LANCASTER – A woman who was shot and killed by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies Tuesday evening in Lancaster allegedly attacked them prior to the shooting, homicide investigators said.
The fatal deputy-involved shooting happened around 5:54 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15, on the 25300 block of Abacus Avenue in Lancaster, according to a news release from the Sheriff’s Information Bureau.
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The news release states: “Deputies responded to the location regarding a call for a family disturbance, possibly mentally ill person. Upon their arrival, they contacted a female White adult who was armed with a knife. At some point during their interaction, the female charged at the deputies with the knife and a deputy-involved shooting occurred.”
The woman was pronounced dead at the scene. Her name has not yet been released pending next of kin notification.
No one else was injured during the shooting. No further information on the incident was immediately available Wednesday morning.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Homicide Bureau at 323-890-5500.
Mike says
People need to be accountable for their own actions. Mental health crisis does not mean the threat presented by the mentally I’ll is diminished. In fact it is increased because they are irrational. Police can only respond. They can’t prevent. People can prevent violence by choosing how to behave and conduct themselves. Tim Scott views everything through a Utopian filter. He’s not realistic. Police are far from perfect. But there is rarely a good outcome when someone arms themselves with a knife or any other weapon.
Tim Scott says
If this was my utopia you’d have fallen out of a helicopter by now…or if you aren’t the same old Mike a helicopter would have fallen on you.
You do have one thing right here though…when you call in cops armed with weapons there is rarely a good outcome. The already bad odds for a good outcome when a weapon is involved are compounded by having the weapons in the hands of people who have been shielded against any consequences if they use those weapons.
America's Most Appreciative says
“If this was my utopia you’d have fallen out of a helicopter by now…or if you aren’t the same old Mike a helicopter would have fallen on you.” — My favorite best line ever.
Tim Scott says
Bashing dingleberry Mike when he makes his regular appearance and acts like he wants to fight is always satisfying.
Mike says
What’s funny Tim, is you would fail every assessment and battery test required to become a cop. After years of reading your ridiculous comments it’s clear you would never clear a psychological exam based on your unstable temperament and disdain for societal norms. You’d certainly never clear a background investigation since you’re likely the type who sequesters himself in a basement furiously responding to every article that lights your fuse. Because you’re so easily triggered you’ve likely been shunned by every professional and personal acquaintance you’ve ever known. You’ve likely been fired from more jobs than you can remember and your credit is a wreck as a result of your inability to function normally. You’d fail a polygraph exam miserably since your moral compass is spinning faster than a meth addict at a carnival. You obviously bear a tremendous amount of resentment which causes incredible stress, which spikes your cortisol levels and induces high blood pressure, obesity, and digestive issues so we know you’d never pass a medical exam, much less a physical agility test. You do write fairly well so you’d likely pass the written exam but that’s about as far as you’d get. Based on all of these attributes that you’ve displayed, I’m sure you’ve dabbled recreationally in numerous illicit controlled substance experiments, and likely have a long time addiction which has contributed to the many aforementioned issues. Lastly, your inability to grasp the concept of honesty, based on your disingenuous statements in your countless posts, shows you have a huge integrity problem. What all this means sir, is you’re the last guy on earth that has any business criticizing anyone. We both know that’s a 98% accurate profile I just assembled isn’t it…
Tim Scott says
Nope. The profile that you “ASSembled” using the orifice pull method is laughable. Try again Mikey, or go back to spending your wife’s income, whichever. As to passing tests to become a cop..I would never take them. I also would never nepotism my way into a position with the fire department, or whatever else you might think you deserve respect for doing.
Mine owns Tim says
You couldn’t be a cop, you are spineless. Jelly fish need not apply. Don’t worry when your neighbor doesn’t trim their hedges enough I’m sure you will be calling them , and don’t pick on mike and his wife. At least he’s married dude. We know you’re not , that’s for sure.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so are you claiming ownership of Mike there, or are you just so flustered that you can’t type Mike?
By the way, Mike has appeared on this site claiming to be a huckleberry about five times, and every time I give him the opportunity he disappears. He’s more a dingleberry than a huckleberry, and we know that dingleberries don’t have spines.
America's Most Evolutionary Mishap says
Hey Mine:
You jumping in and piling on like that sounded like a gutless chihuahua chiming in at the edge of a real fight and yelping: “Get ‘em Mike, go get ‘em Mike”. Pathetic.
Tim Scott says
Odds are that the never before seen user name jumping in to support Mike…is just Mike. That’s his typical MO.
Calllindimout says
Hey Tim, since you are so full of facts. Why don’t you tell us the number of police shootings when the police are called to a situation in CA . I’m going to take a wild guess that the only thing that rarely happens is a shooting. Im calling you out. Your lying through your teeth. Typical bs liberal thinker.
Tim Scott says
Sure…shootings are rare. That doesn’t make them right, and they most assuredly are not the only bad outcome that happens.
That’s why I will continue to say, and personally live by: there is no situation so bad that calling the cops won’t make it worse.
Fat White Bob says
The more I think about this unfortunate incident, the more I think about Tim’s comment.
It’s probably the most accurate comment I’ve ever read on this site.
“there is no situation so bad that calling in cops won’t make it worse.”
Angellmel says
Can we get a ID name age of woman SUMTHING??? Already… pic
FWB says
Well I hope the family is happy now.
And for the rest of you living don’t call the cops on family because this is what happens.
One could claim suicide by cop but it also could be murder to order by first responder.
Joe Biden would have shot her in the leg
Seriously? says
Hey fat guy , if the family felt safe they would have called this persons doctor to help. Looks like this person was so wound up they had a deadly weapon. Maybe the family thought this person was going to harm them. Yeah, but as a fat white blob who loves dim Scott you are both going to blame the police for her actions. Everyone on this site knows people like you and dim are the first to call the cops when someone does an injustice to you , like stealing your news paper or parking their car on their lawn for to long. It’s always the lames like you that talk big and live hypocritically. Also fat, please stay indoors so you don’t have to be bothered by those pesky hero’s. We would all appreciate that. Well except dim, he will be sad.
Fat White Blob says
You have absolutely no idea what your talking about. But please continue showing your stupidity.
Fatneckblob says
Oh my , that’s a good one. That comeback was a strong as circus lemonade. I would love for you to tell me what exactly it is I don’t know what I’m talking about.
FWB says
I don’t need a comeback
I will tell you Tim and I are nothing a like. Tim appears to be a left leaning Democrat while I’m a extreme right winger, gun toting, ammo hoarding, Trump loving, conspiracy believing, redneck Republican.
What we have in common is we both believe a bad situation can be made worse by calling the cops, and I suspect we are both smarter than a box of rocks.
Don’t be a box of rocks. Btw, I don’t call 911
Tim Scott says
From the perspective of an extreme right winger how exactly do you tell the difference between “left leaning” “right leaning” or “just a mish mash moderate”? I mean, ALL of those are far enough left of you that you need binoculars to even catch sight of them, right?
BeKinder says
Her family is not happy. Would you be happy if your family was shot and killed while charging police with a knife after a mental episode?! What kinda of rude comment. She was a mother and a daughter and had people that cared about her regardless of the way the situation played out. They called the police because she would have hurt them and was not in a good place mentally—think before you become a “keyboard warrior” and speak about someone you know nothing about. Be kinder. The cops did their job and protected themselves and the others from further harm. But it doesn’t mean the family wanted that to happen to her, and her son shouldn’t have to potentially read stupid rude comments from random idiots online making assumptions about his mom and their family. All of you should be kinder..everyone is human-even that cop who had the unfortunate decision of pulling the trigger when she charged him with a knife and now has to live with taking her life.
You be kind says
Kinder than you.
Charge says
“At some point during their interaction, the female charged at the deputies with the knife and a deputy-involved shooting occurred.”
Suicide by G l o c k…
Tim Scott says
When a tall building is built part of the design considerations is limiting access to the edges of the roof to deter suicide by jumping. Maybe we need to put all the cops somewhere and surround them with a barrier of some sort.
Mike says
How exactly would you accomplish this task kimo sabe? Do you comprehend the logistical nightmare it would entail to be able to predict where every knife incident might occur? You would literally need to stage squads of police strategically around the city to wait to respond within seconds to calls like this in order to deploy such a hair brained tactic like you suggest. It’s not even possible in most urban scenarios. Look at the UK. They have a knife murder epidemic on their hands right now. And you clowns want to model US policing around the UK method.
Tim Scott says
LOL…this post is so so very far from the point that I can’t even think how to respond other than just laughing at you.
Mike says
Your tall building and suicide jumper comment was the only thing that was far from the point. You, your DA Gascon, and President Brandon have your heads so far up your arses that you can’t smell BS if it were covering you. Everything you say and every point you make is based in some alternate reality. Get some counseling sir. Seriously.
Tim Scott says
LOL…someone calls “suicide by glock” and I address it. Just because that went over your air filled head doesn’t mean it wasn’t on point.
Libs like Tim are just unhappy says
You have to have sense of humor to laugh dim. Please stop lying again about things you wish you could do. Just like every liberal I have met, they are the unhappiest group of people I have ever met.
Tim Scott says
LOL…where do you get this fantasy that I want, or have ever wanted, to be a cop of all things?
Did you pull that from your own butt, or Mike’s?
Tim Scott says
As I have said so often, there is no situation so bad that calling in cops won’t make it worse.
FWB says
I completely agree Tim.
Calling the cops on a upset family member frequently ends with family burying the person they we’re suppose to have concern for.
I always avoid law enforcement. I won’t even enter a restaurant if LEO’s are eating there as I don’t want to get caught in the crossfire. Plus those guys aren’t vaccinated against the China virus.
Alby says
Who’s right Lancaster buttcheek do I gotta kiss to aquire the do what you want and get away with it badge? I could have solved knife problems on my own property without facing potential ten years in the pen. Maybe they should have used a ton of pepper spray or taser. Or maybe Palmdale law should step in and confront Lancaster cops, pull their pants down and spank their little behinds till they’re red and purple.
Tim Scott says
LOL…Alby has “knife problems on his own property” now.
Have you noticed that no matter what the calamity, Alby chimes in and it has happened to him? He’s been attacked with knives at his home, attacked in parking lots, attacked by homeless people, cops, “druggies” yippees and flippees. His car has suffered every ignominy, and his house has been vandalized.
One of two things, and they both lead to the same common denominator.
Either Alby makes up all these harrowing tales because he thinks they somehow support the paranoid world view he is constantly posting. (common denominator: Alby)
Or all this mayhem actually happens and there is just a huge range of people who are so pissed off that they risk injury an jail time going after…the common denominator: Alby.
Alby, have you considered that you cannot escape the madness because you are its source?
William says
Tim Scott. That was great. I give a 98 and you could dance to it.
Alby says
I’ll give you a 49 because of your half ass conclusion. Although insightful on your half, my surrounding nonsense isn’t as bad as those around here that don’t have some time on their hands to express how worse it gets here via online. But thankfully you and I do and it sucks enough. It ain’t like I’m waiting, camouflaged behind a trashcan on my street just hoping to be “the common denominator.”
Dim and bill says
Again, which body part do you and William share , or are you into the docking thing, asking for a friend.
Tim Scott says
This looks like one of the deecees…they are fascinated with body parts.
Professional interest, or just a hobby?
Alby says
Perhaps I’m one of many “common denominators” because we resist pinkos like yourselves with your constipated wit trying to squeeze out to lighten up situations that have been serious. Of course people like you will stand or sit on the sideline acting like you know it all like an obese guy that sits on a soiled couch while critiquing every athletes move. I feel sorry for all the socks you’ve impregnated. I’ll bet you blame woman that’s been raped for being attractive.
Beeecee says
“Sock impregnator”
Tim Scott says
Look Alby, you’re a hit with the deecee. You probably have smarter socks.
FWB says
Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight
STFU fat slob dim lady friend. says
Don’t bring Fat white slob anywhere.
Fat White Bob the slob says
How long did it take you to think that up?