LANCASTER – A driver died Friday morning in a two-vehicle collision in an intersection near Lancaster, authorities said.
The collision happened around 7:05 a.m. Friday, Oct. 7, in the intersection of Avenue J and 140th Street East, according to a California Highway Patrol report.
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Kimberly Newell, 43, of Helendale, was driving a 2010 Nissan “southbound on 140th Street East and came to a complete stop at the two-way stop sign at Avenue J,” according to the CHP report.
Newell “failed to yield the right-of-way” and entered the intersection directly into the path of a 2004 Chevrolet that was traveling westbound on Avenue J, according to the CHP report.
“The crash caused [the Chevrolet] to travel to the left where it overturned multiple times on the eastbound shoulder of Avenue J,” the CHP report states.
The Chevrolet’s driver was pronounced dead at the scene. His name has not yet been released, but he was a 31-year-old resident of Apple Valley, according to the CHP report. There were two passengers in the Chevrolet — 19-year-old Juan Rocha-Ureno and 24-year-old Salvador Garcia Jr., both from Apple Valley. Rocha-Ureno sustained major injuries and was transported to Antelope Valley Hospital, while Garcia Jr. sustained no injuries, according to the CHP report.
Newell sustained minor injuries, including swelling to the forehead, the CHP report states.
The crash remains under investigation. Any witnesses are encouraged to contact Officer S. Spann, ID 20244, at the CHP Antelope Valley Area office, at 661-948-8541.
UPDATE: A previous version of this story contained incorrect information. It was actually the Nissan’s driver [Kimberly Newell] who failed to yield the right of way, according to the CHP. The article has been corrected.
UPDATE: The deceased driver has been identified as Frank Garcia, 31, of Apple Valley, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office and the California Highway Patrol.
Laurie says
I hope and pray your “friend” pays dearly for the tragic loss to our family! Am I bitter? Am I angry? You better believe it! What the hell was your “friend” thinking by not stopping at the stop sign she had? What was she doing at the time? There are no obstructions there. How could she not see a big truck coming on Ave. J? I don’t wish this on anyone, believe me. I do have compassion for people, but when they hurt my family in this senseless accident due to the stupid, idiotic mistake that your “friend” made, my compassion just went out the window. Now, my family is planning a funeral for my son-in-law and if you seen the hurt in my daughters eyes and you look at my granddaughter, who by the way, looks just like him, you would do anything in your power to try and make that hurt go away. I don’t know if you have any children or grandchildren, but I pray to god you never get in a vehicle with your “friend” again. You might just not make it out!
Laurie says
This was my son-in-law who was killed in this accident due to some incompetent woman, Kimberly Newell of Helendale, who DID NOT yield the right-of-way. My son-in-law was the best husband to my daughter and the best daddy to my 6 month old granddaughter. The first report that came out must have been given by Ms. Newell who stated my son-in-law did not yield the right-of-way. She must have really bumped her head hard because there was no stop sign on Avenue J, only on 140th St. Kimberly Newell was the cause of the needless and senseless accident because she was not paying attention to the road. Maybe she was on her phone, I don’t know. What I do know is that she gets to go home to her family and my son-in-law doesn’t. Being a mother and seeing my baby girl in so much pain breaks my heart because I can’t do anything to fix it!
A GoFundMe page has been set up to help my daughter and baby granddaughter with expenses. My son-in-law was the sole provider of their loving family, and in a blink of an eye, some idiot couldn’t see a hugh Chevy Silverado travelling on Avenue J! I don’t know how Ms. Newell could go to sleep at night knowing she killed the father of his first child and turned out whole family upside down! I have no pity on her whatsoever!
Ann says
It’s a horrible tragedy. I can’t imagine what your family is going through. And his wife with a new born baby. I know Kimberly and she’s a good person. It weighs heavily on her. I pray for your family.
Laurie says
She killed my son-in-law because of her incompetence to pay attention to road signs. She may be a good person, but she should have been paying attention while driving. If she had, my son-in-law would be here seeing his baby girl growing up! I’m sorry, but I can show no compassion for stupid drivers who should not be on the road if they can not obey the traffic signs. She lied at first to officers saying my son-in-law failed to yield when in fact, it was her who failed to yield! She destroyed our family and then had the nerve to lie about it. Maybe you need to choose your friends more wisely!
Laurie says
It should lay heavy on her heart know my 6-month old granddaughter will never see her daddy again. Your friend caused the accident and she gets to go home every night! Where is the justice in that! Maybe you should pick your friends more wisely!
Laurie says
I hope and pray your “friend” pays dearly for the tragic loss to our family! Am I bitter? Am I angry? You better believe it! What the hell was your “friend” thinking by not stopping at the stop sign she had? What was she doing at the time? There are no obstructions there. How could she not see a big truck coming on Ave. J? I don’t wish this on anyone, believe me. I do have compassion for people, but when they hurt my family in this senseless accident due to the stupid, idiotic mistake that your “friend” made, my compassion just went out the window. Now, my family is planning a funeral for my son-in-law and if you seen the hurt in my daughters eyes and you look at my granddaughter, who by the way, looks just like him, you would do anything in your power to try and make that hurt go away. I don’t know if you have any children or grandchildren, but I pray to god you never get in a vehicle with your “friend” again. You might just not make it out!
Bad drivers in the AV.... says
These intersections in the outskirts/rural areas are very dangerous. I see people running stops all the time. Many times they slow, look and see that no one is close, then go through the stop. Last night we narrowly missed a collision. The intersection of J and 170th E has now become a three-way stop. It is very dark out there–no street light at the intersection. There’s no flashing lights around the stop sign, no bumps on the road signaling a stop ahead. I don’t think there is a sign 100 feet before indicating a stop. As we approached, a car was traveling west on J at a high rate of speed. Never even saw the car brake–no taillights brightening. I told my husband to lookout, that car is not stopping. The van blew right through the stop at about 70mph and I don’t think they even know that they ran a stop. Had we been seconds sooner to the stop we would have been hit. Scary stuff…
Tim Scott says
They’ve always been that way. When I was a kid you could do that all the time with no consequences. People need to catch up to the reality that there are no more “this cross street never has anyone on it” four way stops. Ten times the population will do that.
Slow the F DOWN says
Well this school bus driver says, the crap we see on a daily is freaking crazy, I had a freaking truck run a stop, only to slam its brakes on when the ass wipe realized, that they were going to meet my side door, (n4/260) one morning, the lady freaking laughed, when I looked at her…people need to slow the f down, leave earlier… something, to many people are dying, then the family are blaming the other people, the dude on 170, had his boy in the car, passes a big rig, then the family blames the truck driver, had he been more patient, he would be here today, but no he chose to ruin his sons life and the truckers life, now this women does not yield, and an innocent man is gone, his baby has no daddy, PEOPLE FREAKING WAKE UP, PAY ATTENTION!! PEOPLE ARE DYING, AND YALL DO NOT GIVE A F*&#
Slow down says
That would be n4/160…I am tired and I am sick of this crazy driving in the AV
Cindy says
I am not surprised I drive these roads everyday and see people fly right through these intersections
Yesterday I saw a work Van driving on Ave N going west drive right through the 4 way stop sign, he did not even slow down. Had I been there 3 minutes earlier he would have killed me and my child. But because of the stupidity of these drivers I never enter till everyone approaching comes to a stop and this pisses some drivers off but my life is more important