“Every water agency across the state needs to take more aggressive actions to communicate about the drought emergency and implement conservation measures,” Newsom said. “Californians made significant changes since the last drought but we have seen an uptick in water use, especially as we enter the summer months. We all have to be more thoughtful about how to make every drop count.”
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Newsom will meet with the agencies again in two months to get an update on conservation efforts. He also asked them to submit water use data more frequently and increase transparency so the state can more accurately measure whether it is meeting its conservation goals.
The State Water Resources Control Board is scheduled to vote Tuesday, May 24, on a statewide ban on watering non-functional turf at commercial, industrial and institutional locations. The board will also consider requiring local agencies to implement water use restrictions. Local water agency restrictions currently only cover about half of California’s population.
According to Newsom’s office, banning watering of decorative lawns would save between 156,000 acre-feet and 260,000 acre-feet per year, the equivalent of water used by 780,000 households in a year.
The governor’s office also urged people to shower for only five minutes or less, stop taking baths, only wash full loads of clothes and use a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor areas.
SB says
America's Most Amused & Confused says
LOLOLOL. Yo pa gonna whup you boy.
SB says
Tim Scott says
That has been US policy for fifty years, so hardly qualifies as “news.” News to you I suppose. Have you just crawled out from under a rock?
Beecee says
It has been us policy to protect Taiwan,
Just not to publicly announce it like that during these times. Some things just go unsaid.
Show us an instance where we publicly announced in the last fifty years that we would protect Taiwan militarily.
Beecee says
But to be honest,
I’m not worried one bit.
Countries like this are sitting back in a cigar smoke filled room Laughing their A’s off at this old dottering fool.
Av times sucks says
Why doesn’t he restrict all those water guzzlers in the San Joaquin valley , that where the main cause of the shortage is. I can do without so many nuts and berrys.
Guest says
Do the High Desert people get penalized for all the illegal grow stealing water? Hmmmmm
Terry says
Gavin is doing a great job. Thank you for your leadership.
Californian against Gavin says
Great satirical comment. We all needed that laugh.
Gavin is doing a great job! LOL, that is really funny.
Tim Scott says
Funny to you, yet the majority opinion in California apparently, based on results of little things called elections.
Have you ever stopped to wonder how you got so out of step?
Beecee says
Mass mail out ballots where my ballot ended up in my leftist neighbors mailbox, and where my Nextdoor nighboor found ballots in his mailbox for the couple who sold him the house in 2004 and moved to Arizona…
These aren’t elections anymore, and you guys would like nothing more to have that same system statewide,
I can see why.
Tim Scott says
I assume you are aware you are spouting BS. You (republican voters) are a hard minority in California. You got that way not through any “election malfeasance,” you got that way by telling anyone who didn’t pass your “purity testing” that they weren’t a “real republican and could take their vote elsewhere.” Guess what; they have.
And as your purity tests get more and more absurd (currently standing at “if you do not agree that elections are meaningless and republicans should just be appointed to office”) you are getting further and further behind.
Beecee says
You calling me a liar about what happened on my 4 house radius…
Imagine what was happening in large apartment complexes where all the former residences were receiving multiple ballots for their previous tenants.
Fear, fraud, violence is the only way you guys win anything.
Moe says
This foo is talking about purity tests and they behind cutting dinkers off and gettin rid of da police
And Dey think there like 10 genders, haha
America's Most Thorough Proctologist says
Hey Moe, would you agree to participate in a study and have electrodes placed on your skull while you type? It would answer a lot of questions.
Tim Scott says
I don’t think you are a liar, just a buffoon.
So there are these extra ballots sent OUT. What does that have to do with anything? What are you claiming happens if they get sent IN?
I get a ballot for Joe Blow in my mailbox. If I fill it out and send it it sits in holding until election day and if Joe Blow votes it gets thrown out. Then they ask Joe Blow…”hey, you tried to vote twice, what’s up with that?” Joe says “no I didn’t,” and THEY HAVE THE ADDRESS OF THE ATTEMPTED FRAUDSTER.
It’s idiotic repugnicans like you that get caught trying this inane nonsense because your idiotic blogger sources keep telling you the lie that it is happening all over because it is easy to do. GO AHEAD AND TRY IT. Give us all a break from your nonsensical posting while you are working with your lawyers.
Beecee says
So there are these extra ballots sent OUT. What does that have to do with anything? What are you claiming happens if they get sent IN?
I’ll tell you what happens, one unit in an apartment building gets up to 10 ballots, cause the damn registrar is sending ballots to former tenants who haven’t lived there for years, then organized ballot harvesters go out and harvest those ballots where they bring them back and fill them all out and dump them in drop boxes…
Keep in mind that’s just one unit in an apartment building.
Also that’s just 1 of MANY forms of fraud involving ballot harvesting and mass mail out ballots.
Fear, fraud, violence, intimidation is the democrats only way of winning anything.
Tim Scott says
LOL…”it’s so easy a democrat can do it”…so you republicants keep taking it into your little pin heads that you should do it…and you keep getting caught.
Wanna know where you are going wrong? The “It’s so easy” is a BALD FACED LIE that you are telling yourselves. Every time you make these wild ass claims about “the dems are doing this!” the claim is absurd on its face and not plausible at all in the face of real world conditions.
The nonsense you spout about IS NOT HAPPENING because IT WOULD NOT WORK. That’s why no evidence of it ever gets presented in court…until some bonehead republicant buys into it so hard that they try it and wind up in jail. So keep on spewing cowardly user that never tires of spewing nonsense that you can’t support. Maybe you will talk some republicant right into jail…then you can claim to be a fed that trapped them.
SB says