LANCASTER – The BLVD is among the top 10 prettiest, coolest most charming Main Streets in the United States. So says Malerie Yolen-Cohen, magazine and newspaper feature travel writer.
Yolen-Cohen, whose credits include National Geographic Traveler, Newsday, and Ladies Home Journal, spent six weeks this summer traveling the country on US Route 6, passing through hundreds of communities large and small.
“Shuttling from one Main Street to the next, I noticed that despite the Great Recession, some communities were pulling together to revitalize former flagging downtowns – turning them into places where locals, and even tourists would want to flock,” Yolen-Cohen writes.
The traveling reporter then came up with a list of the Best Ten Main Streets on US Route 6 – and Revitalized Main Street, Lancaster, CA made the list at number 10.

Of The BLVD Yolen-Cohen writes:
“Feathery foliage, parking nooks, cool restaurants, playground, shops and (soon-to-be-opened) art/history museum has rendered Lancaster’s newly renovated Main St. a pedestrian-friendly hangout. If you haven’t been to this LA commuter town in awhile, you’ll be shocked for sure. Formerly down-at-heals, Lancaster is transforming its “broken-windows” reputation into a desirable destination. Reinvention Factor: Lofty.”
Lancaster City Manager Mark Bozigian brought the accolade to the public’s attention at Tuesday’s City Council Meeting.
“I’m happy to see that, and we’re in good company with some other cities there,” Bozigian said.
In a statement, Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris also spoke on the recognition.
“We’re all very proud to see The BLVD included amongst the top 10 of the prettiest, coolest, most charming main streets on US Route 6,” said Parris. “The BLVD has surpassed my wildest dreams in less than a year, and you know what, you haven’t seen anything yet. Early next year, we’ll open our new Museum and Art Gallery, which is going to immediately begin attracting even more people to our great city.”
Other Main Streets included on the list were:
- Commercial Street – Provincetown, MA
- Main Street – Newtown, CT
- Main Street – Wellsboro, PA
- Canals of Vermilion, OH
- Pedestrian Mall, Iowa City, IA
- Downtown Ashland, NE
- Main Street – Golden, CO
- Main Street – Grand Junction, CO
- Downtown – Bishop, CA
To read the complete story, click here.
Leon says
The point is do not get on Parris’ undesirable list. Kenn Mann and Christ learned that lesson, which explains why their both such good little parrasites these days.
CKAY says
Read the Sat. AVPress. Both the appliance store and the travel agancy got booted out by Parris and his pet develooper Urhlich because the stores have and undisrable image. Parris enjoys deciding who and what is undisrable in Lancaster.
CKAY says
Way to go Mayor Parrisite. Your Blvd. to nowhere is evicting the appliance store that’s been there for 50 years because it’s “ill-suited”. You really won’t rest until whatever hatred you have for what you deem as undisrable is excised from Lancaster. The jolly white beard no longer masks what a hateful mean man you are.
.. says
I missed this story… what’s the story behine this appliance store moving?
If the city wanted them out, that’s an interesting change of heart, because not too long ago, the city praised them:
CKAY says
Read the Sat. AV Press. Both the appliance store and the travel agency got booted out because they have an undesireable image according to Parris’ and Uhrlich, his developer who Parris praises. Parris seems to enjoy deciding who and what is undesirable in Lancaster.
Our boulevaard to nowhere is a great place. It supercedes Santa Barbara & Pasedena. It’s the end destination where everyone from Santa Clarita and beyound can’t wait to arrive and basque in all Parris Cityit has to offer. Hail Rex! Let’s re-elect him and his disciples and see what fresh hell he brings.
The boulevaard to nowhere is a great place. It supercedes Santa Barbara & Pasedena. It’s the end destination where everyone from Santa Clarita and beyound can’t wait to arrive and basque in all Parris Cityit has to offer. Hail Rex! Let’s re-elect him and his disciples and see what fresh hell he brings.
jose says
WOW,I just moved over from LA to Lancaster and absoluty love it. Palmdale is nice it reminds me of the San Fernando Valley. I am anti-malls so 80’s unless i have to I will go. The Blvd is right on the money as it is in its early stages once, more shops open up it will be booming perfectly located right infront of the Metrolink train station which one day maybe a rail car can connct to the HSR station in Palmdale. Honestly Palmdale can be the commercial city and Lancaster can develop more Bigger houses and be the Beverly Hills of Antelope Valley with our Rodeo Dr ( The BLvd) and have the best school system. Thats why I left LA. to get out of the malls and corner Plazas. YUK. Lancaster with Mayor Parris he has a true vision only you locals cant see it, but me coming from the city this man has some true great ideas only the economy has hamperd all lot of things. The man is great at fighting crime .
Nicole Dawson says
Can we all agree that The BLVD DOES LOOK BETTER than it did two years ago? Can we also agree that as the leader of Lancaster during the rebirth of The BLVD, R. Rex Parris deserves at least some of the credit? Sheesh!! I don’t usually comment in these forums, but you people drive me to it with your NEGATIVITY and DIVISIVENESS! As one of the newer residents to Lancaster, I am not embroiled in this war between Lancaster and Palmdale the way you all seem to be. I can shop on The Blvd (or simply stroll around) and I can also shop at the AV Mall. I can also agree that both elements are great for THE ANTELOPE VALLEY! Saying something positive about the AV Mall should not cancel out the BLVD and vice versa. I’ve also met Parris in passing, and he’s no where near the power-tripping, corrupt, ogre as portrayed by some of you commenters. I’ve also witnessed Ledford in action and he seems okay as well. What’s wrong with embracing both cities and both leaders for the good? Maybe then we can all move ahead… Okay, I’ve said my peace(error intended). Stay POSITIVE!!!
Matt Keltner says
Thank You Nicole! I agree 100%
Stinger says
Sorry, Nicole, but we do not agree that Lancaster Boulevard is better off today than 2 years ago. For one thing, the BLVD is far more dangerous that Lancaster Boulevard was. Dozens of old growth, shade giving trees were torn down to make way for the disaster-waiting-to-happen monstrosity that Parris has turned Lancaster Boulevard into.
You say that you have met Parris and you did not see the corrupt, egomaniacal, would be dictator that he is? Then you did not truly meet Parris, Nicole. I suggest that you watch a few of the city council meetings… Oh, wait, you can’t see them in their entirety anymore because Parris decided that you don’t need to see portions of public meetings that he does not personally control the content of!
common sense says
Chaching…you just made your $1.50 from David g!
First, and this is a first Stinger, I might actually agree with you on something. I can accept the powers that be want a certain image on the Blvd. OK great. So they kick out the appliance store since it doesn’t meet their ‘image.’ But, as another poster here mentioned, there is (or was a short time ago) a tattoo shop, a barber shop frequented by undesirables, and tarzana treatment center on the very same Blvd. Nothing against tattoos, gangster barber shops, or mobs of dope “rehabbers” wandering the Blvd, but how do they fit the “image” but the appliance store doesn’t? I don’t live in Lancaster, so I don’t care what Parris does. You give him way too much credit. Did it ever occur to you there are multitudes of people in this Valley that don’t give a crap about Parris, but still hate ghetto drama wasting police time, Section 8 fraud, crime, illiterate felons running their uneducated pie-holes, and certain groups always screaming racism? The Blvd does look better, there are far less crack-heads wandering it than 2 years ago, however, Lancaster screwed up when they decided to put low income apartments,Mental Health America, and Grace Resources all within a block of the place they want honest people to come spend money. People who’ve been in this Valley for years will recall that a few times over those years, different groups have attempted to rehab the Blvd so it would compete with the retail. First it was to compete with Mervyn’s, then the mall, etc. it never works, and probably never will.
William says
Just wait. When I moved here in 1990, there wasn’t much in Palmdale. The intersection at Rancho Vista Blvd. and 10th Street West was completely vacant like one of those offramps north of Lancaster. So, I went to Lancaster for most everthing, doctors, shopping, dining, and other than the slight inconvenience of a longer drive, it was OK. This is LA Country after all and we drive 45 minutes to go out to dinner or to see a friend.
But, even then, there was something odd about Lancaster’s commericial areas scattered about with no rhyme or reason. I just figured, before I actually knew, that the big shots in town ran things for their financial and real estate benefit.
Meanwhile, Mayor Ledford whom I didn’t pay much attention to for a few years kept plugging along working on the airport, attracting businesses such as Trader Joe’s and Macy’s, the new medical center, high speed rail, 2 magnificant new parks on both sides of town and many other things. All during boom and bust times. I’m so glad he’s been our mayor for almost 2 decades and, yet, there are no buildings with his name on them.
Lancaster, with the help of Parris, has been a bad neighbor, to Quartz Hill and Palmdale, with the Walmart and opposing the hybrid power plant and the questionable move of the Chevy dealership. Parris has been petty and obnoxious in his public comments while Ledford has been a diplomatic gentleman, a stark contrast. He represents Palmdale weil to the outside world. I bet the Chinese who are working on solar with Parris think he’s a fool and will act according in their own interest while he thinks he’s ‘King of the World’. But, remember, the Titanic went down and Leonardo drowned.
Both upscale and other businesses such as Macy’s and the Yard House have chosen Palmdale to locate, especially near the Mall while the old Factory Outlet and Lancaster’s older shopping centers look it, old and tired. I even think the architecture of new commerical properties is better in Palmdale for some reason. Those ridiculous Greek-styled buildings on 10th Street West in Lancaster in an otherwise downscale strip of auto glass repair shops and that type of businesses isn’t that exciting but necessary in any city. Palmdale must have a million smog shops on Palmdale Blvd. as well but it isn’t being hyped as the ‘heart of the Valley’.
Whenever I’m driving on a very busy street in Lancaster, I always get the sense that wherever I am, it’s not the destination for all the traffic, that the traffic is on its way somewhere else and just passing through. When I’m near the Mall in Palmdale, I know that it is a destination for most of the traffic.
I am guessing the future for Palmdale will be much brighter than a city with a BLVD, what with the high speed rail station, an airport, closer to LA and a more prestigious businesses and a mayor that puts the city ahead of his ego.
The big advantage of Lancaster, I’m guessing, is that real estate and commercial rents are cheaper and thus the problem for Lancaster. I spoke to the owner of a nice new cafe and asked why she didn’t have place in Palmdale and she said it was too expensive. So, enjoy your Walmarts, Lancaster and Matt, I doubt if Nordstrom’s is coming there soon.
The cities are, in fact, competing whether we like it or not due to the need for sales tax revenues. While a Walmart across from Quartz Hill High School is good for Lancaster’s treasury, it’s still a Walmart and not a Macy’s or a Trader Joe’s. Even if you don’t shop at such places, it’s good to have them and the synergy they provide for other retail outlets, restaurants and such. I suspect if a BMW, Audi, Mercedes, or other high end auto dealership comes to the Valley, it will go to the Palmdale Auto Center which is much nicer than Lancaster’s and will be surrounded by new commercial development instead of tired old shopping centers and will be near the Mall, the ‘Brains of the Valley’.
I didn’t start out being negative about Lancaste as a new resident of the Valley, I didn’t know much about the goings on politically but when the mayor and city council constantly create unnecessary controversies and conflicts with their neighbors, the criticism is warranted and appropriate. I guess the religous influence in Lancaster has its leaders think they are off-limits to criticism as though they are infallible and they have God on THEIR side. How silly and wrong can they be.
Matt Keltner says
As I’ve already said repeatedly, I don’t shop at Walmart unless it is an absolute emergency. It’s the last place on my list, so quit telling me to “enjoy it”.
Apparently though, Palmdalians must really love ther westside Walmart because they threw a big ol’ party celebrating the 20th anniversary of it being there. I’m still trying to figure that one out, seeing as how the one on the east side of town practically crushed the Albertsons out there — taking out lots of good paying jobs with healthcare and benefits (things which Walmart doesn’t care about).
Is Walmart really something to celebrate over?
Why didn’t Palmdale officials commemorate Vons, Albertsons, Sears, JC Penney, Ralphs, Food 4 Less or any of the other places who pay decent wages and offer worthwhile benefits?
Matt Keltner says
One more thing… You state that the mall is the “brains of the Valley” ??? Seriously, William? I hope that no mall is ever “the brains” of any city! I hope that the “brains” of a given area are it’s academic institutions and the jobs those institutions attract — not a mall, for God’s sake!
William says
I was playing on Parris’s the BLVD is the ‘heart of the Valley’ meme which it really isn’t but that went over your head. As for Walmarts in Palmdale, hey, we have more than just Walmarts unlike Lancaster. We have Walmarts, Targets, 99 Cent Stores AND Macy’s, JC Pennys, and a variety of shopping at the Mall. Plus, the eastside has really been booming as well as I’ve recently noticed.
Have you noticed that hardly anyone has a problem with Quartz Hill compared to the knocks Lancaster gets? Why is that? QH doesn’t have a whole lot of amenities but it also doesn’t have Rex Parris and people like you who don’t represent lancaster very well by calling people ‘haters’. That’s what the right wing says about people who think Sarah Palin and George Bush are incompetent jokes, which they are by any measure.
Put yourself in the shoes of a Palmdale resident who has had to listen to the obnoxious nonsense that Parris, Marquez and others spout and who try to undermine Palmdale’s progress wherever they can. Lancaster voted for him, so they share in the responsibilty as well. Why haven’t Lancaster’s leaders been more visible and vocal about supporting the high speed rail as it would benefit the entire Valley enormously. JEALOUSY is the obvious reason. Jealously about the success of the Mall too. Parris has said that enclosed malls are going by the wayside. Really? Who wants to stroll down the BLVD in August at 2 in the afternoon or the last few days with the cold winds? Well, judging by the numbers of people and cars parked at the Mall compared to the number parked in the median on the BLVD, well, do I have to explain it to you.
Some cities have charming downtown streets with interesting shops and such but Lancaster isn’t one of them although $10 worth of landscaping is nice. I’ve walked several blocks on recent visits and there’s ‘no there there’ and the hype is just too much. Plus, those massive pedestrian unfriendly buildings such as the library, sheriff’s station, LPAC and the new movie theater don’t create an intimate small town feel but rather a more urban, oppressive one with narrow side streets and apartment complexes that are barely set back from the sidewalk. And it will get even less attractive as it fills up and forget parking. I don’t concern myself with parking in Palmdale as it’s a piece of cake but the BLVD reminds me of LA or the SFV if the spaces are taken and I have to use a side street. And, the whole area is surrounded by very old homes that aren’t necessarily heritage ready and auto body shops and used cars lots around the corner.
Your defense reminds me of the hopeless and hapless defense of republican candidates like Michelle Bachmann or Herman Cain that make you wonder, ‘is that the best they can do’.
If I were you, I wouldn’t lead so much with the fact that you’re a teacher when your comments aren’t particulary brilliant and are fairly ordinary like I might hear at the old men’s table at Katz n Jammer’s.
Matt Keltner says
I never “lead” with the fact that I was a teacher. And furthermore, where do you get off on admonishing me for what I have achieved academically? Now, since you’ve gone a step further and decided to turn this into something personal by personally attacking me, I am finished with you! Take Care, William! Have a nice life!
William says
You started it by calling others and me “haters”, didn’t you? That’s what I was pointing to, not the kind of ‘briiliant’ comments of an educator. You may have education but ‘wisdom’ is still out of your grasp.
You tend to accuse others of the things you do such as ‘being a vocal critic of the mayor’ but others are ‘haters’ for criticizing him. Got it.
I’ve read your comments on ‘intheav’ as well and the fact that you’re a teacher cannot be ignored by anyone else reading them. Well, I’m a Leo and maybe I should include that bit of info in every other one of my comments.
One last thing, Matt. I find nearly all your many comments and replies fairly humorless for a younger person. My 88 year old father and I both enjoy Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert but I suspect that you don’t get them.
Matt Keltner says
For someone who has never met me, you sure seem to think you know so much about me and what my sense of humor is based on something as superficial as what I may – or may not – find entertaining on T.V.? I don’t watch very much Television and when I do, it’s mainly nerdy things like the science channel or NatGeo, so yeah, you got your licks in! I read mostly. FYI – I never told anyone on ‘intheav’ that I was a teacher. It was revealed by someone else who blogs there. It’s odd that you have such animosity to me over being a teacher? I thought that big Democrats like you were supposed to support public education and the people like me who take the task on. I guess I was wrong there? My credentials are still active and in good standing with the state, but the teaching profession is no longer something that I do. Libra here, nice to meet you Leo! ;-)
Marianne McCourt says
William & Matt,
Whats going on here? why the bickering? William, if you have an 88 year old dad then that means you are well into your 50s so what gives? Do you have an issue with teachers? What kind of a job do you do? Why would you bring up what someone does for a living and then deride them for it? It was a tacky thing to do. I was a Librarian for 20 years in Hayward, CA do you have an issue with that too? A 50 year old telling a 30 year old they have no wisdom is like me telling my teenage daughter that she has lots to learn in life. Its a no brainer and pretty much goes without mentioning.
Matt, you did not have to mention William being a “hater” of Lancaster. You provoked him apparently by doing so. Sometimes its better to leave what you are thinking unsaid for the sake of everyone else. With age you will get that otherwise you will constantly catch hell like you have been.
Palmdale, Lancaster, Quartz Hill, who cares? Its all a desert. I live in Palmdale but I wouldn’t care if I lived on the other side of M either. Palmdale is hip, cool and neat but it doesnt have the history that Lancaster does. They Both have nice and bad areas.
Can you both put your big boy pants on and quit sniping at the other, please! I am a Pisces, btw.
William says
Marianne and Matt. I was initially replying to Matt’s ‘hater’ comment. The mention of his being a teacher wasn’t to criticize teachers but to point out the his comments such as the ‘hater’ one don’t reflect well on someone who is in education. He could be a rocket scientist and his comments sometimes, despite including a lot of information, seem simple-minded, hence, the wisdom remark I made.
Plus, he says I said things that I didn’t say and then argues with his version of what I said. Example: I didn’t tell him to move to Barstow, but asked “why don’t you…..?’. Then, he gets perturbed with what me telling him what to do which I didn’t do in that case. That doesn’t say much about how an educated person communicates. I’m not knocking teachers just Matt’s trigger-happy but off-target replies.
I have issues with Lancaster because it has a history, more recently apparent, of working counter to the interests of Palmdale and Parris has been an obnoxious public figure with issues about Mayor Ledford. He’s a petty man. I don’t have issues with other cities and towns in the Valley cause they don’t create controversy like Lancaster’s leaders do.
When the mayor of Lancaster disses malls, saying they are old school or whatever, knowing full well that he is referring to Palmdale’s mall, well, I’m going to speak up. Matt thinks that since I don’t live in Lancaster I shouldn’t do that. Too bad. He doesn’t seem to be a careful listener or reader at what people are saying. He doesn’t seem to get sarcasm or satire as when I said “Palmdale must be the brains of the Valley” as he went off on academic institutions. Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert are brilliant social commentators and provide much needed ‘truthiness’ to the lies and misinformation in the news media but Matt doesn’t watch them apparently because he reads which is fine. There was a Twilight Zone episode with Burgess Merideth about a heavy reader who was in his bank’s vault when the nuclear war hit. It had an ironic ending that I doubt Matt could appreciate, again with the wisdom.
S. Parker says
Say what you want about The Rex, but you can’t deny that he has lead the push to inject some life back into The BLVD. The BLVD has come a long way since Rex came into office. It’s ready almost ready to go, all it needs is the support from residents…
William says
I’ve read a lot of negative comments about the BLVD in the AV Press from Lancaster residents. Parking, disturbances at BeX late at night, etc. Wait till the apartments and condos are full of occupants and the parking will be even worse.
The landscaping and improvements are great but there are only about 2-3 blocks that are worth strolling down unless you enjoy window shopping at banks and law offices and other businesses that aren’t the type that a tourist might want to see. Plus, it isn’t convenient to get to. Re: the parking. I made the mistake of parking in the median and backing out with a steady stream of slowly moving cars wasn’t fun or easy. I ended up pulling forward through an empty stall and making a u-turn and was glad to get off the BLVD.
iF I sound negative, I am because I don’t care for the hype from Parris when I don’t think it lives up to it. No one has to hype the AV Mall as it speaks for itself. I’ve left the deserted BLVD only to see the lot full at the AV Mall on the way home in the back facing Restaurant Row. You can feel the energy which is lacking at the BLVD unless there’s an event.
Have they abandoned the outdoor mall across from the park on !0th West? I haven’t heard one way or another.
There’s a sign about a new restaurant and bar coming to Palmdale called ‘Crave’. Why didn’t it go to Lancaster? I think you know. It just isn’t attracting the new businesses like Palmdale. Even Fresca II wised up and moved to Palmdale. I don’t think it was because Ledford twisted any arms.
Parris and Lancaster’s obsession with the BLVD reminds me of an old British movie from the 60s called ‘The Mouse on the Moon’. It was about the US/Soviet space race in which a US rocket was launched into space and the British news anchor mentioned that the astronaut was wearing a watch made in England. It’s the best they could do.
Stinger says
Yes I can deny it, because it is not true. The Lancaster Boulevard renovation project was well underway before Parris even ran for office! How do I know? Because I was there for those planning seesions and contract discussion, that’s how!
Once again Parris has lied and claimed undue credit for others hard work. Unfortunately, the sheeple Parrisites just swallow it whole and parrot it as if it were truth.
Mark W says
Congratulations Lancaster! That’s a win for the whole Antelope Valley!
Matt Keltner says
I’m surprised none of the haters ( Ace, Joe, William ) have said anything yet. I’m sure they’ll pile on here soon, it’s just a matter of time. Bring on the negativity, complaints and senseless bitching…
William says
Well, it’s well deserved. You can thank Mayor Parris for poisoning the relationship between Palmdale and Lancaster and you don’t like the feedback. Too bad. Before Parris was mayor, I went to Lancaster whenever I wanted but I’m avoiding it more and more and you’re you helping with the PR yourself calling people ‘haters’.
Go ahead and shop at your many Walmarts and thrift stores and enjoy your unChristian Christians and don’t bother coming to Palmdale to shop or dine. We are doing just fine without you. Palmdale IS the premier city in the Valley and I thank Mayor Ledford for his commitment and consistent results over 2 decades despite the downturns in the economy without the ugly BS that Parris spouts. With mayors like Parris who needs crime and Section 8?
Poor Matt. Why not move to Barstow and defend it against all mockery? You seem to relish that.
Matt Keltner says
Excuse me, I’ve lived in the Antelope Valley all of my life, except for the first two months when I was born in Spokane, Wash – where my mom’s family lived. I was born in Sept. 1981 and arrived here in November 1981. I am 30 years old. That puts me in the Antelope Valley long before you arrived here. My dad and uncle are both Palmdale natives, born there respectively in 1958 and 1953, before it was even a city. You really do not have a say in where I shop, dine or anything else. You REALLY need to grow up, William! I called you out on your negativity and antagonism toward Lancaster and, apparently, you don’t appreciate it. Saying “I wont go to Lancaster because he is Mayor” is extremely childish and makes you, in modern vernacular, a “hater”. I like Palmdale, I shop there, I eat there, I encourage people to attend events there. You, on the other hand…
Jo says
No, it makes him a conscientious objector. He doesn’t like Rex. So, like many before him, he’s letting his dollars talk for him. Many Quartz Hill residents have been doing the same since Rex pushed thru the Wall Mart. It’s called boycotting. Nothing childish about it. And no one needs to have a set amount of time living somewhere before they’re “allowed” to boycott! This is a time honored way to make ones disapproval known.
And Rex will be hated by people. He’s worked hard at being a divisive leader, so why wouldn’t people turn their backs on him? Why shouldn’t he be held responsible for his actions? He’s reaping what he sowed. Why insist people give him a pass? What makes Rex special, asking others to forgive him his sins? Because he decorated a 1/2 mile of a city street? Big deal. Go in ANY direction off the Blvd and all you’ll see is empty strip malls. But we’re supposed to ignore that because of the blvd?
Don’t see it happening.
William says
Thanks for making the point even better than I did. I didn’t have a problem with Lancaster till Parris started in with his arrogance and the Walmart did it for me. Lancaster gets the sales tax money and Quartz Hill gets the traffic and the problems. Some Christian neighbor that is. The whole deal was fishy what with convenient re-zoning that upset homeowners who thought it would stay residential.
Matt is really full of himself lately. I was born in California, so I’m a native Californian and can call the whole state my home. But, Matt seems to think that living in the AV longer than me entitles him to something, I don’t know what, and he calls me childish.
When people who live in Lancaster take on the arrogance of Parris, they make that community even less attractive while at the same time expecting everyone to come to their BLVD. Too funny.
It’s all yours, Matt, 3 restaurants and a bowling alley but ‘wait there’s more’.
Matt Keltner says
Not exactly, William. I just don’t appreciate being told that I should “move to Barstow” by someone like you — talk about “arrogance” — when I have lived here practically my entire life.
I didn’t support the Wal-Mart either and I was very vocal about it since I was working at QHHS at the time. I thought it was entirely disrespectful of the Planning Commission and the City Council to allow it to happen and I told Sherry Marquez that maybe they should open the Wal-Mart across the street from Lancaster Baptist Church and then we would see how she liked it. I could care less about something being “Christian” or not, because I’m not a Christian, so I don’t care!
Stinger says
So when did Matt become a supporter of El Jefe Rex?
So sad…
Matt Keltner says
So, because I happen to like the city I live in and I like what it is trying to do with it’s downtown district, I am now a “supporter of Rex”? really?
William says
So, Matt. It’s Ok if you have a problem with the Walmart and are ‘very vocal’ about it but others and I are called ‘hater’s by you. In addition to Parris, you make Lancaster even less attractive by your comments.
Palmdale does fine whether I promote it or not. It’s self-evident that Palmdale is an attractive destination for shopping and dining but Lancaster needs a lot of hype which it really doesn’t live up to. I’ve gone to the BLVD a couple dozen times in over a year and I keep wondering what the big deal is. The $10 million spent to decorate it is great but the median parking isn’t user friendly and I wonder if all the employees park there in the morning as the full spaces don’t reflect the near empty restaurants and coffee and yogurt shops at noon on a weekday. I’ve never seen that coffee place in front of BeX’s with more than 2 or 3 customers sitting at tables. I wonder how they stay in business and keep the lights on. Other than Katz n Jammer’s which I love, is there any other breakfast place on the BLVD? It seems to have a limited, narrow focus as far as dining.
You can tell when something is naturally a great attraction and when something is being over-hyped and the BLVD is the latter. I musta been there dozens of times on the ‘wrong’ day and time, I guess.
During the height of the recession or Bush’s depression, as I like to call it, when Gottchalk’s, Mervyn’s and Circuit City among others in Palmdale closed, I didn’t falsely promote how great it was. It was depressing. So, I can’t tolerate people pumping up a so-so attraction like the BLVD when it doesn’t really merit it. A couple of self-serve restaurants with plastic utensils (BeX) and you guys are bragging like it’s the 4 Seasons. And a new restaurant with a ‘B’ grade from the health department (BeX). How embarassing. How EXTRAORDINARY. At least be honest, Matt. You’re not foolin’ us.
Matt Keltner says
Have I ever bragged about BeX on here? Don’t think so! Go back and read my posts! The only restaurant I really like on the BLVD are Brooklyn Deli ( love the turkey Ruben!) and Lemon Leaf. BeX is Okay but it’s not really my thing. It’s more like a Chuck-E-Cheese for grown-ups!
Matt Keltner says
It’s interesting, William, how much power you assign to any commentary I make. Actually, it’s not really interesting, but strange!
I never set out to “fool” you or anyone else because not once have I pretended to be a marketing genius for Lancaster. I never put Palmdale down the way you constantly put Lancaster down. In fact, your fixation with Lancaster is truly baffling to me. If you live in Palmdale and are happy with it, then be happy with it! Why spend so much time knocking one block of street in Lancaster (the blvd) ???
If you are so happy with Palmdale’s retail choices, then what they do on a small block of street in Lancaster shouldn’t even be a fly in your ointment. It shouldn’t even blip on your radar! What gives? Are you employed by the city of Palmdale or something?
William says
Matt. I didnt’ ‘tell’ you to move to Barstow. I wrote ‘why not move to Barstow…..?’. It was a question but you seem to get hooked by my comments and run with them, interpreting them inaccurately. Again, ‘why not take a communication course?’. You are in education and it might be useful, so when I say ‘X’ you don’t think and reply as though I said ‘Y’.
Then, maybe you won’t be arguing with everyone if you actually ‘hear’ what they are saying instead of the voices in your head. We all have an internal dialog and it’s helpful to distinguish what ‘it’ says from what the other person actually said.