“The city has been working hard to find creative solutions to our local housing needs,” said Palmdale Mayor Steve Hofbauer. “We look forward to working closely with our community to design these innovative neighborhoods.”
The city of Palmdale will host a virtual public workshop on Nov. 17, at 5:30 p.m., to receive input on this project. Attendees should RSVP at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElcumtrTIoG9TVUiHkwwDty9effTdwhwBt#/registration
Spanish interpretation will be provided. Requests for other languages will be accommodated if made at least three working days (72 hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting date. For more information, view the project fact sheet at https://bit.ly/PalmdaleHousing-FS-1 or contact Associate Planner Jasmine Almora at jalvarado@cityofpalmdale.org or 661-267-5287.