LANCASTER – Five motorists were arrested for driving under the influence and 31 people were arrested for various other violations at a DUI checkpoint in Lancaster this past weekend, authorities said.
The checkpoint was conducted by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department from 6 p.m. Friday, July 9, to 2 a.m. Saturday, July 10, on eastbound Avenue J near 8th Street East, according to a news release from the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.
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The results of the checkpoint are as follows:
- 577 vehicles were contacted.
- Five individuals were arrested for DUI.
- Five individuals were arrested for other criminal charges, which included driving without an ignition interlock device, possession of narcotics, and a felony DUI warrant.
- 26 drivers were arrested/cited for operating a vehicle unlicensed or with a suspended/revoked license.
Checkpoint locations are selected based on a history of crashes and DUI arrests. The primary purpose of checkpoints is not to make arrests, but to promote public safety by deterring motorists from driving impaired, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
The Sheriff’s Department will be conducting additional DUI checkpoints throughout the year as part of an ongoing commitment to lowering deaths and injuries upon streets and highways.
Funding for these operations is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Barbi says
… 36 arrests? (36/577)*100, that equates to 6% noncompliance. Nice going, AV Sheriff’s Department!
Tim Scott says
Just imagine how many arrests they could make if they just went door to door searching houses!!! Would you be for that?
Or, hey…just waive off that whole petty ‘evidence’ thing and they could just arrest everyone, 100%.
That would be REALLY great, eh Barbi?
Duh says
Or you can just not drive drunk or without a drivers license……
Tim Scott says
So, I assume you have no evidence of a crime in your house so the whole “constitutional protection from being subject to search” is something you would be happy to just waive off…cops can come and go as they please…fine with you, eh?
It fascinates me how you “law and order supporters” never seem to worry about cops when they break the law. It’s like, “well, caught a criminal so that crime is okay.” Do you not see the contradiction there?
Stopbeingracist says
So what if their illegal. They’re probably at least working for a living unlike all the white junkies hanging on the corner these days..
Branden says
I don’t see any white junkies. That is a racist comment.
MIMI says
Branden what rock have you been hiding under? Our City streets of Lancaster are covered in white junkies and thats a fact, the truth & just the way it is!
The Racism Police and all that says
Take a selfie Brandon. You are the last to know.
You’re welcome.