The incident began around 11:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20, when California Highway Patrol officers attempted a traffic stop on a white 2022 Kia SUV that was traveling at 132 mph on SR-14, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
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“The suspect driver failed to yield to officers and a pursuit ensued, traversing several county roads and freeways into the Antelope Valley area,” the CHP report states.
“During the pursuit, the suspect called the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and informed them that he had an infant child and a weapon in the vehicle. The suspect also said he would shoot at the CHP officers if they continued engaging in the pursuit,” the CHP report states.
At about 12:42 a.m. Wednesday, the suspect, identified as Fernando Fierro, fired shots at pursuing officers, but no officers or vehicles were struck by the gunfire, according to the CHP report.
The suspect eventually came to a stop outside the Lido Estates mobile home park in the 2500 block of East Avenue I and exited the SUV while holding a gun to the infant’s head, CHP officials said. The suspect then backed slowly into a mobile home, beginning the standoff, which was continued until late Wednesday afternoon.
The CHP contacted the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, which dispatched a SWAT team to the scene.
Elijandra Rosas, who identified herself as the suspect’s aunt, told reporters at the scene that Fernando Fierro had his year-old son with him inside the mobile home. She issued a plea for him to surrender.
“Fernando, please get out of the house, please. I want to see you. I want to see the baby. … Please think of your mom and your dad and your sister and your brother, Fernando, please,” she said.
As of late Wednesday afternoon, Fierro was still barricaded in the mobile home park and negotiators were trying to find a way to talk to him since he left his phone in his vehicle.
Editor’s note: We will update this story when more information becomes available.
CarGuy says
That’s amazing. Unbelievable even.
A Kia SUV went 132 mph…
Tim Scott says
There are some steep downhill sections on the 14.
Dalaran says
Yep, was going downhill, pushed by wind and it was previously owned by Chuck Norris.
Darwin says
I know unbelievable! I’m going to complain to Chevrolet why my brand new 2022 Sierra taps out at 108!!
Lancaster Man says
Fernando is just misunderstood.
PhukTimScott says
Hey Tim Scott, I suppose this is an imaginary incident of violence and these supposed victims are paid actors right? Because according to you, crime is not so bad…
Tim Scott says
LOL…Sonya, no matter how many times you try the “paid actors” bit you are never going to get people to confuse me with Alex Jones.
Crime rates are vastly exaggerated by people with a vested interest in scaring the public. Stating that fact doesn’t equate to wing nut Alex and your favorite “news sources” making absurd claims that a crime didn’t happen.