LANCASTER – An 18-year-old Palmdale man died Tuesday morning after he lost control of his vehicle while trying to pass traffic in the Lancaster area, authorities said.
Milton Velis Jr. was pronounced dead at the scene of the single-vehicle collision, which happened around 5:40 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, on Avenue J east of 150th Street East, according to the California Highway Patrol and the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
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According to a CHP report, Velis was driving a 2000 Infiniti westbound on Avenue J when he “attempted to pass westbound traffic and lost control” of his vehicle.
The Infiniti “traveled off the roadway and crashed into an Edison pole, overturned, and came to rest within the desert area,” the CHP report states.
Velis was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected from the vehicle, resulting in fatal injuries, according to the CHP report.
“The involvement of alcohol and/or drugs is not suspected at this time,” the CHP report states.
Anyone with information regarding this collision is encouraged to contact Officer Alonzo at the Antelope Valley CHP Office at 661-948-8541.
Frank Rizzo says
Rest in peace, my man. He was dying to get to work. Drive safe everyday and make sure your car is tip top!
Aliyah Vargas says
I’ll miss you forever.
Alcocer says
If anyone was a witness to this tragic accident please contact me as Milton’s mother would like to know details of what might have happened ,thank you.
Alcocer says
Previous comment…… My contact information is…. thank you
a says
gone to soon, will always remember you papas, rest in paradise .
kayleen says
i love you papito:/Always. Even though youre aren’t here with us My love for you will always continue..may your soul rest cariño. My condolences to the velis family. He was a friend, brother, cousin , and a son we held so close to our hearts. the rain doesn’t last forever. To the ignorant ass people being disrespectful don’t be putting your 2’s when you have no idea what happen and don’t know him.. people don’t be wearing seat belts all the time and still make it back home. Hold your loved ones near and always tell them you love them because you never truly know when’s the last time you’re going to be able to. See you in paradise papa
Responsible Driver says
Without wearing a seatbelt in an Infiniti is about on brand with most Nissan drivers. Likely driving too fast for conditions and too inexperienced to correct it. Also being a 2000 model, I wonder how much maintenance was kept up on the brakes and tires. Not surprised at the outcome.
A Grandma says
So sad. Hoping his family finds peace in their memories. It’s a tragedy to loose a child.
At the same time it’s a reminder that we should slow down a bit and try to avoid accidents by driving more carefully. Talk to your kids about the dangers, there’s so many accidents happening around the valley where a driver is on the wrong side of the road, in a rush, passing unsafely.
Geraldine Aguilar says
I send my condolences to the family and nobody or any news or nether the police can say what really happened because it could have been anything what if there was an animal crossing the road it could be anything people just assume things I know how the family feels because I lost my son 17 years ago to murder and all I want to know is why his name was Diego Aguilar and to the family if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to I’m here for you and my son was 15 years old
Deborah says
So sad. When we are young we are not aware of our limitations and too often it causes harm. Rest in peace young man.
Judith A Smith says
God Bless !
Loreena big cousin says
Thank you
Big Sister says
My little brother.. why? Please tell me why. I’ll keep your legacy going papa. I’ll see you again soon. I promise I’ll be here for you through this..
Melissa Monteros says
Dont be putting opinions on my BLOOD, you dont know him. Your reading a article not living it.
Tio & Tia says
Lil Milton words can’t explain our pain we still can’t believe it. We will forever keep you alive thru our great memories for always in our hearts. You were one of a kind this is hard for all of us. May god rest your soul Rest In Peace Lil Milton we love you we miss you and will forever miss you. Tio&Tia I love you nephew ✝️
Wendy Sigala says
Prayers to your family young man and please visit them often in their dreams to help ease the pain! GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN!
Ronyda says
My Deepest Condolences to the family for the loss of their precious son ,brother grandson ,nephew, friend prayers lifted for you all for comfort and strength for each new day without him , Enjoy Heaven visit your family in their dreams keep them safe until you see them again in Paradise.
Prayer over Pain says
My thoughts and prayer are with the family. Loss kid never easy and a tragic lose can increase the burden. Most of us should have been victims of our bad ideas and accidents. It’s by God’s farce that we are still here when many others didn’t survive. Parents keep teaching your kids and praying for your kids as they make decisions. My heart is broken with theirs and my prayers are for strength and comfort during this difficult life changing time.
Fred says
You don’t see anything wrong with praying to a “god” that you imagine has the ability to save kids from fatal tragedies, but won’t unless the parents telepathically beg him? And even then, there’s only a 50% chance. If there has ever been even the slightest bit of evidence that talking to imaginary friends can solve real life problems, it would be common knowledge.
Daisy says
Best thing I’ve read all day !!!!!!! I believe the exact same thing.
1G says
You must not have lived much. You’re mixing up all kinds of things that God isn’t. He isn’t supposed to be your friend. Also it’s not Vegas, with odds of 50%. How do you know the odds?
RJ says
You have a small mind and a careless heart. Many of us know God and are the proof that he exists. Maybe you should try listening instead of talking so much.
Kms says
This should be a lesson learned by every teen driver.
A car is a powerful machine not a toy.
Ronyda says
My Deepest Condolences to the family for the loss of their precious son ,brother grandson ,nephew, friend prayers lifted for you all for comfort and strength for each new day without him , Enjoy Heaven visit your family in their dreams keep them safe until you see them again in Paradise.
Jasper says
Yes you are half right. Only reason i say half is because it does not matter if your a teen driver an adult driver or a senior driver no matter how old you are any one can loose control of a vehicle at any times whether its the drivers fault or whether its the manufacturers part in the vehicle that malfunctioned so you can not just say that it should be a lesson to teen drivers because infact all drivers need to be aware of how dangerous a vehicle can be no matter what the situation is or whos driving at the time.
Sincerely Jasper
Loreena big cousin says
I totally get your point but in this case he wasn’t out joy riding. He was going to work. Maybe you should be judging anyone in your case. it’s a tragedy that we lost our loved one. Stop being incentive.
Christian says
if you get to these parents’ house and tell them their boy is driving dangerously, they’ll get upset and they won’t try to correct the problem
Save says
It seems that this won’t be an issue for his parents now….
Jasper says
Christian its funny how you are so very quick to say such a thing like that especially since you weren’t there in his shoes in his situation because if you were you would have known that he was on his way to work and it being so early in the morning we tend to forget the littlest things to do as in check our mirrors check our oil our tire pressure etc. . . But yet your so quick to talk such a negative comment about him well ill tell you this that was my lil cousin and yes unfortunately he wasn’t wearing his seat belt sadly but at the same time do you know that if he ended up wearing it was he still gonna survive the scene of the accident was tragic and very heart breaking to see him passed away the way he was for hours until the corner came you obviously have no idea what your talking about because he was indeed a great young man who just made a honest but tragic mistake that ended up costing him his life. My point is this dont be so quick to bad mouth parents or legal guardians because of something you think would happen. Because half of the time you might just be wrong. Sincerely Jasper
Lisa says
I feel for you and your family in this time of sorrow and confusion on why this happened… my heart hurts for you all… people will say the most insensitive things until one day they god forbid have to live the nightmare of losing a loved one so tragically… my grandfather was killed in a one car accident in April and everyone said the most insensitive things because he was elderly jumped to many conclusions because of his age when it was a tragic medical issue that took him while he was driving… so with that said may you comfort each other at this time as you walk through such a terrible violent tragedy… please know people are just judgmental and mean I finally had to stop reading the comments and delete the page… your family needs strength and love… may you be blessed with all that … remember your loved one you lost with all the precious and pray for the judgmental ones they need let them be…. Bless your family
Ariana says
What information do you have that led you to the conclusion that he was driving dangerously? He was just trying to get to work, you weren’t there to see what happened and you definitely don’t know him. Keep your ignorance to yourself.
Triple D says
“He was just trying to get to work”
He should have tried harder.
Loreena big cousin says
Apparently you don’t understand he lost control of the car due to the loose gravel on the road. Maybe they should update the roads. Rather than put the blame on anyone. Some you people just really nasty on here. Karma is constantly in motion.
Pearl David Gia, and Bell says
Our hearts are filled with great sadness. We love you cousin and our family will never be complete without you. Rest in Peace Papas
Tia Ale says
[Removed] you, you insensitive piece of [Removed]. Keep your entitled comments to your self and keep my nephew out your mouth. Get out of here you troll and hope you never go through something so devastating because all this will come back and bite you in the a**.
RIP Milton E. Velis Jr.
Diana Martinez says
My question to you Christian is, have you lost child?
To make harsh comment about someone how they passed away is totally wrong!
As a parent who’s lost a son I would never wish this on ANYONE!
R.I.P Milton
Seatbelts Save Lives says
At least Milt didn’t maim or kill anyone else.
Obviousness says
Himself!!! Worst one he could of hurt!
Jasper says
What do you mean by that comment are you implying he wanted to kill himself because i will stop you right there and make it clear that it was a honest accident to which he lost control of the vehicle which costed him his own life he was only 18yrs old on his way to work he was not out running a muck no instead he was on his way to make a honest living just like the rest of us that want to make money and live in peace the right way so for that reason i say next time choose your words wisely because by the comment you left it just hurts our family more so because we feel that people like you/because of the comment are saying he did this on purpose or that hes better off dead because of a honest mistake that was taken place.
sincerely JASPER
Rivera says
Rest in peace Milton our angel.
You will be truly missed … Thank you for always being the best to the family…
U dont know says
Look to eveyone making what they think happened or whatever but this young man was on his way to work and sometimes people forget to check this and that but it doesn’t make him not responsible for what happened. My kidz know him i met him and what an amazing talent man wanting nothing but the best for his future. So the people who want to say oh its this n that.but have no idea. I seen his walk on graduation night he sat right by my son. All i know is i have a feeling he was maybe passing someone and that peraon was trying to out race him and seen another car coming from the same.side he was meaning head on got scared And went off into the dirt and lost control . So stop witj all the [Removed] nonsense
Really says
No, a child, a baby, a pregnant woman…. All are who could have been worse
Loreena big cousin says
All these insensitive people on here with low vibrations. When it comes a time you loose a loved one and it gets posted on the news or platform remember compassion! You are what you put out. I will always remember the wicked never sleep. I don’t wish bad on anyone.Take it for what it is; a tragedy. These hypothetical senarios are outrageous. Our hearts are heavy but we stay strong. Family always. No negative vibes here. He is now resting on to the next adventure. Much love lil cousin
aliyah says
Milton, my life will never be color again without you. you are loved so much by so many people. you will be remembered Forver, our angel.
SB says
The wicked never sleep, and the good die young.
Jasper says
I dont understand what this comment is supposed to mean exactly it can be taken out of context to which i am asking what do you mean by this because at the end of the day that is my little cousin who lost his life yesterday no one elses so for that reason if your implying that ( better himself get killed instead of him killing other people) simply because he lost control of a vehicle trying to pass another you need to take in consideration how slippery that road is exactly and how just a lil bit of wind can cause any vehicle to loose control down that street unfortunately my cousins accident isn’t the only fatal accident on that road there are actually alot of other fatal accidents on that road due to unknown reasons but the point is dont be so quick to say hurtful comments when you dont know the full story
Sincerely Jasper
BrokenHeartInLancaster says
I think the person who said “Himself!!! Worst one he could have hurt!” replied to the person who commented, “At least Milt didn’t maim or kill anyone else”. Meaning that Milton was important too. I don’t believe they intended to imply he did anything on purpose to hurt himself.