PALMDALE – The Palmdale Playhouse, located at 38334 10th St. East, will present the Bullfrogg Blues band live in concert on Saturday, Jan. 22 at 6 p.m.
The Bullfrogg Blues Band (BBB) is a melting pot of some of the finest musicians on one stage. With an old soul feel and youthful energy, BBB touches on rock, country, and powerful original blues. Band members include top notch seasoned players including Manny Cat on bass, Danny Gerrass on drums, Noel Deis on keys, Neil Werner on harmonica, and the supercharged trio of lead guitar players including Ric Ilejay, Mark Burgess, and Roby Duron.
Tickets are $22 for adults and $17 for seniors, students, military, and ages 12 and under, and are available at www.PalmdalePlayhouse.com. New this year is self-selection seating for all Playhouse events.
Tickets for all shows may be purchased online at www.PalmdalePlayhouse.com, or at the Box Office beginning two hours before each show. The Playhouse no longer accepts cash; Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are the only forms of payment accepted at the box office and concession stand.
For more information, call 661-267-5684.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]