CASTAIC – Gov. Gavin Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency Saturday to help Los Angeles County address the impact of the Route Fire, which erupted on Aug. 31 near Castaic and burned more than 5,000 acres over the next several days.
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The proclamation directs state government assist local authorities, and directs the California Department of Transportation to formally request immediate assistance through the Federal Highway Administration’s Emergency Relief Program for highway repairs or reconstruction.
The fire damaged a two-mile stretch of Interstate 5.
Seven firefighters suffered minor heat-related injuries, and a number of homes were evacuated.
Newsom also signed an executive order Saturday to assist communities impacted by the Mosquito Fire and proclaimed a state of emergency in Alpine and Inyo counties due to damage from widespread flash flooding in August.
Palmdale's Most Censored & Moderated says
I wish someone would sign an order to recover from Gruesome Newsom.
Tim Scott says
What’s to recover from?
California’s economy is growing at a dazzling pace, about to become the fourth largest in the world (among countries). The numbers are in on covid, and mortality rate in California compared to red states shows that tens of thousands of Californian lives that could have been lost weren’t. In every state in the midwest one of the “big problem” complaints from conservatives is that unless they manage to completely derail their kids’ education the kid gets an education and moves on to a better life in California and never looks back.
Other than random Republican name calling, can you point to any real problem with California?
TruthHurts says
Name some things bad about Newsom’s California you say?
Out of control homelessness, astronomically expensive housing (3rd highest in nation), highest income taxes in the nation, rising crime rates, perpetually the highest average gas prices, steadily increasing unemployment rate since Newsom became Governor (California is now among worst states for unemployment).
Anyone who believes the left’s “Red State Murder Problem” only parroted a sound bite or failed to dig into the statistics. An actual analysis was done by CBS (not a sugar coated study done by the Democratic Think Tank “Third Way” which Newsom loves to quote). It showed that the highest red state crime statistics are driven by the crimes committed by the large crime ridden Democratic (blue) cities within those red states. When that sharp blue city increase was factored out, those red states ranked at or below the national average. ALL of them.
Research the information and it lists each red state with the highest crime and identifies each major city within that state which drove the rate higher. They are ALL blue cities controlled, and ran by Democratic leaders from top to bottom.
When all of those factors are considered, California moves to the top of the high Crime list.
California is a train wreck, Newsom is the engine conductor, and the voters are the train company funding this rolling catastrophe that is wrecking lives up and down the state.
Tim Scott says
LOL…you cry about high priced housing? Find me the republican who will promise the homeowners a real estate market crash.
You whining about ‘high crime’ is just as ridiculous. You, me, everyone else has a 99.993% chance of NOT encountering violent crime. That’s “dramatically down” from 99.994%. You red balloon buffoons just eat whatever the propagandists blow up for you to cry about.
California’s economy carries the nation. If you are too much of a loser to compete in it, leave. But for heaven’s sake, quit whining.
HardTruth says
That’s an interesting but misleading statistic. You’re quoting an annual probability. Now factor in a lifetime probability of being a victim of violent crime.
You act like 1,359 violent crimes is nothing. That’s how many violent crimes occurred in Lancaster in 2019. Now run that trend forward 10 years and you have over 13,000 victims of violent crime over 10 years. That’s a small city of victims. You can spout meaningless percentages that give the illusion of relative safety, but the reality is, many people are victims. Literally tens of thousands of people living in the AV have experienced violent crime at some point in their life.
I’ve personally been on the receiving end of violent crime twice in my life. And both animals went to prison for a long time. My current wife was kidnapped walking home from high school and fought off her attackers and escaped. Two got away, one went to prison. Two of my close family friends were held at gunpoint in their car in their own driveway and robbed several years ago. They were never caught.
People like you want to put blinders on and pretend this stuff isn’t happening somewhere, every single day.
Here’s a more meaningful statistic that paints a more accurate picture. A violent crime occurs every 26.3 seconds in the USA. That number is based on the same 2019 FBI statistics.
It would be nice if you became part of the solution. Because pretending it doesn’t happen, or grossly minimizing it, makes you part of the problem. It’s cowardice.
HardTruth says
The only reason California has a robust economy right now is because 46% of its tax revenues come from the top 1% of earners in the state. The true measure of a states economic health is its ability to weather a bad recession.
In 2009, California’s economy was the most severely impacted state by the Great Recession. The state was insolvent by 2012.
Much like the statistics you have a penchant for spouting, your boisterous claims about the states economy is riddled with half truths and major omissions.
When the next recession hits, and it will, California will plunge back into poverty, like it has before, because the same left wing policies remain in place and the ideology hasn’t changed. Newsom is simply not up to the task. He’s a smoke and mirror show.
I happen to be in the top 4-5% income group in California and I feel fortunate that my life decisions worked well. I have no problem competing in this state. I hold a grave concern for those less fortunate than me, and for my children who will have to bear the weight of these policies in the future. You must not have children. In fact, it’s obvious you don’t.
Harder Truth says
Hard Truth would have you believe that the only solution is more enforcement, more authority, more money down the hole.
Yet, Hard Truth’s argument is its own undoing.
With record spending, the figures cited by Hard Truth demonstrate utter futility in those arguments.
Alternative solutions, based in our best criminal justice intelligence and the success rates of the results of innovative criminal proceedings, are the biggest threat to the entrenched interests advocating “more. more. more.”
What is it called when you keep doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result?
Defeats Gnomes says
That gnome HardTruth…
World Ranks through time
California GDP in 2008: 8th
California GDP in 2010: 10th
California GDP in 2011: 11th
California GDP in 2012: 9th
by 2015: 6th … by 2019, 5th.
soon to be 4th. Notably, during Jerry Brown and GruesomeNewsome administrations
And let me be sure I understand: all this is happening while rich corporations are taxed heavily, paying the bulk of revenues into the state, correct?
HardTruth’s arguments are not well thought through. They lack consistency, lack proof by results. Are based in speculation and bash-mentality. Like a junkman pounding on a fender for no other reason but to make some noise…
“When the next recession hits…”
Lol!. With every recession California gains a higher spot on the global GDP rank. so, Bring It On.
Go ahead, HardTruth. Bash away. You are wasting your time.
TruthHurts says
It is an authoritarian argument to state that Covid lockdowns saved lives. Experts are still working to determine how much harm was done because of lockdowns. They acknowledge numerous complex issues that spiked during lockdowns, such as suicides, various mental health issues in otherwise healthy people with no history of MH issues, chronic health issues, particularly in younger people due to prolonged and improper use of masks, and the devastating economic impact that ruined tens of thousands of lives, and will take a decade or more to recover from. Many of these issues are long lasting quality of life issues that experts agree will have a definite impact on future mortality rates. Let’s not forget the 2 years of school closures that education experts state undoubtedly set back millions of young children. With schools back in session, school districts are reporting educational challenges due to student performance gaps which are falling short of state performance benchmarks. As if California’s ranking of 37th of 50 worst states for education performance wasn’t bad enough, it will undoubtedly get worse.
When California chose to implement lockdowns and prohibit churches from holding services while allowing bars and strip clubs to stay open, one has to question the wisdom of its so-called leaders. It seemed they were just chasing the national scorecard instead of conducting a meaningful risk assessment that would actually mitigate the devastating outcomes. Oh, and let’s not pretend that homelessness didn’t rise sharply during Covid (24%-35% based on still evolving statistics). But nobody wants to acknowledge that fact. So yea, let’s talk quality of life. Heck, let’s talk about actually helping people survive while keeping the lives they have intact. Because California failed miserably at it.
Mommy Still Loves You says
I hope your Epidemiology and Public Health classes are not too hard on you.
I know you struggle sometimes, but learning is a hard thing.
From what I understand, the real problem wasn’t that people would die outright, t was that the healthcare system is not designed to care for massive influx of infected patients who – by the very act of breathing – are both suffering, and dying, a well as spreading the cause of their suffering and dying by breathing, or coughing up the infected breath from their lungs. So, what they did was ‘lock down’ people to make sure that hospitals did not overload. Think of it like a circuit breaker: it prevents electrical fire and massive loss.
Mommy Still Loves You says
The SARS-2 virus is an RNA virus, with rapid adaptive characteristics. In two years they have tracked over 100 different variants, all of which are differently trying to adapt to the antibodies that human physiology uses to defend the body from harm. It is a battle. I’m only your mommy, but it seems like I would always trade the safety of my hunny bun over a few days or weeks or months of inconvenience to be sure that we still are both alive. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
The lockdown also gave the world’s scientists time to examine the situation, evaluate solutions, and try to get ahead of this teeny particle (Did you know more than a million of them can fit onto one blood cell, and we each have 20-30 TRILLION blood cells, and that the virus attaches to the ACE2 receptor on blood cells, organs, arteries… every tissue that requires oxygenation) ACE2 is a receptor that acts to control inflammation, a basic immune response, and SARS2 confounds that. That means a basic defense – the immune system – is “broken”. We are then pretty much defenseless.
Daddy Wants You To Grow Up says
You really aren’t absorbing your Epidemiology and Public Health instruction well.
Me and your Mother hope for the best for you, as you make your way in life.
But I must tell you, if you keep going in the direction you are going, you will just become more angry and won;t be helping yourself to all this world has to offer.
You are wasting your time making up stories for yourself based on speculation and misunderstanding that is almost ignorance.
I say this as your father. I am trying to help you.
For God’s sake, please, help yourself out of that rut you’re in.
Edward Jenner says
Hard Truth:
SARS-2 is a coronavirus. These are notably RNA viruses that have high mutation rates and adaptability. SARS-2 attaches to the ACE2 receptor, a key part of all tissues that have a role in the immune response to infection. ACE2 signals what should become engorged with bodily fluid in order to amplify the local response to infection – flooding the tissue with antibodies, hydration, nutrients, white blood cells, and other immune system response substances.
The reason that human interaction is best restricted (locked down) when an infection of SARS-2 type coronoaviruses occurs is because healthcare infrastructure is designed for typical, steady state, ‘routine’ general healthcare. It is NOT designed to accommodate 30 or 40% of the population infected, or 10% in need of critical care. Critical care is designed to – at best – provide a 1 in 1000 to 1 in 100 need for critical care in the population. “Lockdown” was necessary to prevent overload of the healthcare system, thereby giving professionals time and space to remedy and care for those who did become infected at a level the system could handle. Humans responded by adjusting to the system they designed.
It was the only way known to minimize the losses. To embrace other policy would confound the oath that doctors and healthcare professionals make: “To Preserve life”
Mommy Still Loves You says
Hun, I hope you are having a good day.
Mommy wants to know if you are still afraid of those city boogey men?
How’s your statistics course going? I know you were struggling…did you ever finally figure out the problem about censored data? How about the problem with dissimilar populations in meta analysis?
How about your social science 205 class? Did you ever figure out the way to respond to that essay question on crime and culture?
You are so grown up now.
gosh, I am your mom: I don’t even know what those things are you told me about…I’m so proud of you for trying to get smarter, I just hope you will …some day.
Willie "Slick WIllie" Sutton says
Crime happens in cities because that’s where the people are, that’s where the stuff is, that’s where its easy to blend into the crowd/hide.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I rob banks because that’s where the money is.
Realtors, lenders, homeowners, realty investors, county assessors says
What did you expect?
Did you expect all of us to want housing to become cheap?
Plenty of open land in the AV. Why no cheap houses there?
Go ahead and spell out the economic reasons inexpensive housing is not available when land is bountiful.
I’ll wait.