The shooting happened around 6:05 p.m. Sunday, March 13, in the 6900 block of Jack Rabbit Way, near 70th Street East, according to a news release from the Sheriff’s Information Bureau.
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The deputies were following up on a domestic violence incident from earlier in the evening and attempted to make contact with a man seated inside a vehicle, according to the news release.
“The suspect attempted to flee the location and rammed two patrol vehicles several times,” the news release states. “After ramming one of the deputy’s vehicles, a deputy-involved shooting occurred.”
The man was pronounced dead at the scene, sheriff’s officials said. His identity has not yet been released pending next of kin notification.
“It was later determined the suspect was not involved in the early domestic violence call,” the sheriff’s news release states. The incident remains under investigation, and no further information was immediately released Monday.
Anyone who witnessed the shooting is encouraged to contact the LASD’s homicide bureau at 323-890-5500 or Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477.
trisha says
you both need god in your life,please dont commet back no one wants to here idoits.
Neanderthal Tim says
Suicide by LACSD!
Tim Scott says
You think the guy was contemplating suicide when out of the blue he was surrounded by violent screaming thugs?
Yo daddy says
This guy said do as your told like we living in North Korea or something
Tim Scott says
The baton polishing jackboot worshipers are everywhere, and a whole bunch of them post here.
Tim Scott says
Soooo…guy is sitting in his car, gets surrounded by a violent mob of heavily armed men, tries to get away, and they shoot him.
Just another day for the sheriff’s department.
Scott Tim says
Ok Tim, so it was ok for him to ram the cops and not comply? All you have to do is follow orders, and if you’re innocent you will have no issues.
Violent mob really?
Tim Scott says
“All you have to do is follow orders.”
Where exactly in the law does it say that cops can run around giving orders to random citizens?
As to your “if you are innocent you will have no issues” claim, tell it to Henry Davis*, among numerous other examples.
Once cops are beyond their legal authority, yeah they are just a violent mob.
* Arrested for driving while black, then got the snot beaten out of him by four cops, then charged with destruction of property for bleeding on their uniforms
Kree says
I gotta say Mr,Tim Scott…you are a racist pos…I’m white as rice n I’ve been to jail plenty of times… due to my own actions….ur a fool
Tim Scott says
LOL…how does you going to jail make me a racist? I legit just can’t follow your reasoning…makes me suspect that you don’t have any, which could account for your frequent flyer status.
FWB says
I leave for a few days and when I return Tim’s a racist?
If Tim’s a racist, I’m a democrat.
FWB says
Kree your parents must be proud.
Eric says
That’s why the woke culture is out of control. People don’t listen to the authorities and when they get out of control, you see what happens. Do what your told, I would love to run Tim Scott’s info and post his criminal history here. Bet you it’s not good.
Gtfoutta here Tim says
I would put 1000 bucks that tim has never broken a law. He obviously has been sheltered his whole life with his white privilege.
Tim Scott says
LOL…obsessed much? Is there a vegas sportsbook with an over/under line on my number of felonies? NO, there is not, because there just aren’t enough of you lames suffering from OwtCD.
Great one says
Thank you Gtfoutta! Whites are usually the ones who make these blanket racist statements for us minorities. I am so sick of them oppressing us and telling us that we are less. I am positive little tim thinks voter ID laws are racist because us minorities are to dumb to get an ID. Dems are the OG white supremacists. Go to the hood and spew that SH*T, see what you’ll get.
Tim Scott says
Wow, that was a whipsaw change of topic! I would love to talk about voter ID laws, but this isn’t really the place.
America's Most Loves Canon in D says
Just curious. Does making gutless, personal drive-by attacks without fingerprints make you feel empowered or glorious? Wouldn’t it be more fun to be able to stand behind your statement? Jump right in. I’ll wait.
Lol Tim says
Guy tries to kill cops. They kill him. There I fixed it for you.
Tim Scott says
Guy gets terrorized out of the blue by cops (note, the cops already admitted that “oh, yeah, this wasn’t even the guy we were looking for”} and tries to drive off. Cops play bumper cars and pull in front of a moving vehicle, which unsurprisingly runs into their cars. We have allowed the cops to say “your car is a deadly weapon so now I get to shoot you,” and sure enough they kill the guy who minutes before was just sitting in his car minding his own business.
And you baton polishing jackboot worshipers see no problem with it. Sickening.
A.N says
This is exactly what happened Tim. The man wrongfully killed was my brother.
Tim Scott says
Sorry for your loss.
Troglodyte scott says
Wrong , he was sitting in his car and then tried to kill two cops. I knew you had selective reading comprehension issues. You are the lowest form of life Tim , a troglodyte.
Tim Scott says
lol…wait, I thought you were calling me a pettifogger.
Tell the truth, are you doing some sort of “build your vocabulary by adding archaic words” program at the adult day care center?
fred says
not unlike your inane multi-sylabbic gibberish. thats directed at miss scott.
America's Most Requiring Supervision says
You mean “syllabic”? You seem prone to schizophasia. Have you seen a doctor? How about an English tutor?
Tim Scott says
LOL…way to try for a big word…better luck next time
Chris "Big PUPPS" Carter says
He had a name! He was a person minding his own business…. He 2as my little homeboy and he didn’t deserve to die …. They should charge all of the officers involved with 1st degree murder. He wasn’t even involved in whatever domestic disturbance they were responding to… Another case of “Cops doing whatever they want….” With zero consequences…
FWB says
Altadena CHP just told LASD to hold their beer and watch this.
CHP straight George Floyd’d the 38 year old father while attempting to draw blood.
They all need arrested for murder
George Floyd says
Should’ve complied my brotha.
Trayvon Martin says
I agree with George.
Sonya says
Me too,
Congrats on your two years sober George!