The crime happened around 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 3, at the Chase bank on West Avenue K and 12th Street, according to the FBI’s Los Angeles office.
The suspect “simulated a firearm” and demanded cash from a clerk before fleeing, the FBI said. No injuries were reported.
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The man was last seen wearing a black baseball cap, gray pants, black shoes and a black jacket.
Anyone with information on the robbery is encouraged to contact the FBI at 310-477-6565. Anonymous tips can be called in to Crime Stoppers at 800-222- 8477 or submitted online at
A suspect robbed a Chase bank on K Ave. in #Lancaster at approximately 11am. The suspect, described as an Hispanic male, simulated a firearm & demanded cash before fleeing. Please contact law-enforcement with tips. The FBI can be reached at 3104776565 at all hours. #Wanted
— FBI Los Angeles (@FBILosAngeles) January 4, 2022
Beloved says
The issue is not the system. The issue is greed. People should be able to live comfortably, and the rest should be invested into the community. It makes NO sense that we have billionaires. Not everyone is able to work, and people shouldn’t have to spend their whole lives working just to scrape by. There needs to be a balance. Basic needs should be met for all people. There’s no excuse for the poverty in this country under a Capitalist society. Capitalism is merely unmasking the depraved minds and hearts of so many. When was the last time you gave to the homeless? A blanket? A meal? If you think life is about making money and stepping on others to get ahead, you are spitting in the face of God. Seek justice. Have mercy. We can point fingers at the government, but has anyone ever stopped to consider their own lifestyle?
Sentinel in the Sky says
This one is easy to solve. Get the video footage from the $10 million dollar Eye in the Sky as the crook was leaving. Then arrest them.
That’s why we’re spending $10 million tax dollars on the Sentinel in the Sky. Just like Rex said, it would lower crime and keep us safer.
$10 million taxpayer dollars.
America's Most Disgusted With Nick says
Communism is for losers that can’t compete in capitalism and want to leach off those who can. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system. Your statement is among the most ill-informed, ignorant, ungrateful and unpatriotic I have seen here for awhile. You win a prize, Nick.
So there’s always China, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, etc. Grab your passport Nick. We could live very well without you.
America's Most Misplaced says
This replies to Sick Nick the commie sympathizer below.
Nick Lopez says
This capitalistic system is responsible people live in despair and it’s the federal government that needs to be overthrown. We need a new form of government akin to communism. People should not be allowed to become wealthy and all the businesses and real estate should be state owned.
Beecee says
Calm down AOC
America's Most Flagged for Moderation says
Hey Nick:
Just curious: What 3rd world sh!th0le did you come here from? You haven’t lost the stink of it.
Or do you work for a foreign propaganda outlet? I’d like to meet you, you despicable, ignoble, dishonorable Quisling.. You might not like it though.
No way this gets thru the mods, but it felt good.
Shaking my head… says
This is what they are learning in high schools and colleges. Imperialism destroyed the world. So now those successful, capitalistic countries owe the world.
It also comes from not having winners and losers and everything has to be fair. Compassion is good, but socialism has not worked by bringing almost everyone down.
But, it’s what is happening in public education—take away honors and advanced classes to bring everyone down so one group can’t have more success than another.
Where will innovation come from? Foreigners will stop sending their kids to the US to be educated. Utopia does not exist!
Engineer Bill says
This country will never become a communist country. It sure wouldn’t prevent crimes, like bank robberies, from happening.
America's Most Waiting for the Mothership says
Hey Sick Nick the traitorous pr!ck:
I remember you once said you and your cousin were “uncomfortable” to see American flags. Either you’re a treasonous, vile, traitorous bottom feeder that we could live without, or you just like to be provocative. I just like to be obnoxious to slimy communist reprobates like you and your cousin Pedro.