By Sheriff Alex Villanueva
[On Feb. 8], the Board of Supervisors followed through on their threat and voted 4-0 (1 abstention) to form a suicide pact and start the process to fire 4,000 deputies for not being vaccinated. Showing deliberate indifference to the obvious impact on public safety, the Board hid behind an alleged threat to public safety they couldn’t back up with data. Tellingly, the Board’s own County Counsel (Rodrigo Castro-Silva) couldn’t offer even a basic legal opinion on the legality of the Board’s motion, or the obvious legal challenges they will face.
The Board, who ignored the comments made by thousands of their constituents during their meeting, is now seeking to fire the very same personnel who were forced to work in person, exposing themselves to the COVID-19 virus when there was no vaccine, while the Supervisors and most of the workforce were telecommuting from the comfort and safety of their own homes. Supervisor Kuehl falsely asserted in her motion that LASD employees represented 74% of infected County employees, ignoring the simple fact most infections were during pre-vaccine availability.
This moral failure of leadership represents a curious backtracking of their position on the authority of the Human Resources Director to override the authority of the sheriff. At the beginning of my tenure they claimed I did not have the authority to hire and fire my workforce. Now they are claiming the opposite and need to remove that delegated authority from me!
It is important to remember Department personnel who chose not to vaccinate are required to submit to weekly COVID testing, and have committed no administrative offense.
This is nothing more than another politically motivated stunt by the Board, which has no bearing on public health, but will definitely harm public safety.
About the author: Alex Villanueva leads the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, largest sheriff’s department and the fourth largest local policing agency in the United States.
Javi says
Democrat run.
MEV says
Somehow this smells of George Gascon.
Tim Scott says
Somehow? You gotta do better than that to be an ADA. Specifics. They are making up specific connections from Gascon to EVERYTHING. Keep up.
Ellen k says
I would like to believe You are ignorant vs stupid.
Thank goodness I don’t live in LA
Harold Harper says
Sad people in California have lost they’re mind’s. Praying for our Official’s. Communist think they matter. Why is California backwards. But maybe the police should go on strike strike. Let the idiots all kill themselves.
Fat White Bob says
Can we cancel the contract and remove the deputies from high school campuses asap?
I think it would be a good lesson for leftest liberal teachers.
Every deputy with an ounce of self respect should quit and relocate to a state where they are respected and appreciated. I think many have. I know the ones left are rotten and only in it for the pension.
RMO says
It’s amazing how people claim they follow the science but really don’t. It has been proven over and over again that the vaccinated are the ones spreading most of the virus. Unfortunately, for me I got the damn vaccine before I had enough information on it. NEVER again will I get the jab. He (Alex) is doing a great job and is actually protecting his deputies. He is one of the few who gives a crap. To many organizations are bowing down to the Federal Government which is so very sad. Stop with the “protect and serve” garbage. You want to down that road, then go after Gascon the District Attorney. Nothing is a crime in Los Angeles County thanks to him. The Sheriff’s hands are tied. Let him do his job to the letter of the law and force the DA to do his. The bottom line is the BOS has one agenda….their own. The can give to shakes about the residents of Los Angeles County. If they did, they would support the Sheriff. If Alex is forced to let 4k deputies go because of not being vaccinated, then the residents need to sit down and buckle up. The crime spree will be out of control. Unfortunately, for the average citizen of LA County will feel the brunt of it. Not the neighborhoods of the BOS because they each have security details.
Tim Scott says
The “letter of the law” says that the executive order has the force of law…so your argument is actually counter to what you are trying to claim. This is just another chapter of scofflaw Villanueva’s list of offenses.
FWB says
Fire their pig arses
Stinger says
“It has been proven over and over again that the vaccinated are the ones spreading most of the virus.”
Please provide proof of this statement… I won’t hold my breath, though, as your posting was little more that a rambling regurgitation of MAGAt bullschnit.
If there are that many deputies that wish to flout the law, they should not be wearing a star. Law enforcement runs hand in hand with science. If LASD has chosen to turn their back on peer reviewed proof, then they have forfeited their legacy. Villaneuva needs to go.
Frosty says
Stinger you are an ignorant, idiot.
America's Most Disagreeable says
He certainly isn’t that. You, on the other hand……..
Stinger says
Aw, shucks. Yer gonna make me blush.
FWB says
Science? Half of you can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman.
Stinger says
Now, to be fair, FWB, it IS Southern California. I just recently ran across a fully grown, fully bearded, man… in a frilly dress…
America's Most Pretty Commenter says
Hey, that was me!
JonAnthony says
The propaganda mixed with total ignorance displayed here: It’s amazing how people claim they follow the science but really don’t. It has been proven over and over again that the vaccinated are the ones spreading most of the virus.
Tim Scott says
Thank you for letting us know in the first line that you would be posting propaganda mixed with total ignorance.
FWB says
Bs & stupidity… is he drunk
FWB says
I was vaccinated after seeing first hand vaccinated people don’t get as sick. I don’t care who I spread it to, that’s their problem.
It’s your life. Deal with it.
FWB says
btw, I probably wouldn’t throw you a life preserver if you were drowning either. Especially if you are paid by my tax dollars or I owed you money.
If your a heavy smoker and over 50 years old I highly suggest getting vaccinated. I have lost pretty much all my friends over 50 who have been smoking all their life to the China virus,, hec I might have gave it to them.
Stinger says
Typical trumplican bullschnit. Saying the same lie over and over with no proof, whatsoever, to support it.
Provide proof of your claim.
FWB says
Your comment is spot on how I see Democrats from my pov.
my buddies Tim & William are projecting in most of their posts. And yes we are that divided.
Brown says
You took an oath to ,”PROTECT and SERVE “ key word is protect. So without the vaccine, you’re not protecting when you come into contact with the public. You have to set the example, that lines up with the the citizens you serve.
FWB says
Deputies don’t have the best reading comprehension. They thought the oath was to protect and serve themselves.
I wonder if other gangs in Los Angeles mandate members by executive order to take the jab, or perhaps they just have to jab a rival gang member.
Jenny says
It is not their job to protect you from a virus, call a doctor for that one.
FWB says
If the BOS is going to leavy mandates on the citizens of the county then then its right that all county employees get vaccinated. Especially LASD and LACF employees.
I sure didn’t see a lot of masks at SoFi stadium yesterday but rest assured every kid at school will have them on today.
Tim Scott says
LOL…”I can’t make the people I supervise, who are supposedly enforcing the law, obey the law…so let me cry to the media when my bosses do it for me.”
FWB says
Wasn’t the Sheriff just refusing to enforce the request? I do not believe it’s an actual law. Just the BOS making a demand. It might end up being a good time to go on a crime spree. I’m also thinking firing 4000 cops is going to hurt a lot of donut shops bottom line.
I don’t care either way but it will be entertaining to watch play out
Tim Scott says
The “request” is an executive order that due to the declaration of a state of emergency has the force of law.
FWB says
Executive order by the LA County Board of Supervisors? I don’t work for them but since deputies and fire fighters do I hope the executive order is applied to both agencies. There’s plenty of States these deputies can move to and get hired immediately without being ordered to take the jab. I have absolutely zero sympathy for them. Comply or be fired!
Same goes for everyone working for the Department of Wealth and Prosperity.
Tim Scott says
“Executive order by the LA board of supervisors?” Yes, since you asked.
Now, I am not defending California’s emergency services act, since I think it is an absolutely horrible piece of law as it is written. Basically it outlines a process for how the governor has to notify the legislature, which was followed, and hands over pretty much totalitarian authority to the executive branch for the duration of the emergency…with no particular definitions of what an emergency would consist of or requirements on the governor about saying that it is over. That’s where the RWNJ’s whole rap about “the governor doesn’t have the authority to do [whatever]” falls apart…the legislature does have the authority and they delegated that authority to the governor in legislation that was signed into law.
Emergency powers acts are necessary, but the California legislature, as is fairly common, is clueless and lazy in their craftsmanship. And before the local deecees start blathering about Sacramento democrats, the ESA was drafted in 1970 and I am pretty sure the GOP was in the majority at the time though I haven’t checked. In any event, California’s ESA is pretty typical of ESA’s in all the rest of the states.
New Dayve says
Looking forward to next totally unbiased opinion column written by Donald Trump proclaiming that he has never committed any crimes and members of 1/6 Commission are domestic terrorists.
Donald Trump (Really America's Most) says
I’ve never committed any crimes and members of 1/6 Commission are domestic terrorists.
I am Donald Trump and I approve this message.
You’re welcome.