By T.N., resident of the Sienna Heights apartments in Lancaster (identified by initials only at author’s request)
My name is [removed], and I am writing on behalf of my roommate, Alicesun, and her husband Anthony Lyons. We live in the Sienna Heights Apartments.
On Tuesday, August 20, 2013, a crime was committed somewhere on the east side of Lancaster, which turned into a high speed chase that ended in the Sienna Heights Apartments.
Approximately 20 minutes prior to the event, Alicesun, Anthony and the little boy they were babysitting were at the pool located in the apartment building next to the leasing office.
Anthony came back to the apartment to use the restroom. While [he was] in the restroom, Alicesun called him on the phone and was speaking with him when the high speed chase entered the apartment complex.
Alicesun witnessed one of the men exit the car and run, jumping the back wall of the apartment building and running away. She left the pool and came back to the apartment.
As I was outside, across the street, speaking to a gentlemen about what happened, I noticed Anthony in the back of a police car. I called Alicesun on the phone, and she came outside to find out what was going on.
She asked the police officer at the vehicle where Anthony was placed, and he explained that Anthony was being questioned at this time. Several people whom we spoke to were explaining to us what happened. We brought several of them to speak to the officer [to explain] that Anthony was not involved in this event at all.
The officer informed Alicesun that her husband was being taken to jail because someone pointed him out [and said] he had the gun used for the crime. The person who ID’d Anthony was the women who was stopped and taken into custody for trying to flee Sienna Heights with one of the fugitives in her vehicle!
At around 1 a.m., we spoke with the jailer who informed us that Anthony’s official charge is carjacking!
Anthony is a 22-year-old Black male who, yes, at the age of 18 was arrested for armed robbery. Since serving his time, he has turned his life [over]to GOD. He attends church, is involved in church activities, and just married on June 4, 2013. He has a child due in December of this year.
Anthony does not know the people who were involved [in the carjacking and chase]. He just moved to Sienna Heights on Friday, August 16!
An innocent young man may lose everything. He may never see his first son be born or take his first steps because he is a Black male in the Antelope Valley who happened to be standing in the wrong place.
We are begging for help with this! His 18-year-old wife is five and a half months pregnant and doesn’t know what to do but to reach out and plead for help to prove her husband’s innocence!
There were people watching out for the men involved in this crime, hiding them in their apartments. These are the people who know that Anthony was not involved. His finger prints will not be on the car or the gun, yet he is sitting in jail on $100,000 bail on carjacking charges that hold a nine-year sentence!
When the officer spoke to Anthony in the police cruiser, he kept telling Anthony, “You should of ran faster, maybe you would of got away.”
Anthony kept explaining, “I didn’t run anywhere, I live right there where I was standing. I am cooperating with you because I have nothing to hide, sir, I was not involved.”
I pray that you will help, please!
Editor’s note: Anthony Lyons was one of seven suspects arrested after a police pursuit, in connection to a carjacking, ended in the Sienna Heights apartments on Tuesday, Aug. 20. (Read more here.) Lyons was arrested around 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 20 on suspicion of carjacking. He was scheduled to be arraigned on Thursday, Aug. 22. However, charges were not filed against Lyons, and he was released at 4:52 p.m. Less than two hours later (at 6:20 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 22) Lyons was re-arrested on suspicion of carjacking. As of Friday, Aug. 23, Lyons was still in custody on $100,000 bail, but no charges were yet filed against Lyons in connection to the case, according to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. Further information on the case was not immediately available late Friday afternoon. We will continue to follow this story and will publish an update as soon as it becomes available.
View our previous related story here: 7 arrested after Lancaster carjacking, chase, and neighborhood lockdown
UPDATED 8/27/13: Anthony Lyons was charged Monday with possession of a firearm by a felon. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and his bail was reduced from $100,000 to $35,000. A preliminary hearing is set for Sept. 6, when a judge will decide whether there is enough evidence against Lyons to take the case to trial.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
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Toni Cosgrove says
If he was on the phone, then his cell phone records will clear him.Hope they arrrest the ones who helped as accessory after the fact, obstruction, or something. If all you say is true, he should havve some proof..plus the DA would need a tie in to the suspects..if he doesnt know them , then he clear.
Take The AV Back!! says
Today’s update now says that he was charged yesterday with “possession of a firearm by a felon” – so was the firearm found on him, in his apartment, etc.? And does this firearm tie in to the crime that started all of this?? The update needs to be clarified, please!
sounds interesting says
if this guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time…then he will not be charged…if he is charged by the DA..then unfortunatley because he is already in custody he might stand trial…the evidence will be presented after an arrainment at which time the DA wil decide wether to charge him or not..then there will be a preliminary hearing..and at that time the judge will decide if there is enough evidence to prosecute…if he goes that far into proceeding..then a jury will decide if he fights it…which innocent people should do…if he is found innocent…then he can proceed himself with a lawsuit…incrimination…slander.wrongfully accused…mis identification…wether or not it goes tha far will be based on what the arresting officer says…the witnesses to the carjacking…the witnesses at the pool and apartment building…unfortunately for him…he is already on parole/probation…thats why he sits in jail until they figure it out..innocent until proven guilty in a court of law…
Det. Dan Welle says
If you have information regarding this incident, you can contact me at Lancaster Sheriff’s station. 661-948-8466.
Notagain says
If he’s really innocent and didn’t commit the crime, he’s got nothing to worry about! I’m sure the apartment complex has cameras all over the buildings an if your story is true, then there you go, he’s a FREE man!
Barry Bigtoe says
Either his fingerprints are on the gun or the car, or they are not. It doesn’t take long to run prints, they need to charge him or release him.
Paula says
Your story is rather confusing to me. Not enough info to judge whether Anthony is guilty or innocent.
For example: > ” Anthony came back to the apartment to use the restroom. While [he was] in the restroom, Alicesun called him on the phone and was speaking with him when the high speed chase entered the apartment complex.”
“Alicesun witnessed one of the men exit the car and run, jumping the back wall of the apartment building and running away. She left the pool and came back to the apartment.” “The officer informed Alicesun that her husband was being taken to jail because someone pointed him out [and said] he had the gun used for the crime. The person who ID’d Anthony was the women who was stopped and taken into custody for trying to flee Sienna Heights with one of the fugitives in her vehicle!” <
Someone pointed Anthony out and said that HE HAD THE GUN USED FOR THE CRIME???? I sure hope that Anthony doesn't own a gun because being an ex felon, their rights to own a firearm is banned for life- plus that's a definite violation of his parole.
If Anthony was arrested just on the word of some participating criminal, claiming that Anthony owned the gun used in the crime- that information doesn't wash. The Sheriffs aren't going to take the other perps word that the gun was Anthony's.
What if the perp claimed the gun belonged to some other innocent bystander, and also claimed he was the carjacker with her- knowing good and well that the fingered innocent bystander would or should have an air-tight alibi.Or what if the one she fingered who is truly innocent, might get back at her to exact revenge because of her scandalous, untrue and damaging false accusations!
I can't see one who was guilty of the crime and was already arrested- fingering an innocent bystander for no reason- even if it was to take the heat off her accomplice. That female criminal who supposedly ID'ed Anthony as her accomplice, and he is a complete stranger- does not add up.
tiredoftheirways says
They always seem to “find God”, “turn themselves to God” AFTER they are caught and or in jail…
If they had found God BEFORE, they would not be where they are now!!!
always an excuse. think about it, arrested at 18, now 22 and Already out for armed robbery, should have been in longer…
Karemtilt@Gmail says
Who is they?
fed up with lancaster crime! says
“they” is the criminals.. What do you think l they” is.
Tiredoftheirways says
Thanks “fed up with lancaster crime!” For clearing that up.
Who is they???
Good grief!!!
Iveseenitall says
“Othrr people in the complex hid various suspects from deputies”. So what makes you think this pregnant woman isn’t lying to protect her man? Deputies don’t just throw you in jail without some evidence. I doubt a co-conspirator would be enough.
Karemtilt@Gmail says
You are very niave if u believe cops don’t throw people in jail without evidence. The innocence project works to get wrongly convicted released everyday, they were arrested by cops. People have been wrongly put to death and then cleared by DNA they were arrested by cops.
AvGirl says
You must have a very limited understanding of the legal system.
Yes, the police arrest people and yes there are times when those people are innocent. Just being arrested does not prove guilt.
However, it is the DA that charges a person with the appropriate crime. They are also the ones who will offer a plea bargain (which in many cases people take even if they are innocent for various reasons). Keep in mind, when someone accepts a plea bargain, they are admitting guilt usually in exchange for a lesser charge or minimum sentence.
The judge or jury convicts (or exonerates) a person based on evidence, testimony etc. If that evidence is flawed or eyewitness accounts are inaccurate (which can be very often since people’s memories aren’t perfect)then a person might be wrongfully convicted.
So the agency arresting someone is pretty far removed from the outcome of a case.
The Dream says
For those who truly believe in his innocence, all you have to do is post his bail so that he can be free to stay at home with his pregnant 18 year old wife. $100,000 could easily be raised by all that will march on Saturday.
Hopefully someone at the AV-NAACP march can also give Anthony a job so that he won’t be hanging around at the poolside, midweek, during the afternoon, when armed carjackers are running around and away from the police. Then he’ll be able to also financially support his new and growing family without government assistance.
Come on AV-NAACP, just one young innocent man to help. Let’s see what you can do for just one young man in need of your help and guidance.
Letlow says
Just so you know, the chase thing happened in the evening according to the earlier story. I hang around the pool in the evening and I have a job, so who’s to say this young man doesn’t have one too? Now quit stereotyping and go do something useful.
would you like fries with that?? says
He hangs around the pool.. why not go look for a job or tend to his pregnant wife?? then this wouldnt have happened..
Al W. says
Why can’t someone hang around a pool now and then? And is it to be assumed by your comment that all you do is work and tend to others needs 24 hours a day year? I don’t think so.Get over yourself.
Karemtilt@Gmail says
How do u know what his employment status? Profiling again?
Turd Furguson says
Good thing we have LEAPS.Good thing we have LEAPS.LEAPS is a crime fighter.LEAPS is a crime fighter.That does not fight crime.That does not fight crime.For $90,000.00 a month.For $90,000.00 a month.For 10 years.For 10 years.That is 10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.Into Frank Viscos pocket..Into Frank Viscos pocket.A supporter of Mayor Paris.A supporter of Mayor Paris.What a coincidence.What a coincidence.
Karemtilt@Gmail says
Wow, how sad you are so scared, something bad must of happened to u. Your remarks said so much more about u than Anthony.
Clint says
Why do you always assume “something bad” happened to people when you don’t agree with their remarks? I recall you have made similar remarks to other people in the past.
Of course this guys friends are going to say he is innocent. Family and friends are usually the last to know…or claim to know. They are in denial and looking to blame everyone else when someone they love gets busted. The best way to bring friends and family together is to attack or arrest one of them.
Incase you’re wondering, no, nothing bad happened to me to make me bitter and scared. I too, hope it never happens to me or my loved ones.
Fingerprints and DNA, or the absence of fingerprints and DNA should tell the tale.
Al W. says
they only need to raise 10% of the bail amount.
Clint says
If even half of the criminals had REALLY turned their lives over to God, this town wouldn’t be having most of the problems it’s having. I find it interesting that so many people claim to be “God fearing” in a place with so much crime. Little too convenient.
I’m not judging, I’m just sayin.
R says
Any they are sorry for what they have done…… only after being caught!
jay says
this has happened before in palmdale though.the guy that was being accused of a crime was taken to jail for months and he was a black male but was let go after found not guilty .me im scared to go out here in palmdale/lancaster it is very strict here.if he is not guilty i hope he gets out jail isnt the business.
Jill says
I hope they catch the real criminals and let this guy out if he is innocent! Why would they take the word of a criminal to ID him? Typical cop mentality, they just have to get their man, even if it’s the wrong one…
Up2here says
Pat says
If the woman who identified him lied then she needs to do some additional time for her lies as well!!!
Up2here says
If he wasn’t involved, then I pray to the Lord that he gets cleared very soon. Once some guys tried to break in my apartment and I identified a cop at the lineup. When your stressesd, you don’t get things clear. I hope they ask the witnesses over and over to be sure. Good luck to them!
Mr. Mister says
Best of luck to you Anthony…
May they find the real criminals in this case.