PALMDALE – The city of Palmdale is inviting the public to help address existing and future housing needs by reviewing and providing feedback on the 2021-2029 Draft Housing Element. The draft document is available for viewing at https://cityofpalmdale.org/DocumentCenter/View/10368/Draft-Housing-Element-2021—2029.
The Draft Housing Element is a key component of the Palmdale 2045 General Plan Update process. It is the main planning guide to meet Palmdale’s current and future housing needs. Comments may be provided now through Oct. 1 by emailing generalplan@cityofpalmdale.org.
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“We have had a lot of great input from our residents so far during our General Plan process,” said Planning Manager Megan Taggart. “We appreciate the continued support of our residents as we continue to plan for the future of Palmdale.”
For more information, visit www.Palmdale2045.org, contact Palmdale’s Planning Division at 661-267-5200, email generalplan@cityofpalmdale.org.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
NIMBY says
Will mayor Hufbower tell us how he has kept any multi family projects out of the Westside and pushed them all on the Eastside districts. Shameful….