dozen witnesses testified during the 21-day trial. The prosecution stressed that the murder was gang related, while the defense claimed it was a “baby mama drama” case.
On the morning of his death, Houston and the mother of his child got into an argument. She called her sister for a ride out of the residence, but her sister instead sent Henderson, Sullivan and Lockett to pick her up. When they arrived, an argument broke out between the three defendants and Houston. The three defendants left but promised they would return, according to court testimony.
Sometime later, during the noon hour, Henderson, Sullivan and Lockett returned with the shooter and another man. A street brawl involving around a dozen people, including the defendants, ensued. During the fight, the shooter walked through the crowd, went directly to Houston and shot him 12 times, killing him, according to the prosecutor.
The shooter still hasn’t been identified.

“Is the shooter also responsible? Obviously. But those three [defendants] are the ones who know who the shooter is,” Hatami said. “They started the fight and brought the shooter… The three people who were ultimately responsible have been convicted and brought to justice.”
Jurors deliberated for 12 hours before handing down the guilty verdicts. The defendants are due back for sentencing on May 9. Henderson faces 35 years to life in state prison; Sullivan faces 17 years to life; and Lockett faces 15 years to life in prison.
The other man the trio brought to the scene is believed to be Denelle Wilson, Hatami said. Wilson is now wanted on a $500,000 warrant for accessory to commit murder.
Anyone with information on Denelle Wilson or the shooter’s identity is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Homicide Division at 323-890-5500. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477.
Previous related stories:
Trial opens for 3 charged in daylight murder
Trio pleads not guilty in daylight shooting death
Gunman still at large in daylight shooting death, witnesses say
3 arrested for murder in daylight shooting death
Man shot to death in Lancaster
Christina says
people are dumb black is so quick to holler racist. But we constantly killing each other, harming one another. And still do not know how to come to together as a whole. Please people get it together
John says
The prosecutor proved to the jury that the three men created the circumstances that resulted in the killing of Mr. Houston. Punishable with 15 years to life in prison.
Justice has been served were it concerns these three men.
I am sure the shooter will be charged with first-degree murder when he is caught.
just saying says
There was one, 1, just one shooter. So that makes 1 killer and 3 guys who may Have fought with this person but did not kill him are doing life. ??BUT THE KILLER IS FREE? How much sense does that make? Thats how much in tax dollars to house these young individuals who did not commit this murder for life? Wow and that’s what you are calling justice. Stop complaining then about taxes. This is justice comes with a price for all of us. Now we are looking 50+ years in house feeding and watching these non murders. Because we all know 1 year+life in california means you are doing life.
John says
The three men are responsible for Mr. Houston’s death because they brought the shooter to the scene, instigated the fight that ended in Houston’s death, and then left the scene with the shooter.
Disappointed black man says
If I know the killer is, brought the killer, and have the nerve not to say who the killer is in the investigation….guess what you are the killer
This is b says
That’s wrong giving them 15 to life Lancaster is racist don’t care what no one says they don’t like is blacks. I’m a x gang banger and can tell u this the fool that killed Brandon killed him over something deeper than what happen. That fight was his sure way to kill him. Them 3 didn’t bring him with them. Cuz had to be hanging in the crowd to shot him. Tell me this why he only kill Brandon and not others fools. Brandon was into something else and got shot at weeks before that. Now no one seen the shooter or could give a description of him punk ass buster in av. They know who killed that [removed]and probably hanging with him now. Trust that. Brandon was a crap and av has lots of slobs out there. Get the picture crip vs blood. Another crip dead. I bet the killer is a blood.
Jason says
Sorry but 15 years to life isnt racist, its the consequences for bringing a killer to a fight.
Seriously says
Getting 15 years to life is NOT racist! lol Sorry I had to laugh at that…Yes racisit still exists, but this was not racist lol. Hell, if anybody is racist it is blacks being racist, jealous, etc against other blacks. And I agree, it was a personal thing considiering how the coward stood over him and shot him. That clearly states it was personal! Whether or not the 3 dudes bought the killer with them, he showed up when they did, and THEY (the 3 dudes) know who the killer is, and since they pride themselves in the hideous “no snitching” street code, they are going down as well. Hell, even if they did give up the shooter, they would still get a little bit of time for accessory.
Seriously says
Many of these comments are sad and some are unfortunately funny. I just wonder if some of the people who commented their part, actually testified in court? Just curious?! The bottom line is, SOMEBODY, if not ALL, know who the shooter is and is just not giving up the name for their own reason(s), I am not here to judge. Brandon is dead, the 3 convicted individuals surely know who the shooter is, and because they feel it is noble not to “snitch” they will be Nobley sitting in prison. Soon enough, one will come forward, it is just a matter of time. Somebody said the baby momma should be in jail for making the phone call. Why? She called her SISTER, for her sister to pick her up (according to the article). The sister is the one who sent them knuckleheads over there, and the coward came with them. I seen this as it happened and the way the shooter stood over Brandon and shot him, was NOT random. That was something personal, some strong beef and animosity. Random shootings do not happen like that! That was cold-blooded, execution and because the 3 dudes know who it is, they deserve what they are getting it! Final Answer!
RJM says
You saw it happen. Did you call the authorities? Did you take pictures or a video?
Did you give an eyewitness account or description of the shooter to the detectives?
Did you testify in court?
Seriously says
RJM, yes, I DID see it happen! Did I call authorities? Yes, I DID! Did I take pictures? Nope! Sorry, I was too busy trying to call the cops, not get shot at, and keep my eye on the shooter, you know being aware of my surroundings. Did I testify in court? Yes I DID, several times actually! Anymore questions? I am not one of the people who simply reads the article and comes to my own conclusion or assumes anything! i did not know any of the people involved so I am not siding with anyone either..
Mee says
People wanna say “Justice is Served” how so because you have three innocent guys, i know all three of them personaly i feel bad for Brandons death, but taking these guys to jail for life you think justice is served well guess what whoever killed brandon is out Living there life aint no telling whose next, this isnt right at all the article is WRONG brabfon wasnt innocent and the babymama needs her ass beat NONE of thiscwouldve happened if she would have never called . But enough said!
Seriously says
Yes, JUSTICE has been served! Read California Penal Code regarding a 187. They do not have to PULL the trigger to be guilty. They KNOW who the shooter is and becuase they want to live up to an ignorant street code “no snitching” then they gone sit in jail, while they continue holding on to the shooters name. Meanwhile, he IS out free roaming the streets probably not caring about the 3 knuckleheads who will soon be conviicted. There is NOTHING noble about throwing my life away for somebody else’s cowardly act. But at the end of the day, these dudes are NOT innocent! Enough said!
Elaine says
Are you f-ing kidding me? 3 innocent guys? Can you not read? All these 3 fools had to do was pick up the girl and her child and hit the road. Their intentions was to start some mess, and that is exactly what they did, and once it was over it was over, BUT NO.. They decide to come back and bring a fourth person with them who just so happened to have a gun… They had plans to kill that young man and that is EXACTLY what they did.. They are where they belong.. LOCKED up in a cage like the animals they are .
ie says
The are not they new cuz the gun was in they car shut up
SoGlad! says
So glad there going to jail! 3 more of the streets! WHOS NEXT!
They all need to do life just for not giving up the name of the shooter. Why should you give up your life for someone’s crime that you did not do ?
C.J. Jenkins says
Sadly it’s the rule of the street “no snitching” these guys know they’re going to do time regardless of telling who the shooter is or not. “Snitching” may help the case but due to prison politics their lives would be almost certain to be on the “hit list” behind bars. They’ll be able to go to prison telling their fellow inmates “at least we didn’t snitch.”
I’m happy these scumbags are off the streets however & their families should be ashamed to have raised such sorry excuses of men.
Treal says
Keepin G if they had a problem…they could have gave that Man a head up [removed] wasnt tryin to go from the shoulders with him so they shot hime smh…. another self destruction. …. black on black crime
donttrip says
Maybe if some of you people was [removed] smart and can [removed] read you will know what happened the only reason why they got charged was because they was there with the guy nobody know who he is and for the people that said they need the death penalty you need the death penalty just for running your mouth of course it’s sad that he’s gone but he’s not innocent just like anybody else but there’s no way anybody can go back to that date they got sentenced so now everybody can leave it alone it’s not gone bring nobody home with yall comments so just shut the [removed] up
bird says
One dead, three going to prison for many years and two still on the run. Everyone loses; what a waste.
tay says
those guys are just as guilty as the shoot because they are the ones who brought the shooter back!!!! and that DUMB ASS BABY MAMA should feel like [removed] because of her, her child will grow up with out a father….how will she explain that to her child!!!
donttrip says
She should be in jail for starting it all
Realtalk says
This is sad because these guys was going back to just fight. Everybody out there knew these young men and what was going on. These men live down the street, so why would they kill this guy when everybody around there knows them. Open your minds people and look at what went down. Terrell and Brandon had a problem with each other behind the sisters (girlfriends). Bam is Terrell’s real big brother so he went there behind his little brother getting into it with Brandon. I know Bam and Terrell and they wasn’t going over there to kill anyone. They came to fight! The shooter shot Brandon because he knew him and wanted to kill him, they had a real beef going on, one to kill behind. Bam and Terrell and Joshua was there to fight, and they was fighting. Everybody saying that they don’t know this guy. But yet he had to be standing there before the fighting started. So EVERYBODY who they was fighting with, say the shooter was with them. THINK PEOPLE! Brandon friends know who the coward is, believe that! If Bam knew this guy and he brought him to fight with them, and he killed! They should get 5 to 10 for bring him. If they know him, they did not know he was going to kill somebody that day. Everybody knows them around there and they live up the street from the place. THINK PEOPLE!!! R.I.P Brandon
Realtalk says
That’s what they want people to believe that nobody knows who the coward is. Brandon knew who he was and I bet his friends do too. He went at him and shot him 12 times while people is fighting. Think about that, nobody else! That seems like some real hate there to me. 12 times!!!
April Applebee says
April Applebee says
All n all the system is the only winner but u know little about the real system, lancaster convicts all with little due process!!!!!!
avhome says
Your absolutely wrong! The AV is fed up with criminals being criminals up here. In other words, your peers in the AV don’t want this stupid behavior to be the norm. Do crazy crap up here and your peers will hold you accountable! The jury was made up of mostly color and women so the race card is moot.
Ty says
I went to school with Terrell. I believe it’s so upsetting that kids believe violence solves everything. Terrell wasn’t bad but just wanted attention from the wrong people and see the result.
Vonna says
Although these three gentlemen were involved with the murder of Brandon , &found guilty for doing so justice still wont be completely served. Because the shooter and other alleged suspect still walk free. I am happy that his mother can now somewhat be at peace knowing justice is being served for her son. I send my condolences to his mother and his family especially his child. God bless
Peee says
This is sooooo wrong whoever killed that boy iss Still out enjoying there life, you guys wanted justice the wrong way these guys are innocent why not get the man who killed Brandon these guys are innocent this is wrong dude Keana started all this i dont care this isnt right at all.
Vonna says
Thats wrong. I dont wish the death penalty on anyone regardless of what they’ve done.
E'Twaun Nelson says
These 3 pieces of garbage deserve every last bit of the sentence that will be handed down to their sorry asses. They were just as responsible because they knowingly brought a person to the scene who had a gun. These cowards were not coming to talk things out, they were coming to start an altercation to show how “Hood” they are and how “gangster” they are and looked where it landed them. Stop defending thugs. That’s what’s wrong with women of color.
just being real says
3 more pieces of sh*t off the street. On the other hand 3 more pieces of sh*t for us tax payers to support, feed and house. They should have got the death penalty then we all WIN.
Peee says
Ummmm your a [removed] these guys didnt do [removed] you get the death penalty
bird says
They should have stayed gone the first time they left, but they had to return with two more to settle a matter with one person. Was it worth it? I think not. Everyone loses.
Realtalk says
It wasn’t just one person that they got into it with. Go back and read, it was a brawl! (A street brawl involving around a dozen people, including the defendants) They was fight with a lot of people. It was 4, plus the shooter! Who walked over and shot Brandon while everybody is fighting who was with them, so they say. THINK PEOPLE!! THINK!!!
bird says
Now all the people in the mix of this can all start being paranoid about who the tattle tale might be.
Ohmy says
Pee, I suppose you think these guys are totally innocent of any crime what so ever. They were involved just the same as the shooter, therefore they deserve life!
J. Galt says
Perhaps you should update your copy/pasted article body further by removing the line: “The shooter still hasn’t been identified” when, apparently, the shooter HAS been identified, according to the last couple paragraphs.
User says
Well if you read it right. It does say the trio had two other people with them. They identified one, the other (shooter) is still unknown.
As says
The shooter has not been identified. The other person with them has. Not the shooter if you read the last paragraph.
Letlow says
LOL! Can’t you read? The shooter is still unknown, but the 4th guy was identified. There were five brought to the scene. The article clearly states that but you were too busy being a smart ass to read it right. Smh…
Seriously says
Sorry kiddo, you are wrong. The shooter has NOT been identified. The article says “Anyone with information on Denelle Wilson or the shooter’s identity…” The other guy, Denelle Wilson, apparently has something specific to do with the shooter.