“Enhanced enforcement measures, including increased patrols, targeted operations, and public awareness campaigns, will be employed to ensure compliance with traffic laws and to protect the well-being of our community,” according to a news release from the city of Lancaster.
The enforcement measures are aimed at educating the community on the laws regarding mini motorcycles, promoting safety, and addressing the growing nuisance faced by residents and local businesses.
“The incessant noise and disturbances caused by these vehicles disrupt the peace and tranquility of our communities. Additionally, reckless riding and disregard for traffic laws create an atmosphere of chaos and endanger the safety of pedestrians and other road users,” the city news release states.
“We are proud to partner with the LASD in Lancaster to help address this ongoing issue,” Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said in the news release. “We urge all individuals to comply with the law and prioritize the safety and well-being of everyone in our city.”
Mini motorcycles are compact motorcycles that are typically smaller than traditional motorcycles and designed for off-road use only. But some residents have been operating these vehicles on public roads and highways, which is illegal and puts motorists and pedestrians at risk, officials said.
“The city of Lancaster would like to remind all residents and visitors that operating mini motorcycles on public roadways is strictly prohibited under California state law. The California Vehicle Code (CVC) section 21720 clearly defines these vehicles as off-road motorcycles and restricts their use to private property, designated off-road areas, or racetracks,” according to the news release.
Mini motorcycles are not equipped with safety features such as lights, turn signals, mirrors, and proper tires, making them highly susceptible to accidents and collisions. Their small size and limited visibility make it difficult for other motorists to anticipate their movements, further increasing the likelihood of accidents. Additionally, most riders are minors and do not wear appropriate safety gear, which places them in great danger of serious injury.
Officials said operating mini motorcycles on public roads can result in citations, fines, and even impoundment of the vehicle. Parents are also responsible for paying the fines their minor children incur.
“We will be conducting directed patrols in furtherance of the mission to control the illegal use of mini motorcycles,” said Captain Lecrivain of LASD’s Lancaster Station. “Reports of illegal mini motorcycles can be made to the non-emergency phone line at the station or at LACrimestoppers.org.”
Wilber Barrera says
Why is it that you could register them and pay at the dmv and all. And then it’s taken away. With lights helmet and driving it on the bike lane I mean not everybody was money to buy car
Sean G says
Because I am a white male in my 50s, I have to carry a knife in my hand ready to flip open if I take a walk anywhere in Lancaster. At first they targeted homeless people, especially the older and weaker ones and those wearing a knapsack, now its anyone older or those who look like an easy target. First they follow you, hoping traffic will die down or you lead them somewhere with few witnesses, then they will try to get close to you, using whatever ruse they come up with, then they will punch you in the head from behind or when you turn your head, hoping to knock you out or at least daze you enough to grab your phone and wallet and anything else you are carrying. Since they take your phone, a victim has to wander around trying to find someone to call 911 for you, good luck with that in this rathole community where anyone you ask for help wont help at all and will just wish it was them who robbed you first. And then its a 6 to 8 hour wait if you DO find someone to call 911 for you, which is why most of these robberies don’t get reported. And mini-motorcycles are what they are cracking down on?
School kids of America says
@Sean G.
Just be glad you’re not an elementary school kid when a white male starts shooting his AR-15.
They’ll trade places with poor you.
Mr E says
Lol all the people that think the mayor is responsible for the crime rates when Los Angeles county has a district attorney gascone that doesn’t prosecute for worse and worse crimes… Keep voting soft on crime demoncrats into office if you like how things are going!!!
Annoyed driver says
Good riddance to those noisy b-tards, they deserve to be hit driving on the road.
Pete says
Talk about ignoring the real problems and looking for a scapegoat. Typical Perris move.
East Lancaster's Most in Disgust with Lancaster says
No one is better at deflecting from the real issues and putting the spotlight on something that really isn’t a problem than the mayor of Lancaster. While the city suffers from rising crime, a deteriorating east side that has zero representation on the council, homelessness, panhandling, a downtown that many don’t go to because it’s not safe (including the mayor’s wife), bad roads, blight, insider deals, and general corruption, the mayor focuses on bike lanes, hydrogen and mini motorcycles.
And the Lancaster voter lemmings keep him and his puppets in power.
We deserve the mess we have.
Larry says
Blame apathy and Lancaster Baptist church. People don’t show to vote, but he has the whole church voting for him. They talk about it in their sermons even. Probably equates to almost half of the total votes.
The Faithful says
Frank Rizzo says
Confiscate and ticket. Its like these little a holes want to get run over. Ticket the parents of juveniles and charge them for their delinquent trash, they encourage the behavior.
Frank for Mayor says
Right on Frank Rizzo. I like the way you think. A real law and order guy. What do you think we should do to politicians who violate the Brown Act with serial meetings, give out no bid contracts. cost their constituents millions in tax dollars because of their words and deeds, or are caught lying about things like false shootings of deputies? That one lie alone cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I think we found our new mayor: Frank Rizzo!!!!!
Frank Rizzo says
Oh no, another lefty triggered. MAGA hard!
Triggering! Are you referring to our beloved Rex?
S. Griftt says
Res is beloved by those who benefit from his grift, money, and influence. Most people live in fear of him and his ability to destroy their livelihood. There’s a rather large church of Rex devotees who have been spoon fed the ‘greatness’ of this ‘beloved’ Rex. They even cover the topic of suing people in their Statement of Faith, a rather bizarre issue to address in a faith statement. But then again, Rex and Lancaster are rather bizarre themselves.
Talk amongst yourselves……
I paid my taxes for those roads and my boys can ride wherever the h e l l they want.
God Bless America.
Just Saying says
Ahhh you must be the momma of those boys…..yes, you are absolutely right. They can ride wherever the hell they want, but when your boys get into an accident nonetheless a fatal accident don’t go blaming the drivers or the city and sue everyone. Just because we pay taxes doesn’t make it right to break laws. A big yes, GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!! Keep the kids safe and away from drugs.
Kiki says
So does the drivers and when your boys get killed for being were they are not supposed to be than toodles
Just Saying says
I hope those hoodlums across the street from Columbia elementary were caught. I haven’t seen them lately. They are a crew of about 6 to 8, riding up and down the streets looking at you as if you’re in their way. Riding on one wheel on Ave J and Ave K, causing accidents due to them circling around the cars. I hope they confiscated their motorcycles.
Lancaster Mini Biker says
Confiscate and crush…
And The Band Played On says
This news story, perhaps wittingly, is a good representation of the erosion of Lancaster’s legitimacy as a municipality. We all see and deal with real issues that burden the citizens of Lancaster, and Mini Motorcycle riding is not exactly topping the chart of citizen concern. The article cites a vehicle statute, apparently attempting to reinforce the issue as being serious; The mention of community resources being spent to thwart these evil menaces is insulting. In case this was a serious news piece, note to staff: Yes, there are Vehicle Codes, there are also Civil Codes and the wonderful Business and Professions Codes, however, the issues that concern most citizens lie within the Penal Code index. The leadership of this municipality is too clownish to even flippantly address.
J.E. says
It’s easier to go after mini motorcycles and take people’s attention off of real issues like crime, homelessness, corruption, and blight.
Tim Scott says
One must have gotten in the way of one of the ol’ boys in the network.
Bret says
In lake La we have a problem with them and cars racing up and down in residential streets
Tim Scott says
I don’t doubt it. But I guarantee this enforcement effort is not going to be targeting Lake LA. None of Wrecks’ donor pals live there, so you’re on your own.
Cynic says
Or perhaps, they are a public nuisance and laws need to be enforced.
Wheeling says
Which is about par and right on course until one of the good ol’ boys kids get cited and then the crackdown will get squashed.
timtimmah says
typical obtuse gibberish from the dumbestmfer in thr room.
Nancy Jo says
These “vehicles’ are dangerous. The riders weave in and out of traffic. God forbid I should hit one of them.
East Lancaster says
That’s great Rex. Those pesky motorcycles going vroom vroom.
When you’re done fining those kids, can you take a look at all the crime going on in East Lancaster and the BLVD? Ave. I is in shambles. So is Division St. Then there are the roads. And the homeless.
What a leader you are.
ACE says
Old LuuskinWrankley says
I Concur with Mister or Mr.Miss ACE in all CAPS. I am upset at every bull-Shart thing that happens around my immediate vicinity. Any and everything that bothers me turns out to be more Bull-Sh@#t with different wrapping. These “Hooligans” are just plain irritating and cause my RRoids to Flame up like a sizzling fajita plate walking thru Sizzlers!!! Bless the Sherrifs Dr
Department for trying their best to cull the chaos that sometimes gets a bit ridiculous out here in the Hyde-iZZrrt of LanCansterlees.