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KOUI says
People have been removed from political life for a lot less than this. He’s a hater and can’t be allowed to continue in his current capacity. If he won’t step down, fire him. The inaction of the mayor and city council in this instance is tantamount to an endorsement. Shame on them for not having the courage to do the right thing.
Michael Rives says
Stan should resign from the commission. He was the only Lancaster city official at the Rally. He was introduced as such. For him to utter these comments, no matter that his other remarks were toned-down, it reflects on the city which he is suppose to serve and the Mayor who appointed him.
Karemtilt@Gmail says
He needs to go, so wrong
yabbadabba says
Stan Muhammad spoke on his own. Mayor Parris did not have any control over the mean spirited words uttered by this man. This is just a case of reverse discrimination. In the past (possibly now), blacks and other races had titles that had been determined and widely used by majority of whites.
Muhammad gave an apology, and educating regarding differences of people to him as well as others is vital and fundamental.
Hate is no place when many people of different color, sex orientation, religious and non-religious beliefs are gathered to pray/meditate peacefully.
doooooo says
Reverse discrimination was a term introduced by the media. It’s not a valid term. Reverse discrimination implies that the meaning of discrimination can only mean discrimination againts blacks. That of course is not true. Reverse discrimination is a term that does not need to be used. It’s discrimination, plain and simple.
Karemtilt@Gmail says
His apology was not heartfelt, needs to go
Scott Pelka says
Here is the video of what he said, Judge for yourself.
Karemtilt@Gmail says
Needs to go
Mitch says
Yeah, and those two bow tie wearing, serious-looking types guarding his flanks.
Jay says
How stupid must you be to use drop the F bomb like that.
sikntired says
Haha,good one Sergio.Easy answer to that guestion,sorry they got caught of course.
Resident Cynic says
Where is the outrage? Mayor R. Rex Parris teams up with Stan Muhammad to file a voting rights lawsuit against Palmdale? The same Stan Muhammad who utters slurs against the gay and Jewish community? A Lancaster mayor and a Lancaster commissioner? This is a disgrace that will bring shame to the Antelope Valley when it should only bring shame to the two responsible…Parris and Muhammad .
Desert love says
Well said.
Uncle Tom says
I be truly sorry ’bout dem werds dat be said, I’z nebber meany no harm to none dem gays or homosexual or dem jewsh peoples. I just got sooo werked up, and momentarily lacked duh ability to chews my werds. But I think all dis hatred tords me shows that racism iz high towards a black man try’n to stand up and speek his mind about all….I sorry, I can’t use duh werds I want cause sistas be here and all dat….
Take the person from the slums, but get them all worked up and you can still find the slums in the person. Stop. The. Ignorance.
Karemtilt@Gmail says
Mimizing others use of language is very immature and shows you can’t use facts just more fuel on the fire
Mr. Mister says
While minimizing others over there diction is a bit immature, however, the bigger problem is that we have a representative of our town who cannot formualte a grammatically correct sentence whilst he insults multiple cultures during community rally that carried the message of unity. He needs to step down or be removed against his will.