PALMDALE β A saturation patrol conducted by members of the Antelope Valley Crime Fighting Initiative (AVCFI) resulted in 20 felony arrests and 31 misdemeanor arrests, authorities announced.
The crackdown was conducted from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m., Wednesday (Sept, 19) in the city of Palmdale.
In one of the arrests, the thief ran out of a business, with stolen merchandise in his hands, right into the deputies that were patrolling the parking lot, according to Sgt. Kyle Bistline.
Dawshante Smith, 18, of Rosamond was promptly arrested at the business, in the 1000 block of Palmdale Boulevard, Bistline said.
Another arrest led to the execution of a search warrant, which led to the arrest of another suspect and the recovery of narcotics, according to Bistline.
Units that participated in the operation were Palmdale Partners Against Crime Team, Palmdale Crime Suppression Team, Palmdale Narcotics Unit, Palmdale Operation Safe Street, Lancaster LAN-CAP Team, Lancaster Top Core Team, Palmdale COPS Team, Lancaster COPS Team, Aero Bureau, Los Angeles County Probation, City of Palmdale Department of Public Safety, Palmdale Building and Safety and Palmdale Code Enforcement.
One of the components of the operation was to incorporate some probation searches during the sweep, Bistline said.
Michelle Egberts says
HAVE YOU BEEN A VICTIM OF CRIME? Were you named in the court order as being entitled to restitution paid by the criminal who committed the crime? Was the criminal sent to prison?
If you have answered “yes” to the questions, and have not received any payments, please contact California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Victims Services at 1-877-256-6877 or e-mail to inquire.
CDCR receives victim address information in LESS THAN 50% of felony cases from the county courts when victim restitution is ordered and the offender is sentenced to state prison. Consequently, CDCR will collect on the restitution order but cannot distribute the money collected until the victim’s address is known.
State law provides that victims can come forward at anytime to claim restitution collected on their behalf.
John Howard says
Does this in some way (in your mind) satisfy your obligation to community service for your Fraud convictions?
Michelle Egberts says
@ Rebecca… You may be eligible for a CERTIFICATE OF REHABILITATION! This certificate is part of the California record clearing process through the courts. Eligibility starts from 5 years depending on what a persons conviction was for.
While it doesn’t erase your criminal record, it is a court order that states that your criminal history is just that… a part of your PAST. Also, it declares you a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN!
There are many benefits to obtaining the certificate and acts as an automatic application for a Governor’s Pardon. This process takes between 3-4 months to complete and free of cost through the Los Angeles County Public Defenders Office. I have provided the link and contact information
Adam Chant says
Is it me or does it seem kind or ironic that the perspective of this certificate is good, but it still singles someone out after they have served their debt to society.
Michelle do you have one of these? Or can you get one before you have paid the restitution to all of the victims of your crimes?
Michelle Egberts says
@ Adam Chant… Yes, this Certificate of Rehabilitation is excellent for an ex-offender who meets the qualifying criteria. It puts something very positive on the top of the offenders record (“rap sheet”).
With more than 80% of employers and landlords conducting background checks, a Certificate of Rehabilitation is a great choice to make and apply for. Many former offenders/family members are not aware of the Certificate of Rehabilitation. Any outstanding restituition obligations will not prevent a former offender from being granted the certificate.
really says
Bingo, So you can get a certificate of rehabilitation even though you arent rehabilitated!!! Part of rehabilitation is righting the past wrongs. This paper is the biggest load of crap ever. How can your criminal history be “history” if a court ordered restitution and you havent paid it. Yet another instance of criminals getting coddled
Michelle Egberts says
Criminals DON’T get “coddled” regarding restitution. If they are discharged from parole/or probation and a restitution balance remains, it gets referred to the Franchise Tax Board.
really says
And how long have you had a lein against you for restitution?
rebecca says
Let me say most of the arrests they make are by coming to their homes and trying to find anything they can to violate these “so called criminals”. I have a record its been about 10 years and nobody will hire me and its believe me when I say the last thing I want to be is another reason for taxpayers to bitch. so before u go jumping to conclusions of whats in the paper remember theres more to the story your just getting one side of the story.just cuz cops are telling the story doesnt make it true.
realitycheck says
@rebecca: don’t you mean the cops are coming to felons’ homes TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE COMPLYING WITH THE RULES THEY AGREED TO UPON RELEASE?? You have a choice:don’t sign on the dotted line to get out of jail early, and you won’t have the cops coming to your house “trying to violate you so-called criminals.” You need to call the “jailhouse lawyer to the felons” Egberts. Maybe you can band together to get her “gimme free money” program off the ground.
T-Bone says
The Success would be if it said, “Suspects stay in Jail longer then a Week”! All of these Punks will be out causings problems again in no time. I wonder how many actually even stayed in over night!
james stouvenel says
Do you guys ever read the daily arrest logs? Hello? Palmdale and Lancaster sheriffs normally arrest 10 plus people daily! You guys make it sound like a huge success, when in fact it is not!, now if they had 0 arrest for palmdale and lancaster every other day, then I would be impressed, but nope these arrest are pretty average sadly, I wish these scums would get off their drugs and become productive people, instead of taxing us by sitting in jail, and sqeezing our tax dollars.
Quigley says
I read 51 in one day…there will always be plenty to arrest bcuz people of crime make a living from their crimes, and don’t want to take the hard road to earn an honest living. So we will keep payin those taxes & complaining cuz that’s all we can do…pretty depressing!
james stouvenel says
I agree Quigley, it sucks people are ruthless and cold hearted, part of the problem is parents work 2 jobs now, so they don’t have the time to spend with kids, and so law enforcement ends up parenting our kids, cause our youth hang out with the wrong crowd.
Quigley says
Damn, what a great job…thanks to all! There’s a new sheriff in town so look out all you POS’S cuz they’re comin after ya!
Palmdale_Steve says
Suggestion for the AV Times, put some booking photos of these criminals in the articles.
QH_girly says
Love love love it!! Arrest those evil doers!! So tired of criminals and low life’s trying to run this town !! Go get ’em!!! :)
QH_girly says
Conduct a saturation patrol on a weekly basis and we can clean this Valley right up!!!
8-) way to go LASD / AVCFI!!!!!
whatever says
Please clean this place up! Its no longer a nice place to live!
Palmdale_Steve says
Hmmm Dawshante, these darn Swedish kids from Rosamond are causing lots of problems up in the big city of Palmdale.
Matt K. says
If I lived in any of the towns in east Kern County I would sell and move to Lancaster or Palmdale at this point. The writing is on the wall for anyone who lives in East Kern and has been paying attention to this site for any length of time.
Several things:
Last week, there were two very telling stories on this news site.
One was about the rise in criminal activity in California City due to an influx of undesirables from Lancaster and Palmdale out there. The second article featured student loan fraud scandals and the majority of those indicted lived in Boron and North Edwards. Those who were named in the article, I can almost 100% guarantee, were not Boron natives or North Edwards natives! Crime in the east Kern County towns is not going to get any better. They are the bastard step-children of Bakersfield the same way Lancaster and Palmdale once were to L.A. The good thing about L.A. County, though, is that we have a bigger budget and more resources to fight criminal activity, which is something none of the east Kern towns have and the criminal element already knows it. Crime rates down the hill in the Basin have dropped to nearly sustainable levels and more of those resources are now being used in the arsenal to fight crime in Lancaster and Palmdale.
The price of housing is slowly started to creep back up to post-recession levels again in both cities too. It will probably be another year or two before it starts to accelerate upwards even faster. But when it does, it will not bode well for those who came out here in 2007 and 2008 to rent empty McMansions and cause mayhem.
Additionally, there is an entire generation that grew up in the San Fernando Valley, the San Gabriel Valley, Simi Valley and Santa Clarita that are starved for home ownership, or will be in the near future. The only affordable place to be a homeowner for many of these people is the Antelope Valley.
At my last apartment complex where I rented in west Lancaster, there were six couples who had recently moved up to the Antelope Valley to rent before looking for a home to buy. Two were from Simi Valley, one was from Lake Balboa, one from La Mesa near San Diego and the other two were from Santa Clarita. I asked many of them why they chose to come all of the way out to the desert and they all said something to the effect of, “we just want to own a home in southern California and we couldn’t afford (fill in the blank)”. Another family in my complex were from Rosamond. The husband just got out of the military and joined the LAPD and was waiting for a home to purchase in Quartz Hill. He said two of his high school classmates from Rosamond were doing the same thing: joining the LAPD and waiting to buy homes on the west side somewhere. They didn’t want to buy homes down the hill in L.A. and didn’t want to stay in Rosamond either, so they opted to cut that extra 20 minutes off the drive home by moving into Lancaster and Palmdale somewhere.
A combination of the delayed release of homes on the markets by the banks, coupled with the growing demand for homes by working class people priced out of the L.A. Basin valleys, the O.C. and San Diego and the necessity for workers from Kern County to be closer to work is going to have a drastic effect on the housing market in Lancaster and Palmdale in the coming years, and it will probably be for the better. Conversely, it is going to have a negative effect on Kern County as problematic, non-contributing individuals are squeezed entirely out of Los Angeles County over the Avenue A border into Kern County.
Sure, there will always be “problem areas” and less desirable places to live in Lancaster and Palmdale as there are in most places, but they will become more confined and more identifiable than they have been and we may even see an organic drop in crime to mid-1990s levels again.
In conclusion, if I were the CEO of Wal-Mart, let’s just say that I’d probably look into building a Super Center in Rosamond, Mojave or California City in the next couple of years.
That is my 3-6 year prediction for the Antelope Valley based on quite a bit of personal research, extrapolation and personal discussions with people across a wide spectrum.