PALMDALE – The final draft of the city of Palmdale’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) is available for public review and comment now through Nov. 30 on the website, www.cityofpalmdale.org/LHMP.
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The LHMP is a comprehensive plan for dealing with disasters, addressing the potential worst-case scenarios in a variety of situations and describing how the City can plan ahead and react if they occur. The City’s LHMP was last updated in 2015.
The list of possible disasters includes:
- Earthquakes
- Flooding and dam failure
- Wildfires
- Transportations and hazardous materials spills
- Drought
- Severe weather
- Power/utility failures
- Pandemic
The topic of pandemic is being included in the LHMP for the first time, reflecting the impact the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had on Palmdale.
“We received some great input from residents who took the LHMP survey and helped our team formulate the updated plan,” said Palmdale Mayor Steve Hofbauer. “Now’s the time for the public to take one last look and weigh in with their thoughts and concerns as we prepare to adopt the plan.”
“Here in Southern California, living with the reality of disasters such as flood, fire, earthquakes, and a pandemic makes having a solid disaster plan imperative,” said Palmdale City Manager J.J. Murphy. “Our Council has made this a priority, and staff working with our consultant and community have done an amazing job of putting together a thorough and comprehensive plan to help us be prepared.”
Questions or comments about the LHMP update may be sent to the city’s project manager, Nick Godin, at ngodin@cityofpalmdale.org or Chantal Power, the city’s disaster planning consultant, at cpower@interwestgrp.com
For more information, visit www.CityofPalmdale.org/hazardplan.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]