LANCASTER – Arts & Crafts vendor applications are now being accepted for the 22nd annual California Poppy Festival, to be held April 20 and 21 at Lancaster City Park, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Whether you draw, paint, sculpt, sew, make jewelry, or take beautiful pictures of nature, the Poppy Festival is a great place to display your artistic talents while making some extra money, city officials say.
The California Poppy Festival draws approximately 50,000 visitors during the two day event.
In addition to Arts & Crafts and Fine Arts, the festival features stages of live entertainment, a Farmers’ Market, carnival rides, lots of exotic cuisines, and much more.
This year’s festival includes a “Big Cats” exhibit where attendees can see the big cats up close, as famed animal trainer Brian McMillian presents “Walking with Lions.”
The cost for a 12′ by 12′ Arts & Crafts Vendor booth space is $200, and provides an opportunity to display hand crafted items and network with other vendors while enjoying the two day festival.
For additional information, call 661-723-6256 or 723-6077 or download an application form at www.poppyfestival.com.