PALMDALE – A free pride walk for members of the local LGBTQ+ community will be held this Saturday in Palmdale.
The third annual AV Pride Walk will kick off at 4:45 p.m. Saturday, June 24, near the Coffee Bean, located at 39605 10th Street West. From there, participants will march north on 10th Street West to Avenue O, east on Avenue O to La Quinta Lane, and then turn right onto La Quinta Lane and end at Transplants Brewing Company, where there will be an AV Pride Fest celebration.
“The Antelope Valley pride walk is open to all members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies and is a family friendly event,” according to event founder Sky Jung, who also serves as chair woman of Palmdale’s Human Rights Advisory Committee.
“More so now than ever it is extremely important that the LGBTQ+ community and their allies join together in solidarity to promote unity, understanding and foster greater acceptance of the LGBTQ community and its culture within the fabric of the community and America,” Jung stated in an email.
The walk is being organized by the AV Pride Walk Committee. For more information on this event, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/745381580264776

Terry cobbs says
when is the strait walk?
Wrecks Parris says
It’s on the BLVD every single day.
Have at it, Terry.
BLVD Bob says
I’ve seen many people unable to walk straight on the BLVD. Drunk, high, whacked on drugs.
Caitlyn Jenner says
The STRAIGHT mayor of Lancaster designed that mess of a blvd.
Trump is STRAIGHT.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is STRAIGHT.
Straight folks have a lot to answer for. That is a long list of ne’er do wells.
H. Milk says
Good points Caitlyn. But never forget that the STRAIGHT mayor of Lancaster had the wisdom and foresight to attract Asians and “The Gays” (his words) to the BLVD. He seems to have missed the mark as all he has attracted are panhandlers, skateboarders, drug addicts and the occasional hooker who wanders off Sierra Highway.
What a mind he has. What a mind.
Destiny's Step-child says
@H. Milk
Don’t you recall when Rex first promoted the blvd to nowhere.
it was going to be a “World class destination”. People from all over were going to come to the blvd aka “Ramblas” and spend money. (not give change to panhandleers)
They were going to come from all over California to buy their cars at the Lancaster Auto Mall too.
And, the Bike lanes to nowhere. Sheesh, Rex. Where are you successes if any? Oh, that that silly roundabout on West Lancaster Boulevard. My gosh. I thought I was in Coventry, England.
Even long time businesses on the blvd finally couldn’t make.
Does anyone have an accurate count of how many businesses have opened and closed since the blvd first opened? It was a handful but then it really took off. The buildings were like that furniture store on Avenue K that changes names every year after a “Going out of business sale”.
Did they build that hotel ever? I was writing here back when the blvd first opened predicting it would be a bust. There is only 1 street. Other towns that have done similar things with their main streets have busy commercial properties parallel to the main street as well as on cross streets.
The blvd is surrounded by the oldest houses in Lancaster and they aren’t heritage properties either.
I got a lot of static for saying that from people who “knew” all about city planning. Where are they now? Probably moved on to another city to share their expertise.
The failure of the blvd should have cost Parris his mayor’s title and he should have been put in the pillory and pelted with rotten tomatoes and dead cats.
Terry Cobbs says
I’ve seen blue haired warriors walking on the BLV every single day as well, I meant an actual permitted parade Wrecks! Geeze.
T. Willis says
Blue hairs walk by day, the only time the BLVD is remotely safe. Early morning when the drunks are sleeping it off.
The Walk says
Tranheuser Busch.
Frank Rizzo says
I went on the walk with my bronner.
Bobby Scott and Bob Russell says
he ain’t heavy….
Eric says
Fruit loops
Gina HARTLEY says
Yummy Say no hate Celebrate Love
Betty says
You should know. Come out of the closet
Frank Rizzo says
A gathering of fruits perverts and weirdos, looks like fun.
Kellogg's says
add a couple nuts like you and we have granola
General Mills says
That was good.
Caitlyn Jenner says
Poor Frank Rizzo and others.
Consider that womenfolk, who are more vulnerable due to their smaller stature, than big, strong hetero men like Frank Rizzo have to put up with harrassment, assaults, unwanted contact and even rape from straight men.
But, unlike the so-called “weaker sex” Frank and others are frightened by trans and gay men so much compared to women. Isn’t that absurd?
Just say “NO!” Frank Rizzo like we expect women and young girls to do.
Is the temptation that you experience that a gay man might look at you funny so intense that you have to c9mpensate by talking like you do. It says more about you than the trans, the dragster or the queers.
You don’t hear women on here saying that kind of stuff about straight men who are obnoxious predators. They are just supposed to deal with it but, for some reason, you can’t.
The more you and the others here yap about it, the weaker and more delicate you appear, if that’s what you want.
Grow a pair. You can handle the sight of a dragster or a gay man without losing it. Or not.
Until then, you’ll be here acting like a sissy boy, so easliy bothered. Are you also afraid of spiders and little mice? BOO!!!.
Who else wants to self-identify as a scared little boy who can’t handle things that girls and women deal with constantly most of their lives? There are grown women who have been raped that are tougher than you Frank Rizzo but you just don’t get it. You and your buddies think that talking trash about drag queens and queers makes you sound masculine. Au contraire, little boy. There are many women stronger and tougher than you are. You are probably afraid of them too.
Tucker Carlson has done segments going after drag queens too. He is such macho man like you and your buddies. Is he your role model?
James says
Why do you celebrate immorality?
Cody says
Not only that, but also mentally ill