One year ago, Rep. Mike Garcia vowed to “go to Congress and go to bat for our community.” But after winning re-election last year by just 333 votes, the Antelope Valley Republican voted on March 3 against the federal For The People Act to safeguard the right to vote of each eligible American. He also stood in the way of Pennsylvanians and Arizonans seeing all their precious ballots count in the Presidential contest, which ended up getting certified despite Garcia’s vote and an insurrection by a violent mob that invaded the Capitol.
I was reminded of Garcia’s baseball metaphor this month after protests over restrictions on voting rights in Georgia prompted relocation of the All Star Game to Colorado. If he was out-of-step with protecting voting rights, on what else was Garcia off base in ways that could hurt Antelope Valley residents and others in L.A. County whose rights are at stake in legislation on Capitol Hill?
One area that deeply concerns me is LGBTQ rights. On Feb. 25, Garcia voted against the federal Equality Act to protect all Americans from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The law would prohibit common forms of biased mistreatment, including harassment and discrimination, in education, employment, and housing.
Not only would the law add protections for adults, but also it would help shield children from bias in schools and social service programs. Anti-LGBTQ bullying remains common and causes isolation, injury, homelessness, and worse. Having a nationwide standard to hold administrators accountable to stop this pervasive threat to vulnerable kids, instead of inconsistent policies based on geography, would be a big step forward.
But Garcia rejected the Equality Act, saying it poses “a detriment to other free citizens” and “is contrary to American ideals.” Huh? Let’s unpack that. Such abstract rhetoric seems to repeat a false talking point of extremist organizations. Some allege that safeguards against discrimination for LGBTQ people necessarily interfere with the entitlement of people in positions of authority over others to act based on their religious beliefs.
The implicit presumption in statements like Garcia’s is that people of faith harbor hostility toward LGBTQ people. It’s a whopper of an insult. That such animus, where it does exist, should be unrestrained by civil-rights laws is also a real wild pitch when it comes to public policy.
It has consequences, too. Look at the case of little Gabriel Fernandez. The eight-year-old Palmdale boy died in 2013 at the hands of his mother and her boyfriend, who brutalized the child out of contempt that he might be gay. Such intense, dehumanizing cruelty highlights why legal protections from hate and bias are still needed in our society, including
coverage for kids. Any religious exemption should be very narrowly tailored, not a free pass to justify bigotry and bias.
Another area that really concerns me is reproductive healthcare. On April 1, Garcia signed on as a sponsor of the Life at Conception Act. This far-reaching federal bill would block most forms of contraception, all but sentencing women and girls to forced fertility, and take away women’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, making efforts to end an unwanted or medically dangerous pregnancy a criminal cause of action.
Such policy-making by Rep. Mike Garcia that intrudes into the private decisions of Americans is worse than virtue-signaling to his party base. With the Supreme Court having taken a case from Mississippi that could be used to overturn Roe v. Wade, Garcia’s posturing debases the lives of real people in the Antelope Valley and others in L.A. County.
Ten years ago Planned Parenthood of L.A. opened its first clinic in Palmdale. As the AV Times reported then, the area had higher rates of unplanned pregnancies, infant mortality, and sexually transmitted diseases. It had lower levels of cancer screenings and fewer options for factual counseling about birth control methods. Before the opening of the Palmdale health center, all in need of such services, including men, had to travel 50 miles to the San Fernando Valley. Add serious inconvenience to the inhumane interference the Member of Congress would inflict.
Undercutting the right to choose and LGBTQ equality are two areas where the vague language Rep. Mike Garcia uses about freedom rings hollow. Like the sanctity of being able to cast a ballot unimpeded by red tape, suppression, or disqualification, the fate of reproductive healthcare and protection from discrimination for sexual minorities are very much in play during this Congress.
So far, Garcia is striking out.
RoZ says
Garcia Rocks, he certainly has my vote!
Tim Scott says
LOL…so…you are some sort of Mike Garcia groupie? I have heard a lot of reasons to back a politician, but usually they relate to a position of some sort, at least superficially. “He Rocks!!!” seems extraordinarily shallow.
RoZ says
Nope, I’m not a groupie, it’s just that my values are more aligned with Mike Garcia than with Christy Smith, thus Mike gets my vote.
Sorry you missed the meaning of “Garcia Rocks”, it’s just a slang term.
Used to show that you like or approve of someone or something a lot:
“Do you like him?” “Yeah, he rocks!”
LibsAreCrazy says
As long as he is not a democrat. He has my vote no matter what.
Garcia voters are ignorant and proud of it. says
Because you don’t think for a living and it shows.
What kept you from D.C. on 1/6? Couldn’t afford a bus ticket or too chicken to do your patriotic duty and take selfies while you trashed the Capital to make it easy for the cops to find you.
Aren’t your ilk the stupidest people on earth? Yes they are.
Are you excited about Trump being re-instated in August? Can’t wait for that circus to open in town. Will you be wearing your MAGA clown outfit?
Garcia voters are ignorant(Sonya) and proud of it says
I see you are taking over for Beecee, Sonyakins.
Do you have a timeshare on 1 brain.
And why are you signing your comment with the name of your of your lady parts?
Plus, you included $$ signs. Hmmm. Are you one of the those “sidewalk hostesses” on Sierra Highway? With inflation, you might get $5 if you’re lucky Lady Marmalade.
SONYA says
So now your a pervert.
I’m sure you guys are drowning in a steady sea of porno and video games, so that doesn’t surprise me…
Sonya aka Pu$$y says
You are so wrong. I give it away cause nobody will pay for it.
Well, actually I have to pay or they only touch me with 10 foot poles.
Tim Scott says
lololol…you seem to be the one with a fixation on female reproductive parts Sonya…who exactly seems to be ‘drowning’?
Democrat Dave says
Poor Beecee and Sonya aka Pu$$y.
They forgot that when God made a girl out of Adam’s rib, it DIDN’T INCLUDE A BRAIN.
Ever since, girls like these 2 have populated the Republican Party and the men have gone mad from it. Imagine being around Marsh Blackburn or earlier, Michelle Bachmann and you’ll know why.
Look at miniture minority leader Keven McCarthy compared to BIG NANCY. That little ol’ granny has a bigger set than Kevin and Trump together. You can forget McConnell. They fell off on 1/7.
So, there you have it. It’s the most dyfunctional political party along with its candidates since THE BIG BANG. Really, girls. History won’t be kind to them and you for what you have wrought. Make that “rot”. At least young kittens bury theirs. You girls voted for it. “You’re soaking in it.” – Madge.
Tim Scott says
“If it’s bad, I say it’s fake. If it’s good, I say that’s the most accurate poll ever.”
Donald Trump, on polls.
This is exactly how he responds to elections, and his half-witted fans trail right along. If the outcome is what they want, it’s all good, if it isn’t “it must be a fraud.” Evidence and actual reality make no difference, their position is based purely on whether they got an outcome they wanted. They are like tiny children who respond to their mother-reality with “you are the best mommy” when given a sweet, and “I hate you” when they are denied.
There’s nothing inherently unexpected in Republicans acting like bratty children, it’s just important that we give them no authority until they grow up…if they ever do.
Matt says
I saw that. Hilarious, and before people start looking for a source, he said it into a microphone at the CPAC conference. People cheered!!! Lol. He just told all of those dummies anything I called fake was real. It wasn’t just polls he called fake. He basically said into a mic, haha I fooled u all, and they cheered him for it. How dumb can people be?? Oh wait, I forgot about all of the money they gave him that night on top of it. They are that dumb!!!!
SONYA says
Speaking of acting like bratty children
What part of that do you not understand, why are you still talking about him?
Waaaaaaa waaaaaaaa
Democrat Dave says
Dearest Sonyakins,
Trump still thinks he’s president and expects to be re-instated next month.
WTF have you been doing that you aren’t aware of that?
He’s holding rall, er, fund raisers talking ’bout his stolen elcction.
The problem is that the Republican Party, such as it is, is living his BIG LIE. They’re the problem too.
How did you miss that, Sonyakins?
So, don’t do like some many other fools do and come here and say what you said. It’s called “PROJECTION”. Trump is out there doing damage and you point your finger at those who are pointing that out. You’re looking in the wrong direction.
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOL…he was the featured speaker at CPAC and is without question running the GOP (into the ground). That’s YOUR party Sonya! How is it that you can support his idiotic claims one minute and then think people are going to pretend he doesn’t exist in the next?
Democrat Dave says
That’s our little Margie.
Stinger says
The time has come for a purple party.
Democrat Dave says
I’m not sure that purple is what you get when you mix blue and orange. But, I don’t wanna look at it.
Democrat Dave says
Out of curiosity I Googled “blue plus orange color”
“If you take a look at the color wheel, you’ll see that blue and orange are complementary colors. As mentioned above, you will get brown when you mix complementary hues. So, when you blend the two, you can expect to get a version of brown .
I think that says it all. Brown like, well, like Shinola shoe polish.
Complimentary? Like the Hatfields and McCoys?
Ignacio says
It is thee democrat party responsibility to make thee democrat votes, control thee voting machines, eliminate thee conservative and moderate gringos, make thee illegal immigrants into thee voters, without making them citizens.
Pepe says
I ask thee gringos how much thee election de los democrat going to rig thee election night. He say, all the them. He say, even los mexicanos gets to vote, our senoras e muchachas gets to vote, but shhh. No say nothing.
Boris Badenov says
Good work Sonya and Beecee. They will be very proud of you for advancing Putin’s manifesto in the Antelope Valleystan.
You keep up good work spreading TRUTH that Feerless Leader Trump won your dicta….election for president. You are helping divide the American country very well with your constant TRUTH telling.
Wait for more instructions. Can you exchange some rubles for bitcoins, girls? We gots to get rid of squirrel Pence too and that moose Pompeo.
Democrat Dave says
This is the caca they write on the Fox News website.
1 hour ago
The radical Democrat socialists needed the fence to install the illegitimate occupant Biden. An illegitimate president will not stand the test of time. The AZ, PA, GA audit results are coming. AZ will start the dominoes falling.
It sounds so much like Beecee and Sonya, nutty. What should we do with such folks…deportation???? They can’t be trusted to tell the truth or accept the truth. It’s all lies all the time.
Suzie says
… the nationalist socialist democrat’s watershed paradigm, the singular thought uniting the election rigging democrats is, their political opposition is beneath representation, that we must be silenced, censored, isolated, ferreted out for cancellation, that any ends justify their means –
Matt says
No, U just lost, can’t take it, and whine like an eight year old yelling out u cheated, because u can’t handle that u lost. End of story.
Tim Scott says
LOLOL…the GOP, after losing and having searched endlessly for evidence of “election fraud and found none, has introduced a hundred variations of “Democrats can’t vote so that the GOP can win” laws. And you talk about “the opposition is beneath representation” as if it was a position other than your own. Genuinely hilarious. Dangerous AF to the American experiment, but still hilarious.
Lyle says
We’re democrats. We’re in charge. We know what’s best for America. If we decide the election needs to be rigged? Deal with it.
Dane says
She is quite correct. Republicans don’t rise to a level sufficient for representation. Only we do. We know it. And, they know it. They should be disenfranchised, censored, cancelled, and watched very carefully. Make no apologies for it, that is exactly what we’re doing. Pretty good at it, too.
G. Morningwood says
California should require stricter voting regulations too.
How ’bout a test question such as “Who is the current president?”
That outta eliminate most of the Rs in this state.
Franks 'n Beans says
The ratios we’ve weighted, one democrat vote roughly equal to 1.5 vote, one Republican vote equal to 0.75, a non-affiliated voter voting republican equal to 0.5, an unaffiliated voter voting democrat equal to 2, seemed to work fairly well. We seemed to be able to get our people into office fairly easily, no one the wiser. This Mike Garcia fellow, can’t say exactly what happened there. That wasn’t supposed to happen.
Tim Scott says
Hate to break it to you bean brain, but you have it backwards. As is true of every election in living memory, Republicans got a higher share of seats in the house than the percentage of the votes they received. They hold 50% of the seats in the senate despite well over 50% of voters in senate elections voting against GOP candidates. They haven’t seated a president who actually received more than half the votes since the 1980s.
So for a Republican to yammer about Republicans’ votes “counting less” is just another great example of the GOP playbook, in which topic one is “cheat as much as necessary to maintain our minority rule” and topic two is “accuse everyone else of doing what we actually do.”
The one time Trump told a truth and got it right was when he said “if everyone voted the Republicans would never stand a chance.” They are solidly in the minority, and through their own corrupion and mismanagement it is a minority that becomes consistently smaller. The only question remaining is whether they will be able to destroy the system of elected representation completely in order to maintain the minority rule they have established.
Justin says
He’s really one of us, I’ll have you know. Stealth democrat yet to be outed, representative Garcia’s a RINO. Cloaked a Republican, he’s really one of us.
Matt says
Please no facts Tim. It contradicts what Newsmax tells them and makes their heads explode to the big reality that is outside of their sacred little world. But it scares them.
Lillian says
Everyone’s going to know. It’s all coming out in a couple weeks, anyway. What are Republican’s going to do about it? Nothing! As much in on it as we are, stick their necks out on this election rigging business, they’ll get their heads chopped off. And, they know it.
Democrat Dave says
Can’t wait to see what the crazies in Arizona are going to conclude with their FRaudit. The state will have to spend millions again to replace all the voting machines the Republicans took possession of because they are no longer secure or reliable after those filthy, rotten Repubs touched them.
Let me guess.
-They’ll say they had to throw out 30,000? ballots for Biden because, y’know, Jewish lasers
were used to start fires in California. (I know that sounds rediculous but it’s Republicans)
-They’ll say the results were so tainted that the Republicans in the legislature will have to
decide the Arizona election that Biden won.
-They will come up with something that I can’t even imagine because they are Republicans
and, well, they have the most damaged imaginations around. BENGHAZI!!!
Anyway, we’ll all have to meet here when they announce their “findings” and discuss.
Sonya and Little Beecee will likely buy the nonsense because they are BRAINWASHED by Trump’s Magic Charisma and Traveling Grifter Circus.
Send Trump your $$$$$$s Sonya and you too Little Beecee. Then, come back and tell us how much you gave him for his legal bills. Maybe he’ll let you two pull his finger. Such an honor for you two.
Democrat ‘gay’ve says
“Anyway, we’ll all have to meet here when they announce their “findings” and discuss”
There is no discussion to be had with you Marxist scum….
BeeCee says
Little Beecee….
Tim Scott says
Is there some significance to these posts, or are we supposed to be impressed that you seem to know how to count?
BeeCee says
The significance is your guys putrid record for trying to guess something about me personally.
Believe me, when one of you are finally right about something you will break out of the zero column.
Tim Scott says
Who is trying to guess anything about you? The relevant things are obvious. You have been totally duped by the GOP’s con man in chief, and can’t face the reality do you plunge along endorsing his continuing fantasies no matter how glaringly ridiculous they might get.
You are a raging ball of hate that sees anyone who disagrees with Trump’s obviously skewed, self centered point of view as a target for that hatred, which you are particularly ill suited to express in writing as your “epic burns” wouldn’t score “warm blanket” by any realistic measure.
And I have a free space in your head, as evidenced by your compulsion to collect trivial facts about my wardrobe, hobbies, and pets as if they were precious gems.
PS, when I said someone was “dumber than my hamster” that was hyperbole, I don’t actually have a hamster.
BeeCee says
You got it dude.
BeeCee says
Now back to your video games
Tim Scott says
I did in fact play some video games. Benefit of being retired. What did you do with the fine 110 degree afternoon, basic clown? Prepare more “epic burns”?
Matt says
Whats the new deadline going to be when this one passes and nothing happens…..again.
Polyanna says
Everyone already knows, the election was rigged. Everyone steeped in denial, making excuses, looking the other way, beautiful thing about it, no one wants to know it really was. What that means for us is, law is illusory, they’re enforcing law selectively, different laws for different people, and if we democrats keep a low profile, we are free, to do pretty much anything we desire.
Anna Falaxis says
Why yes, the Republicans rigged the election in the Democrats favor, or was it Russia, or maybe China. Anyway, thank you.
Democrat Dave says
“Everyone already knows,…” You got 74 million frogs in your pocket Polyanna?
Bernadette says
There are no real Republicans in office, here in California. How we do it here in California, we make faux Republicans. We Democrats flood the Republican ticket with our people. That’s how we keep the state blue. Mike Garcia’s one of ours. Even Kevin McCarthy, he’s one of ours, too.
Libber-Ruleski says
The democrat party is America. If you aren’t in it? Then, you aren’t an American. And, you deserve what you got coming to you.
Mikey says
Time’s soon to begin the process, in earnest, rounding up Republicans voters, for “reeducation.” It’s our way. Or, the highway.
Tim Scott says
To round them up for “reeducation” implies that they were educated a first time. It becomes ever more apparent that the only way to produce Republican voters is to somehow prevent them from ever knowing what actually goes on.
The FACT Police says
Y’know Mikey.
Republicans can’t tell FACT from FICTION.
That’s why Trump was able to manipulate their teeny, tiny brains into thinking like him.
Trump lies. Trump cult buys the lies. It’s expensive. It has cost their souls.
Democrat Dave says
Hey, Marty
Why don’t you shove that comment back up there where you found it with all your other notions?
Clara says
Mike Garcia is also off base in his support of the Lancaster boys – Jim Gilley, Frank Visco, Rex Parris and criminal ex-county employee Thomas J. Shepos who got caught receiving bribes for county contracts with Palmdale resident and alleged owner of Tel-Pro Enrique Contreras – why wasn’t the true owner Barzin Omidi arrested?
Marvin Crime says
Nobody will touch that investigation we all know that it needs to be done. They have owned the DA office for a long time now, ever wonder why the whole 90’s era was never investigated? As retirement allows another huge pay day? This is all too cozy and is still playing out.
Matt says
U mean they are trying to also flip the board game after losing? Lol.
Angie says
… Nice going, Mike! We love you! Keep up the good work!
Democrat Dave says
Garcia has only a year and a half and then he’s outta here.
Garcia is more dangerous than Marjorie Taylor Greene in that he can pass as a relatively “sane” Republican while voting like the crazy ones.
Another one like Garcia is Dan Crenshaw.
Tim Scott says
LOL…Sonya…you are asking for something you don’t want to see. Why is that?
“If you say it enough and keep saying it, they’ll start to believe you.”-Donald Trump
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”-Joseph Goebbels
Tim Scott says
There is a longer version of this post but since it was kinda rude it may not make it past the moderators.
Sonya says
This is no direct quote….
And where is it that trump openly subscribes to Goebbels principles?
That quote from Goebbels is the DNC mantra. Part of Saul Alinsky’s “rules for radicals”
Nice try nerd.
Tim Scott says
LOL…since the moderators passed my original post, where I predicted that giving you the evidence you asked for would not make a difference, and suggested why that is, I find your answer hysterical. Those are in fact both direct quotes…one is Trump talking about how a lie if retold often enough “becomes” truth…the other is Goebbels expressing the exact same principle 8o years earlier.
If you still don’t get the reality that you have been bamboozled by a con man that has just told you the same lies over and over and over until you believe them, and that he has done it KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY, I kinda feel sorry for you. Not sorry enough to stop making fun of you, but at least a little bit sorry.
Boycotttim says
Dude Tim , stop global warming. You are an 02 burner. You are accelerating our demise with your intellectual B.S. only liberals speak the way you do because all of your ideas and thoughts are just regurgitations of someone else. Think for yourself ! You say Trump is a conman , at least he
can speak coherently to his country, where is your boy biden hiding today? Dude can’t even defend himself becuase he’s not allowed to speak. Stop global warming Tim and stop talking.
Tim Scott says
lolololol…Trump…speaks…coherently??? WTF drugs are you on???
Oops says
Sonya…You just outed yourself “Beecee.”
Beecee says
Oops says
Straight out of ‘Rules for Radicals’ by Saul Alinsky. Beecee/Sonya…nice try nerd. Never say never about using different screen names.
Beecee says
Democrat Dave says
Trump had Hitler speeches in his nightstand. His staff heard him praise Hitler, (the same way Republicans praise Trump…”He did some good things”.
That’s crazyville with Trump and his followers aka NAZIS.
Nazi: noun
a person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.
Yes they are.
Sonya says
LiKe LIttEraLly NaZiS
Bernie says
Illegal immigration, law enforcement, election integrity, lunchbox economics, pandemic accountability, free speech, this crop of democrats have insurmountable credibility issues. Which was why conservative democrats voted Mike Garcia.
Charlotte says
A 350 million dollar gravy train, earmarked to democrat election officials, doesn’t come along everyday.
Baby Jane says
Hush, hush, Charlotte.
Claire says
Garcia is not trustworthy. I support “For The People Act.”
Truth B Told says
Yeah, you would, you Marxist traitor.
Democrat Dave says
Oh, chit, Truth B Told.
Leave Groucho outta this. You guys don’t know WTF you’re talking with all this communist, Marxist, talk that you haven’t thought about yourself. You are just repeating like a parrot. Right? Right.
Sammy J. says
I Stand with Mike and Trump AL THE WAY!! Time to take a Stand Against the Liberal Garbage being pushed.
Democrat Dave says
Will you go to prison for Trump, Sammy J.?
If he could, he’d throw you under the bus, then his kids, Melania, and even Mike Garcia if Garcia ever grew a pair and crossed him.
Sammy Jo says
Congressman Garcia’s quite correct. Before Democrats ram through anything regarding election federalization, America needs to see the CTCL’s financial 990s published, in plain view. America needs transparency. Before Pelosi passes anything along to the senate, America needs to know exactly what Zuckerberg and Chan were up to.
Elliott says
You can snow anybody but a snowman. I don’t buy it.
Zuckerberg and Chan drop a cool US$350 million, under-the-table, to 2500 election officials, under guise of COVID 19; the need to to ensure “safe elections?” Yet, less than 1% winds up spent, on PPE (e.g., personal protective equipment)?
Oh, and now Democrats want to hurry through an election federalization bill, slapdash, save who may?
It stinks.
Claire says
Cite your source.
Maureen says
Why you’re asked for your source is, democrats are desperate to ferret it out, censor it.
Stinger says
And here, we see yet another trumplican attempt to spread lies and block any attempts to confirm any information with the bogus claim of ‘censorship,’ or ‘cancel culture,’ or whatever else their mango moron with the beady little brain tells them to say to avoid looking at anything that might allow them to break out of their little world of lies and puffery.
Pathetic and disgusting little nazi-wannabees
Zelda says
The democrats want to snuff your source. To do that, they’d have to censor the United States House of Representatives. Because, that’s the source.
Claire says
I thought so.
Stinger says
Thank you for telling us the Trumplican game plan, but we had all already figured you guys out.
William says
OMG Sammy Jo. “…election federalization” for FEDERAL ELECTIONS. That makes so much sense.
Why should California’s voters be denied the win if Texas pulls a stunt and its republican legislators overturn their election that a D won and give it to an R? Same with Pennsylvania, Georgia and the other crazy orange states.
You guys have no ability to think.
Dan Pena says
Garcia is as far right as you can go. He’s way up trump’s rear and stuck there. I did not and will NOT EVER vote for this toxic politician.
Matt K. says
Garcia forgets that he represents a district that is actually majority registered-Democrat voters. The Antelope Valley and Santa Clarita Valley are not the far-right, hyper-religious cowtown burbs that they were 20 years ago. It would seem intuitive that Garcia try to walk a more moderate path that appeals to both sides of the aisle?
William says
Plus, Garcia only won by 300+ votes. He needs to go.
He voted to overturn the election on 1/6. The plan was to get the state houses to throw the election to Trump in orange states.
He voted against a House investigation re: 1/6.
He’s worse than Steve Knight.
Sonya says
Better then your bong hitting staff screwing candidate.
You guys already burnt the spot out.
Stinger says
No. Katie was a superior representative than this clown, Garcia. She simply managed to get caught up in a sex scandal caused by a jealous husband… Which I really don’t give a damn about. The involvement of a staffer, though, was serious and she appropriately resigned. A trumplican, however, would have no shame or honor and would have hypocritically refused to resign, claiming all the pathetically projecting lies they could muster about anybody else but themselves.
William says
You’re with the Insurrection Party, right Sonya?
Sonya says
You with the
Defund the police,
Everything I don’t like is racist,
Vote fraud party?
William says
I still win Sonya. The Insurrection Party is a bigger threat to this country than all the others put together.
Your Orange God is going to prison not our president.
Stinger says
I noticed that Sonya did not deny the question of Williams… just doubled down on her talking points.
I’d call that a resounding, “Yes.”
Sonya says
If you called what happened on Jan 6th a “threat”
You are an absolute pitiful weakling.
Tim Scott says
Just offhand I’d say the people who died would call it a threat, and are in a better position to judge than you Sonya.
Democrat Dave says
SONYA. Oh, Sonya.
Please share with us how you process what Trump and the Republicans tell you? Do you believe EVERYTHING Trump says?
How do you determine if what he says is true or a BIG FAT LIE, like the election fraud lie?
What don’t you believe that Trump has said or written?
Democrat Dave says
Sonya simply can’t answer the above question and that actually answers it. She believes all of it.
Democrat Dave says
Is that the only photo of Garcia with that ****-eating grin? He’s no good.
That’s a NO VOTE right there.
Democrat ‘gay’ve says
That grin is for you
Joseblasalcala says
Let’s make American great again!!
Democrat Dave says
We already did on January 20, 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 colonies says
No you made America worse again on Jan 20, 2021
Democrat Dave3 says
How so, 7 colonies? We fired the incompetency liar.
We have an extraordinarily experienced President now in Joe Biden and a smart administration.
COVID is on the run except for the orange states where they are “vaccine resistant”. So? Let ’em get sick and die. They are Trump’s voters.
The stock market didn’t crash did it?
3 million jobs created since Biden took over.
Things are looking up unless the Republicans eff it up again. They will if they take the White House ever again. I promise you, smarty pants. They will. They’ve done it over and over for the last 100 years…recessions, crashes, inept response to emerging crises. You name it. The Repubcs effed it up.
Deny all that and show us your profound ignorance.
Tom says
He is striking out if your a democrat, but for us republicans he is hitting homeruns.
Tim Scott says
After Garcia and company eliminate free elections how long do you think they are going to do anything for you?
Beecee says
Anybody who truly understands HR-1 and SR-1 for garbage legislation they really are, is scratching their head at this ridiculous comment.
What the democrats want to do with our elections is beyond ripe for fraud. Look at the 2020 election for proof.
Federalizing elections, ballot harvesting, public funded campaigns, nationwide mail out ballots with shot out roles is absolutely insane.
Stinger says
As usual, BeeEss, you are full of BeeEss and are lying… again.
Tim Scott says
Why “state the falsehoods” BS? You will just say “my absurdist QAnon coconspirators say different and I am so deep in the nonsense I choose to believe them.” That is evident from your commitment to the ridiculous “look at the 2020 election for proof” comment.
There has NEVER BEEN a more thoroughly investigated and monitored election in US history, and there has been NO evidence found of this fraud you claim we should look and see. ZERO. It has been laughed out of courts by judges that Trump himself appointed. The lawyers who “brought the cases” have in many cases been disbarred for having abused the judicial system with presentations they themselves knew were absurd and lacking in any facts.
For you to keep blathering “just look at 202 reveals that there is no point in accepting your “show me where it’s false” plea, because it is pretty much TOTALLY false, and anyone not immersed in the make believe QAnon world knows it. And to people inside the ridiculous world of falsehoods Trump has had built around him, like you, reality just doesn’t matter.
Beecee says
Why “state the falsehoods” BS?
I think I posted something like this, but hasn’t gotten through moderation and on the board yet,
How come you see my comment and I don’t?
Huh, looks like we found out who has pull on the moderation of this site.
No wonder my epic burns against you never post,
Beecee says
There has NEVER “BEEN a more thoroughly investigated and monitored election in US history, and there has been NO evidence found of this fraud you claim we should look and see. ZERO“
Also I’ll save this statement for a later date, when we find out otherwise.
Fresh of the press!
Tim Scott says
from well recognized media source where the principles of journalism are SCRUPULOUSLY followed…THE CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE…
Come ON Basic Clown, at least put up a fight here…this is so obviously ridiculous my hamster could make people laugh at you
Beecee says
Here is this better,
Here’s one from the Pravda media.
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOLOL…gosh I do not know Basic Clown, do YOU think it’s “better than the conservative treehouse blog”? Like, are you somehow suggesting that’s a high bar?
PS, thanks for bringing the conservative treehouse blog to my attention, those self proclaimed monkeys are absolutely hilarious
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOL…I mocked you and laughed at you before I even checked your second link and I regret it because that was even MORE hilarious!!!
Yes, that’s ABC News…covering the FACT that a GOP state senator playing for attention has said something ridiculous…and you cite this as evidence of…what exactly?
Democrat Dave says
Beecee is bragging about her “epic burns”.
She once called me a “nerd”
Matt says
Way to bring a knife to a gun fight BS. U can’t argue with facts. Haven’t u heard the phrase better to say nothing to be thought a fool than to open your mouth…..u know the rest.
Tim Scott says
I’m still laughing at the “epic burn” …
“you play video games and wear t-shirts”
I mean, that’s supposed to be a ‘burn’? how???
Beecee says
Nothing wrong at all with a grown man or whatever you identify as playing video games and wearing a shirt with dogs portraying themselves as comic book characters “avengefurs”
Totally normal
Lipton Inc. says
Were you a Tea Bagger, Beecee? I hope you don’t think you’ve ‘evolved’.
Tim Scott says
Yes Basic Clown, it is pretty much normal…maybe in your redneck burg that you left behind “real men” where a wife beater and measure each other by…I dunno, how many days a week they listen to the crop report on the ol’ victrola? But here in California T Shirts are pretty standard wear. I have one that says “hey Trumpster Dumpster, kiss my ass”…is that more “manly” in your estimation?
BeeCee says
I just have one question for you Tim Shot
Tim Scott says
So we now know that a basic clown doesn’t know an internet link from a question. Ya hate to see it.
Lilly says
Tim Scott, the deflection king strikes again….
We all got the joke, and so did you ; )
Claire says
Beecee…I wore Scooby-Doo pajamas until they wore out.
Claire says
I am a senior wearing Scooby-Doo pajamas.
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOLOL…sure Lolly, I followed the link…I just outgrew “hur hur hur, ur gay” as a useful burn when I was maybe twelve. If that’s the best you and basic clown can do go hang out on an elementary school playground and take notes.
Democrat Dave3 says
So, uh, Beecee “truly understands” the 2 bills in Congress.
I’m glad we don’t have a drinking game for when Beecee “truly understands” anything. California would be a dry state.
Rolinda says
We couldn’t be happier, Representative Mike Garcia is doing terrific. Steeped in denial, afflicted Trump derangement syndrome, never in a million years would the election rigging democrats ever admit to it. Much less to their woeful, systemic wrongdoing –
Democrat Dave says
You are afflicted with TDS. It’s named after Trump who suffers from it.
Trump is deranged. He thinks he’s still prez. And, he’s fooled a lot of idiots.
Incoming splodey heads says
After reading this article and taking it all in….
He’s got my Vote!
Tim Scott says
Whatever his positions on issues, Garcia violated his oath of office and should not even be allowed to run, and most assuredly should never be considered for re-election.
It’s sad that the cartoonish clowns that followed the call to insurrection are getting hammered into prison while the actual leaders are drinking champagne at Mar-A-Lago and plotting the end of the American experiment.
Stinger says
Tim, you accurately pointed out the current end game for the trumplican party: the end of the American Experiment. This is nothing less than NSDAP-type stuff of the 1920’s. In fact, they so clearly project their own actions and intents by accusing others of those things, that they are even starting to accuse any opponents of being part of that very same party! It’s just too predictable.
Alfred says
The Democrat’s “for the People Act” is a red herring, federalizing elections with the intention of normalization of election rigging, transitioning America to one-party democratic authoritarianism under the National Socialist Democrats. Rightfully so, representative Mike Garcia opposes this bill.
Stinger says
More NSDAP projection to try to cover their lies. Goebbels would be proud.
Tim Scott says
Funny you mention Goebbels considering that Trump actually quotes him and openly subscribes to Goebbels principles on how to mislead the public. It’s really amazing how up front about his totalitarian intentions Trump has actually been.
Sonya says
“Trump actually quotes him and openly subscribes to Goebbels principles on how to mislead the public“
Let’s see the proof.
Matt says
Oh boy. U asked for it Sonya. Get him Tim!!! Lol.
BeeCee says
Tim’s lap dog says what?
Tim Scott says
LOL…Sonya…you are asking for something you don’t want to see. Why is that?
“If you say it enough and keep saying it, they’ll start to believe you.”-Donald Trump
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”-Joseph Goebbels
So this is where on most sites you would rant about how Trump “never said that” and I would produce a video clip of him saying it and you would say the clip was fake and I would produce a dozen more because he actually says it all the time…but since I don’t know of a way to embed a video clip here for one and I already know that with your butt cheeks clamped over your ears you aren’t gonna listen anyway we can just skip all that yeah?
Sonya says
So no proof?
I’m starting to see a pattern here with all the left wing posters here, throwing crap around like rabid apes with no links/proof for anything.
And what a pitiful excuse for not providing any.
Tim Scott says
LOLOL…well done proving my point Sonya…what are you denying here?
Are you claiming Thump did not say that?
Are you claiming that Goebbels didn’t say that?
Are you claiming such a lack of brainpower that you can’t see they are the same thing?
I can provide sources for the first two, and you are making the third pretty apparent.
Democrat Dave says
Oh, Sonya.
You want proof? Since when? Your ilk on the extreme right is imperious to facts, evidence, documentation, video with sound and so on.
Didn’t you hear a Republican Congress Critter say 1/6 was like a regular tour of the Capital.
Then, there’s the BIG LIE that Democrats stole the election. Did you swallow that one?
The Republicans lie when the true would do. It’s a sickness with them.
So, I gave up with providing proof and instead like to mock you silly deluded fools.
Then, can you believe this, you want proof after you’ve ignored, dismissed, called it “fake news” or make that “Faux News” for years. It’s hopeless with you isn’t it?
William says
Tim Scott, have you noticed that responding with facts to Sonya is like nailing Jell-O to a wall?
Give it up, Tim. You’re not gonna make Sonya or Beecee any smarter. Can’t be done.
Tim Scott says
Convincing the stupid is not, and never has been, my objective. I just hold up the mirror and let them show themselves.
William says
Sorry, Tim Scott.
Holding up a mirror to the Trumpers is like holding up a mirror to a vampire.
They don’t see their hypocritical and dishonest reflections that we can see.
BeeCee says
^ Lol ^
Look at em go,
Echo chamber party.
Tim Scott says
Echo chamber party? You mean the GOP, where the ‘purity test’ of echoing Trump’s outlandish lies is applied and anyone who refuses is called a ‘RINO,’ officially sanctioned by the party, and drummed out?
If basic clowning involved irony and that was INTENTIONAL it would be hilarious. Since I am totally convinced it was not intentional and in fact went completely over the basic clown’s head it was…well…even more hilarious, to be honest.