“Homicide investigators have arrested suspect Germarcus David, male Black 29 years-old, for the five murders. He is the father of the juvenile victims and son-in-law of the deceased female Black in her 50’s. She is also the grandmother of the children,” according to a news release from the Sheriff’s Information Bureau.
The shooting was reported around 10:27 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 28, in the 3500 block of Garnet Lane, sheriff’s officials said.
Lancaster Sheriff’s Station deputies responded to the home regarding a “rescue responding call,” and found a woman suffering from gunshot wounds to the upper body and the juveniles — three boys and a girl, all under age 12 — also shot in the upper body, according to the news release. All five victims were pronounced dead at the scene by responding paramedics.
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Suspect Germarcus David was detained when he arrived at the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station lobby, then he was interviewed and subsequently arrested, according to the Sheriff’s Department. David is being held in lieu of $2,000,000 bail and is expected to appear in the Antelope Valley courthouse on Tuesday, Nov. 30, sheriff’s officials said in the news release.
The victims names have not yet been released pending next to kin notification. No further information on the incident was immediately released by the Sheriff’s Department.
Anyone with information on this incident is encouraged to contact homicide detectives at 323- 890-5500 or Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).
Editor’s note: A previous version of this story was updated to include additional details.
Clyde says
This New Generation is hard to pigeon hole. They Moral Compass. Needs serious readjusting. Can not make sense of none sense!
Elysia says
Namiyah went to my school, iLead Lancaster Charter School. Namiyah used to be my friend. It’s so sickening to see this.
My2Cents says
This story is just sad. I’m sad for the families involved and especially the children. I want to know the root of the issue. The root from both sides that contributed to this end. There’s a root cause on the murderers end but that also leaves the question on the root of the issues for the wife or soon to be ex-wife. No one just gets up one day and smokes the entire family except the one they’re truly mad at for no reason. I think what he did was cruel and senseless but I also think it was to send a message to his soon to be ex-wife. The nature of the crime leads me to ask what exactly was going on. Obviously this isn’t the first type of crime like this but there’s always a deeper reason to the madness. Unless it’s just straight diagnosed mental illness or a severe personality disorder or both etc. The thing about the mind is that it takes time to become unhinged. It’s usually not an overnight thing. I have no sympathy for this guy, he should get the death penalty or at least life in prison without the possibility of parole if they are able to establish his guilt, but I do want to understand the reasoning behind it. It hurts either way you look at it. It’s messed up for the children and their mother. She lost them and her own mother. They could’ve lived on with divided households but at least they could be alive.
Stop this says
I pray for this family, for His strength to get them through this horror, and that no one in this family will further be traumatized by these hateful self-centered comments.
Cynthia says
Why is there so much more violence in the Antelope Valley lately? What can these cities do to improve conditions for families in these areas? How can they or local religious or health agencies make these current conditions better for families? There needs to be a task force for mental health. Why did California get rid of mental health hospitals, which have been replaced by more incarceration? Obviously, that’s not working.
William says
You must be new Cynthia.
When Reagan was governor of California, he opened up the mental hospitals and released the patients pretty much. That’s when it started…a long time ago.
Unfortunately, some of those patients are now in politics.
Ronnie says
William, Reagan hasn’t been governor since 1975. Brown 1 did nothing about it. Deukmejian did nothing about it. Wilson did nothing about it. Davis did nothing about it. Schwarzenegger did nothing about it. Brown 2 did nothing about it. Now, Newsom is doing nothing about it.
Blaming Reagan for something that happened 46 years ago when governors of both parties have served is old and tired.
Maybe Newsom should reopen the mental hospitals if that is the issue. He has full control of the assembly and senate.
Stop this says
A man takes the lives of his children and their grandmother; the mother comes home and witnesses this carnage, and the same core group of self-centered people make this into a political agenda. This tragic event isn’t about politics.
Not so, Tim says
Not so, Tim. The U.S. Supreme Court has permitted lower courts to deny bail for defendants who are a danger to the community. Your interpretation of the Eighth Amendment is flawed.
Tim Scott says
You have evidence that the accused is a danger to the community? Feel free to present it since apparently the cops haven’t found it yet.
They can also deny bail if you can present evidence that the guy is a flight risk. You got any evidence of that?
Not so, Tim says
He drove himself to the Sheriff’s station to confess after he murdered his children, including an infant, and his mother-in-law. You are also wrong about only flight risk. The judge could have done a no-bail, but $2 million hopefully will hold him. You are wrong, Tim, but you will argue and twist so you look good.
Tim Scott says
You took this confession? Notice there is no mention of any confession in this article. Of you have additional info, good for you. I never claimed to be getting extra info from the LASD.
I used to argue with another clown on here. He was illegally leaking information from the DA’s office and hopefully his relative got fired.
You, like that clown and others, also can’t read. I never claimed flight risk was the only criteria. You are just so anxious to “make your bones” by “proving” you know more that you are twisting. You sure you are “new” here?
If you have evidence the guy is a flight risk, or a danger to the community, then take it to the cops. I am not impressed by such claims, nor do I care.
Stop this says
You might not care, but this family affected by the loss of these precious children and grandmother care, beyond what we can comprehend, Tim. of course he’s a danger to the community.
Tim Scott says
What about you? Are you a danger to the community? Near as I can make out you haven’t been convicted of this crime…and no one else has either.
The reason we have a bail system is because before this country existed the common practice was that the state, ie the king, could accuse people of a crime and just lock them away, or worse. Initially, the “we will have fair courts and juries of peers” seemed a complete solution, but the state needed to be blocked from “well, you are accused and we are investigating and you can just rot in here while you wait for that to be finished.”
It is a difficult balance we strike. Judges are expected to balance the need to protect the community against the accused but not yet convicted against the need to protect the accused who may turn out to not be guilty. You seem fat more informed about this particular case than I am. I dunno if you are a cop or getting pillow talk or what. But whatever your sources I am fairly certain you are not the judge, and the judge is better informed than you.
They are required to maintain that balance; not you, and not me. I’m glad it isn’t my responsibility, and I am most assuredly glad that it isn’t entrusted to you.
Maybe the cops have the right guy; if so, great. I do not assume they are infallible.
Maybe it is all as simple as you seem to believe after whatever baton polishing you have traded for ‘inside info’ and again, if so, great. But without knowing your sources your opinion counts as no more ‘informed’ than any other, to me.
Nana says
You have to be kidding me that they even allowed a bail. He should be held until his life is taken. To kill innocent children and then the grandmother. He took everything from that young woman and she will never be the same because of him. He should be burned, and then buried alive with the last breath he has left. This is a disgrace that the system would even allow a price to set him free no matter what the amount. SMDH
Tim Scott says
Does it rattle when you shake it?
Bail is set because it is a constitutional right for the accused, as well as for you, me, and every other person the US criminal justice system might encounter. If you have evidence or testimony to offer contact the police. Assuming that you don’t and are spewing for punishment before conviction, head for North Korea. You will be more comfortable there.
America's Most Debilitated Brain says
“Does it rattle when you shake it?” LOL, Mine does.
William says
I said, shake, rattle, and roll
Well, you’ll never do nothin’
To save your doggone soul
Yaya says
I so agree! If not what you have suggested he needs ‘pine box’ sentence!!! Then perhaps he will get ‘cell’ justice . What a coward he is! He turned himself in rather than risk ‘street’ justice- I bet he sits to use the bathroom!!!!
Tim Scott says
Here’s a thought: how about a trial first?
Eff Tim scott and his “logic” says
They set a bail for him? And gascon will probably let him walk cause the poor fella was just acting on his sadness and deserves a better life right? All you people who supported him, inevitably support this mans freedom, how does it feel to be that person? This man should be set on fire and drowned afterwards.
Tim Scott says
What do I have to do with this?
Oh, nevermind. You obviously can’t be bothered with facts or trials or laws or anything like that. Just another devoted clown wanting blood. Pretty basic. Are you an alias, or just someone sharing trying to come up with a complete brain between you?
YesTim says
I’m glad you like trails and facts. Rittenhouse is a free man because of facts. Thank God for facts and fair trials.
William says
Kylekins is not a “free” man.
He is a prisoner in his own mind for the rest of his life. Someone will be gunnin’ for him before long if he doesn’t do it himself.
See OJ
See Dan White
See Donald Trump. All he needs is an orange jumpsuit to go with his face.
It’s a delusion to think one is free even when not in jail.
Tim Scott says
Yeah, we clearly need to improve the laws when human hunters are turned out onto the streets, but I agree that was a trial and there was no really appropriate charge.
I’m curious why you think that a guy who loaded up his gun and went hunting human beings facing no consequences is something to celebrate. That’s pretty corrosive to that respect for the rule of law that is being lamented. You sound like a basic clown.
Mike says
Tim Scott you tout the Constitution in one case and immediately trample on it in the next case when it doesn’t suit your liberal bias. If you watched the Rittenhouse trail you would know that he was not a human hunter. The evidence clearly showed that he was hunted by the criminal looters, rioters, and arsonists. When Rittenhouse went to try and extinguish a fire set by one of the criminals, they chased him down. The Constitution you mentioned guarantees the right to bear arms, and Wisconsin law makes it legal to carry those arms, specifically a loaded rifle, in public. You don’t have to like it, you just have to accept it. Understood? You can argue all you want, with your crocodile tears and snot running down your decrepit face, that no person needs a loaded weapon in public. We all saw the videos. Many of us watched every second of the trail. Those of us who truly value our Constitution understand that the Rittenhouse case made it very clear why we need our right to bear arms in public. When the angry mob that is intent on destruction and violence decide to turn on you, the arms you bear may very well save your life. I find it ironic, no, downright hypocritical that you selectively support one Bill of Right over the next. You are a man lacking honor, integrity, and a moral compass.
Tim Scott says
He packed his gun in the car and drove forty miles to the “action.”
Mike says
No Tim Scott. Rittenhouse did not pack his rifle and drive 40 miles to the action. That was a lie told by the liberal media. Apparently you lined right up, on your knees, like a good boy, and guzzled that liberal jizz they spewed.
The facts as revealed during the trial were that the rifle was issued to him by the registered owner once he arrived in Kenosha at the car dealership. He didn’t drive anywhere with a weapon. Stop guzzling the spunk buddy.
This is off topic says
Please take your hateful arguing about political issues to the appropriate site (Speak Out).
Tim Scott says
Okay Mike, so how is accepting an invitation to a rifle provided human hunt better? Is that human hunter someone you want living on your block? Is that human hunter someone you would be surprised to find as the centerpiece of an incident like this one ten years from now?
Mike says
I’ve got news for you Tim Scott. Some humans need to be hunted. Gang members, drug dealers, child predators, serial rapists, murderers, all need to be hunted. But Rittenhouse and the people he was with were not there to hunt humans. They were there to protect property because the government refused to act. In this country, we don’t rely on the government to protect us, they just want you to think so. They want you to be good little sheep. But sometimes people must stand and defend what they believe in when the government fails to do it. That’s part of the fabric of this nation. And the left wants to erase that virtue from our history so they can control you. So go ahead an shut that dumpster of a mouth of yours that’s spewing nothing but garbage on this thread.
America's Most Confused and Bewildered says
I’m a 2A supporter, but how can anyone think that having 17-year old kids with assault rifles patrolling streets in a place they don’t live is a good idea? The kid should have been home studying.
And I can’t see a need for military weapons of war on our streets. Especially in the hands of 17-year-olds. And I belong to the NRA and a private range so I’m not against 2A at all. In fact William would say I’m a domestic terrorist and ammosexual, (lol, good one).
leon says
surprised there’s bail at all. this man must have been mentally unstable. i pray for the family of these children and their grandmother
Sad day says
I wouldn’t be surprised if Gascon doesn’t let him walk out free with a slap on the hand. Horrible things like this happen and the family suffers and then the family is victimized again when Gascon frees the criminals. My prayer are with this family, so sad.
Clyde says
Nothing justifies The Killing of Kids. Who have yet to figure out their Life!
Kim Hamm says
Too bad Tim Scott wasn’t there..
America's Most Perplexed says
WTF? All he said was “Very sad”.
Tim Scott says
Haters will hate. Gutless haters will use the internet.
America's Most Babbling Incoherently says
It seems you live rent free in their heads. Considering the pitiful resources in their heads, maybe you should charge them!
Tim Scott says
Alby says
Haaaa! I needed a good laugh.
Tim Scott says
Hey! Speaking of gutless haters…LOOK! Alby’s back!!!
Kay says
WHY is there a bail set for this person?????
bailbonds says
No Bail bond company worldwide will ever fork out the bail for this suspect and as you know, no way no how he would ever come up 200k for the 10 percent..
Justice for the children says
It’s 2 million either way should be a no bail hold.
Tim Scott says
Because it’s a constitutional right. That was an easy one.
Tim Scott says
Holiday season. Very sad.