By Browns 4×4 & Auto Repair and the Littlerock Dam Wheelers
The Littlerock Dam is now open to off-roaders. This is a rare event, and everyone needs to come and participate while they can. The big trucks meet every Sunday.
The Littlerock Dam officially opened the weekend after Labor Day 2013, after a two-year shut out by the Forestry Department. We have been fighting the Forestry Department for over 20 years for the right to take 4-wheel drives in.
A group of us (Littlerock Dam Wheelers) tries to get it open every year, but some years we are not successful. The Forestry Department always comes up with excuses for why we are not allowed in, such as “water level is too high” or “endangered road” or “conflict with Palmdale Water District,” etc. We feel these are just excuses, because the area is designated for off-road use.
When they do allow us 4-wheelers in… IT’S A CELEBRATION!
All the big trucks roll in for Sunday – our “church,” as we call it. We can all set aside the stress and worries of the week and just have a great time with all of our friends.
This opening of the dam must be celebrated very big, as this may be the last time they ever let us in. Every time we are allowed in may be the last. How long will it be open this time? We never know, as they may close it down for any reason. This was demonstrated quite a few years back, when they raided us with a helicopter.
The whole purpose of the Sunday truck bog is to see who can out do the other…how far, how deep and how stuck you can get! All are welcome, spectators included. We encourage all to participate, however they can!
We especially invite the handicapped! We have Milam in the red jeep truck, who has a broken back and is partially paralyzed. We have Brandon in the blue truck, who is 29 years old and has rheumatoid arthritis and can barely walk. We have Tracy, who has lost a leg to diabetes. He is a spectator. We have Toyota Mike, who was crushed at work and now has a knee replacement. The list goes on and on.
We are a hell of a crowd, and we do not believe in self-pity. We will all enjoy the Dam every chance we get. Everyone needs to come down on Sunday!
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
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Editor’s Note: We confirmed with an official at the Littlerock Dam that it is now open to off-roaders on Saturdays and Sundays. ATVs, dirt bikes and big trucks are welcome, the official said.
LancasterSW says
Will this be going on this weekend as well? Missed last weekend, would love to come out and play!
GasolineDreamsPhotography says
Hey Littlerock Dam Wheelers,
Do you guys have a website/Facebook page…I have a TON of photos from the last 2 weekends we’ve been out there, if your interested…
They’ll be posted on my FB page in the next few days: http://www.facebook.com/GasolineDreamsPhotography
A. Richards says
felt like a rip off, I had an adventure pass that I have paid for the year…. I am at the gate where there is a sign welcoming you to a US Foret fee area that is covered by the pass I have and the gate attendant says they are a seperate fee area. What a joke, but okay what is the fee…. we would have paid the 5 bucks but then he goes well, there is your truck, the RZR on a trailer and then two people in the truck so it is 12 bucks…. okay, that was it….. said screw it, flipped a u turn and went to Rowher….. had a blast as usual and it didnt cost a thing except for the use of the Adventure Pass….. Will not bother with that place…. not like it is too expensive, just the principle…. I pay for the adventure pass, pay offroad registration… should be able to use a US Forest OHV area without some other hand sticking out asking for money.
4Runner Alex says
its privately managed, adventure passes don’t work there, we all are in agreement the fees are lame but nothings free no more… Rowher flats isn’t as much fun as mudding at the dam! hope its open next week! see y’all there!
Donna says
trucks start rolling in around 11:00 AND PRIME TIME IS AROUND 2:00
Danny says
WOW! It’s been years good job
scootertramps@gmail.com says
fed up says
Yes, the 70’s and 80’s were fun times. Of course we were all young and dumb and by the afternoon it was mostly a drunken brawl. You haven’t lived until you’ve wedged yourself between a couple of ravines and can’t get out. But there’s usuall someone with a winch. This photo gives the impression of it being a bit over-crowded now though.
Jonathan says
Sooo bad ass i am their every weekend take my jeep
Remember growing up when they would open it and go wheeling with my dad and friends.
ceeee says
What time my boys would love it