The CCR is the comprehensive report detailing where PWD’s water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to drinking water standards as set by the state of California. In 2021, PWD staff collected more than 3,500 water samples and completed more than 18,000 tests for over 80 regulated contaminants.
“We are happy to announce that our customers continue to receive high-quality water that meets or exceeds all federal and state guidelines,” said Water Quality and Regulatory Affairs Supervisor Amanda Thompson. “We follow very stringent rules and perform numerous tests daily to ensure the quality of the water. Our water is more regulated than bottled water.”
The CCR includes an easy-to-read Water Quality Data Chart that is divided into two standards – Primary and Secondary. Primary standards identify contaminants in water that may be immediately harmful to humans or affect their health if consumed for long periods of time. Secondary standards highlight water qualities that have to do with aesthetics, such as taste, mineral content, odor, color and turbidity.
“It is our goal to always be proactive about meeting current and future regulatory requirements so that we may continue to provide the highest quality water our customers deserve,” Thompson said.
PWD is required by the California State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water to publish the CCR annually by July 1 for its customers. The CCR 2021 results can be viewed on the PWD website:
Customers seeking a hard copy should contact the PWD’s Customer Care Department at 661-947-4111. The report is also available in
[Information via news release from Palmdale Water District.]