The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted last week to collaborate with federal, state and local officials to shut down illegal cannabis grow operations in the Antelope Valley, while agreeing to reconsider a longstanding county ban on commercial marijuana.
Supervisor Kathryn Barger warned three weeks ago that commercial cannabis and hemp grow operations in her district are using dangerous pesticides, stealing water from fire hydrants and frightening neighbors into silence. However, she failed to get support from her colleagues on a plan of action that included tougher criminal penalties and required four votes to pass.
Tuesday, July 13, Barger asked for support of a substitute motion co-authored by Supervisor Sheila Kuehl that did not include any mention of stricter penalties. It passed unanimously.
“Make no mistake, illegal marijuana grows are something that impacts the entire county of Los Angeles. Illegal growers are using unregulated chemicals to process marijuana (and) selling products to legal and illegal dispensaries in and outside the L.A. Basin, endangering cannabis users,” Barger said.
She said two bears had been found poisoned by pesticides near one valley grow operation, and added that the problem is not limited to outdoor crops.
“Outdoor grows expand over multiple areas in the middle of the valley surrounded by debris and trash, while indoor grows have taken over homes in residential areas, converting family homes into suburban cannabis farms,” Barger added.
During public comment, residents painted a picture of a lawless environment in which locals were challenged at gunpoint and enforcement was close to nonexistent.
“This is not the Wild West. Our taxpaying citizens should be safe in the Fifth District and not be intimidated by cartel thugs,” Green Valley Town Councilmember Joe Randles said. “Our groundwater is being contaminated by grow chemicals, our water systems are being compromised by theft, our land is being decimated along with the protected Joshua trees. This is an unfolding disaster.”
Chris Minsal, a lifelong resident of the north county and president of the Pearblossom Rural Town Council, said he wanted to see commercial cannabis regulated, rather than banned, to generate tax dollars for enforcement against illegal operators.
“Never in my life (have) I ever seen lawlessness like I’ve witnessed over the last year, with people doing whatever they want, because they all know there’s only one, maybe two sheriffs at any given time covering an area the size of the San Fernando Valley,” Minsal said. “It’s easy to hide, threaten people, take over a town, ruin quality of life for its residents.”
Other residents argued against commercialization, saying no other jurisdictions have been successful in controlling illegal operations, but all agreed that more money and resources are needed. In addition to pushing for more authority and resources from the state to battle illegal growers, the board agreed to allocate $250,000 for more sheriff’s patrols in the area. The board also asked for a report on the potential for more funding through this year’s supplemental budget.
Jeffrey Hillinger, vice president of the Littlerock Town Council, said he lives across the street from four separate grow operations.
“It’s just ridiculous out here. I would urge the rest of the Board of Supervisors to come out here. Maybe get in a helicopter, take a flight, take a look at what’s going on with our desert out here and all these drugs,” Hillinger said.
The board also voted on a separate motion by Supervisor Janice Hahn to reconsider its longstanding ban on commercial cannabis.
“Providing a legal pathway can help us tackle the illegal market, by giving them a legal option,” Hahn said.
In October 2017, roughly one year after California voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana, a county work group generated a report including dozens of recommendations on how to regulate cannabis retailing, production and distribution.
Hahn, who was among those who shelved that report, said it was time to dust it off and reconvene a group of relevant stakeholders.
“I think it’s at least time to revisit that conversation and think how we can safely implement the will of the voters when they approved Prop 64,” Hahn said.
Barger agreed with the idea of reconsidering the broad ban, though she said she didn’t believe it would discourage illegal operations.
Barger said one reason she chose not to revise the county ban earlier was because of a memo by then-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions directing all U.S. prosecutors to enforce federal laws making marijuana illegal. County counsel told Barger that he believed that memo had since been rescinded, but said his office would double check.
The county’s prohibition on marijuana dispensaries in unincorporated areas has been in place since 2010 and was broadened in 2017 to include the cultivation, manufacture, testing and distribution of the drug for other than personal use.
California voted to legalize cannabis in 2016 and legal recreational sales began in January 2018.
Claire says
The beautiful A. V. desert that I love, and have been a part of since the 50’s is going to pot.
Farmer says
Rex is leading the way for Lancaster to become a leader in pot growing. Just try to get a permit though. Not easy unless you are part of the in crowd.
Grow says
The war on drugs has failed.
Tim Scott says
Said everyone with a brain in 1933…unfortunately idiots took charge and had to try again.
Tim Scott says
“It’s easy to hide, take over a town…”
How do they do those two things at the same time, pray tell?
This panic is ridiculous.
RoZ says
Tim, is there no problem here, is this a non-issue?
If there is a problem what is your solution?
Tim Scott says
Put the licensing decisions in the hands of someone who will be guided by the will of the electorate and the good of the community instead of their own profits…ie, not Wrecks. The law was passed STATE WIDE. Why is it that the only place having these “terrible problems” is the immediate vicinity of Lancaster, do you think?
The purpose of the legislation was to move cannabis production and distribution out of the shadows of illicit business, managed by (by definition) criminals into the arena of regulation and conflict resolution through courts and laws. Wrecks has completely obstructed the intention HERE by using the licensing process to further the corruption in Lancaster, and the extension out into the county through his use of the sheriff’s department as his personal Praetorian Guard is just an open secret.
This is not going to magically make a “cannabis free” zone big enough to satisfy Wrecks, because what he is interested in is eliminating the competition for the ragweed farms he and his cronies are running. If his minions run out the competition in the Lancaster city limits, he extends his antagonism into the unincorporated county. If his illegally conducted raiding “makes Littlerock safe again” he’ll be picking through his pocket toys (McCarthy and Garcia prominent among them) to see who he can bribe into extending his private war into Kern and San Bernardino counties. He already bought the city government in Palmdale to keep them stuck on stupid.
What we see here is something the voters have voted for, that is working mostly, and a pocket of violence and corruption where it is “mysteriously” not working, and the man at the center of that pocket, like any other cancer, just wants it to grow.
RoZ says
Great reply Tim, I did not know that our mayor had changed the California law to locally restrict licenses for growing mass quantities of marijuana. If this is actually the case and if he is gleaning personal profit by controlling the awarding of licenses then he needs to be voted out.
I’m wondering what source of information you have that confirms that the mayor is on the take. Do you have a link to something I can read about it, this is way too important to take a word-of-mouth statement as fact.
I don’t ever think there will be a “cannabis free” zone probably anywhere on earth. It is my belief that competition that is properly taxed and regulated and good law enforcement and punishment is the key to reducing crime and providing a pesticide-free smoke for the private sector.
Elmer Fudd says
Sounds like they took over Littlerock according to one speaker. They always like to get in the paper one way or another. Always promoting and such.