LANCASTER – A man riding a bicycle was hit by a vehicle and killed in the Lancaster area Monday night, authorities said.
The crash occurred around 10:51 p.m. Monday, Aug. 14, on Avenue L near 42nd Street West, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
According to the CHP report, the bicyclist was riding eastbound on Avenue L when he was hit by 2012 Chevrolet Camaro that was also traveling eastbound on Avenue. The Camaro’s driver, 24-year-old Dion Troupe II of Lancaster, was not injured, and he remained at the scene and was not arrested, according to the CHP.
“Alcohol and/or drug use is not suspected to be a factor in this crash,” the CHP report stated.
Anyone with information on this incident is encouraged to contact Officer M. Averbeck at the CHP’s Antelope Valley Area office at 661-948-8541, or the CHP Los Angeles Traffic Management Center at 323-259-3200.
Annoyed Pedestrian says
I see a lot of people not wearing reflective materials out in the dark. No surprise these incidents happen.
Cindy says
At least he stayed at the scene and didn’t run away like so many other heartless people.
Rider says
The driver may not have seen the bicyclist.