LANCASTER – A motorcyclist died at the hospital after his bike collided with a vehicle that failed to yield at a stop sign in Lancaster Monday night, authorities said.
The fatal crash happened around 10:38 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1, near the intersection of Avenue J and 65th Street West, according to a news release from the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.
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The motorcyclist was riding a Harley Davidson westbound on Avenue J and the vehicle, a Honda, was traveling northbound on 65th Street West, according to the news release.
“The driver of the Honda failed to yield from a two-way stop sign, causing the rider of the Harley Davidson motorcycle to collide into the Honda in the intersection. The rider of the Harley Davidson Motorcycle was transported to the hospital and later pronounced dead by medical staff,” the news release states.
The motorcyclist’s name has not yet been released pending next of kin notification, but he was a man in his 50s, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office. Sheriff’s officials did not release the identity of the Honda’s driver, and it was unclear if anyone in the Honda sustained any injuries.
The collision remains under investigation, and it is unknown at this time if speed, alcohol or drugs played a role, sheriff’s officials said in the news release.
Anyone with information regarding this collision is encouraged to contact traffic investigators at the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station at 661-948-8466.
Brianna says
Hi, can anyone who has contact with this family of the motorcycle’s driver, please contact me:
818 530 1300 Ext 148
Jeff says
As a biker, I can attest to the fact that people don’t pay attention to motorcycles. This isn’t just at stop signs (that nobody appears to stop at anymore), but driving down any roadway, reading text messages or talking on the phone. YOU ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT-PUT DOWN THE PHONE OR GET OFF THE ROAD!!! Driving the roads here are dangerous enough without the added distractions of phones. Be safe keep your eyes open and pay attention to motorcycle traffic around you.
Tim Scott says
I agree with your message about phones.
I gotta say though that at some midlife crisis point in my life I took to driving these low flying sports cars, and while I am sure I had less problems than riders do I usually felt like I was invisible to other drivers. I got cut off, pulled out in front of, everything imaginable. At the time I was working and for work I had a three quarter ton truck with bad paint and it was hilarious how different the experience of driving can be. Hilarious in an OMG these effing people are blind stupid and dangerous kinda way of course. Funny how they always saw the truck.
And that was before there were cell phones and texting. No doubt they are blinder and stupider now, and even more dangerous.
While it was fun for a few years, I gave up on those cars. Having to drive not only for myself, but for every idiot in the vicinity, was too much of a hassle. Well, plus there was this 130 in a 55 incident, but anyway…I’m sorry you and other riders have to deal with this, but in many ways it is always just going to come with the territory. The bigger your vehicle the easier you are to see, and that will never change. If you aren’t willing to drive not only for yourself but for the surrounding idiots maybe ya gotta hang it up.
Failure To Yield says
MiMi says
I happen to live off 65st W. & Ave J2, Iam around the corner from the accident, I can’t call this an accident, this happened due to a driver not STOPPING AT A STOP SIGN. How fricken careless, irresponsible & stupid this driver is. NO EXCUSES, THIS SHOULD’VE NEVER HAPPEN. AMEN☮️
MiMi says
To any DRIVER LIVING near this area of the accident please think twice ABOUT running thIS stop sign maybe somebody someday will learn from this hopefully.
MiMi says
Lala says
West in Peace my Westie..
Carlos iglesias says
I live on j2 27 years think it’s time for traffic signal at that location.
Janet Burnette says
This is my friends brother that was hit and killed by this careless person, please pray for this family as they are having a really hard time dealing with this, He was the rock to their family. #Godspeedbrother#restwell
Reggie Mijares says
Hello, I am truly sorry for your loss. My husband called me today with the news worried it could be his friend. My husband was at Lancaster Prison
Jimmy says
Whats his CDC #?
BLUE says
Was tis BIG SAM on tht bike I was just in prison with him and just found out trying to confirm please reach bac
lundyn says
yes sadly it was my uncle didn’t deserve what he got. he’s in a better place now .
anonymous says
yes it was
Fred says
I’m tired of reading about motorcyclist getting hit by cars people driving cars don’t pay attention from people on motorcycles and they’re never prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter in my eyes it’s a murder because they always say I didn’t see him or I didn’t hear him when you run a red light or a stop sign and hit a motorcyclist it should be mandatory manslaughter the law needs to Change for bikers getting hit by people in cars that don’t pay attention
Allen Bell says
Generally they are prosecuted. I am an Attorney and represented two families in unrelated motorcycle accident fatalities in Santa Clarita. In each case, the drivers who caused the accident were prosecuted. My heart goes out to those involved in this tragedy.
Fred says
I’m tired of reading about motorcycle getting hit by cars that run red lights and stop signs and the drivers of the cars never be prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter the driver always says I didn’t see him this person should be prosecuted for manslaughter and do time for their mistake time in time always getting away with murder that’s what I call it God bless His family that has to deal with this incident rest in peace