During the program, the American Heart Association shared the story of two local families that have been affected by heart disease. Mark McFarlane suffered a heart attack caused by a 99 percent blockage in one of his arteries. While the doctor was clearing the blockage, Mark’s heart stopped. Thanks to his doctor’s quick action, Mark was brought back to life with defibrillation and is enjoying his second chance at life with his wife, daughters and granddaughters.
Keyota and Faith Cole share more than just a mother-daughter bond. They were both born with a heart defect that required multiple open-heart surgeries and other procedures.
The AV Heart Walk was one of four Heart Walks held in Los Angeles County; walks were also held in Pasadena, Long Beach and Santa Clarita. The four walks drew a combined 18,000 people and raised a record $1.6 million, organizers said.
For more information about the Heart Walk, visit www.heartwalkla.org.
[Information via news release from the American Heart Association.]