The moves come as Teamsters Local 848 — representing some 150 drivers, road supervisors and dispatchers in Lancaster — walked off the job Friday, June 3, alleging unfair labor practices by Transdev, the AVTA’s service contractor.
“AVTA’s local and commuter services were suspended today at 9 a.m. due to a sudden strike action taken by Teamsters Local 848 against AVTA’s contractor Transdev. AVTA had no advance notice of this work stoppage,” according to a statement Friday posted by the transit agency on its website. “AVTA is deeply disappointed that the Teamsters Local 848 decided to strike and, in the process, disrupt the lives of thousands of AVTA customers that rely on our transit services to get to work, medical appointments and other daily needs… AVTA will do everything we can to minimize the impact of this work stoppage.”
The agency statement stressed that the dispute is between the union and the contractor and does not involve AVTA.
“Although this impacts our riders and our community in a major way, the Teamsters’ dispute is with Transdev,” according to the agency. “… AVTA has no legal role in these negotiations.”
The union said that during contract negotiations, which have been stalled for several months, Transdev “abruptly announced that they were leaving the Antelope Valley Transit Authority and would not be submitting a bid to renew their service agreement with AVTA.”
In addition, the union statement said, “Transdev refused to bargain the effects of their closure with Teamsters Local 848 as required by law.”
According to the union, Transdev also threatened to reverse wage increases that had been approved by the AVTA Board of Directors and threatened to lock out Transdev employees represented by Local 848 if a work stoppage occurred. The union said its workers voted to authorize an Unfair Labor Practices strike and had notified the contractor.
“Instead, Transdev doubled down and directly informed the membership of their threats” — which led to Friday’s walkout, the union said.
“Members were outraged and stopped providing service in the Antelope Valley beginning (Friday) morning,” the union statement said.
Meanwhile, the AVTA statement said union operators received an average 32% increase as of Jan. 1, 2022, but that “despite this substantial increase from Transdev, the union is demanding more.”
Transdev, with a corporate headquarters in Lombard, Illinois, could not immediately be reached. AVTA provides local, commuter and dial-a-ride service to residents of Lancaster and Palmdale as well as some unincorporated areas of northern Los Angeles County.
In a statement on the transit agency’s website, AVTA Chairman of the Board Marvin Crist said, “AVTA’s position remains firm. We urge the Teamsters to return to the bargaining table and immediately cease actions that harm the most vulnerable. Work stoppages do nothing to advance their cause.”
AVTA said riders could stay updated by checking its website at The AVTA’s customer service phone number 661-945-9445.
Previous related story: Op-ed: AVTA statement on work stoppage action
Avenue K Veterano says
This does not surprise me too much. A lot of the drivers seem miserable and unhappy when doing their jobs. If you try to be polite and courteous by asking the bus drivers“How are you doing today?” when boarding the bus, a lot of them will just rudely eyeball you and not say anything to you in response. The local transit route buses are almost ALWAYS late by 10+ minutes aswell, all signs of a sloppy agency with disgruntled employees. I am all for labor empowerment and I hope that the striking AVTA employees succeed but I also hope that they return with better attitudes and better customer service skills. Improved labor practices will give them less of an excuse to be the curmudgeons that a lot of them currently are when performing job duties.
She snatched it right out of my hand says
I had to ride the bus on a few occasions a year ago and felt violated by the abrupt and unsafe driving style of the glorious bipoc queen behind the wheel. I don’t know whether or not they can be judged for a schedule that is regularly ten minutes behind. That might be the par for a diverse society
Tim Scott says
Another clearly conservative poster enters the fray.
Known Employee of MV TRANSPORTATION says
MV TRANSPORTATION IS GOING TO F*CK’EM without vaseline, There modus operandi, underbid the contract and make the DRIVERS pay, by cutting their wages. They don’t offer but to raise WAGES, but 1-1.5% a year or ask for wage freezes. And brag about being billion dollar christian base company who loves and supports it employees. TBH their a bunch of lying ass greedy MFer’s
who sat and do anything to get contracts
SEIU 721 Member says
Stay Strong Union Brothers and Sisters!
Tim Scott says
Spoken like a true supporter of the conservative cause.
Sally Field says
Typical Union busting posturing only satisfied the all Republican board of directors that really pull the strings on these conditions.
Misdirection says
You obviously can’t recognize a ‘False Flag’ post. The name on the post gives it away…
“False Flagging
1. Trying to discredit a political group or movement by pretending to be a member of it online while posting ignorant or offensive comments.”
~From the Urban dictionary.
Tim Scott says
Whatever the intent, it was still spoken like a true conservative. Had the bigotry and the call to violence, and the hearkening back to the big lie as dissociation from reality. The three core tenets of the conservative movement.
Beecee says
Tim responding to an obvious ‘Rolcon’ post. One he might have made himself possibly out of desperation.
3 core tenets
Are protecting individuals freedoms, free speech, awards based on meritocracy and free market capitalism amongst many more..
Tim Scott says
Since you regularly put your bigotry on open display you are not exactly the ideal candidate to be making this defense.
Luke says
Unlike when democrats make a call for violence. Tim’s a moron.
Tim Scott says
I’ve actually never been threatened with violence by a democrat.