Jamaal Tyree Madden was arrested around 3:15 p.m. Tuesday, June 29, after the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department circulated a photo of the teen and sought the public’s help to locate him.
Madden’s Dodge Challenger was allegedly traveling westbound at more than 100 mph when it slammed into a Toyota Corolla on Rancho Vista Boulevard, near the Antelope Valley Mall, at about 12:30 a.m. on June 9.
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The driver of the Corolla subsequently lost control of the car, which crashed into a light pole, rolled over and burst into flames. The driver was ejected, while his passenger remained trapped inside.
Lesther Deleon, 37, and his passenger, Spechelle Pope, 28, were both pronounced dead at the scene, where a makeshift memorial was created. Relatives described Pope as a mother of five and Deleon as a Lyft driver who was giving her a ride home from a store.
Madden allegedly abandoned the Challenger following the crash and left the scene in another vehicle.
Madden was arrested by the LASD fugitive unit Tuesday afternoon and booked at the Century Station jail in lieu of $1 million bail, according to LASD inmate records.
Previous related stories:
Investigation continuing into fatal crash in Palmdale
Two killed in fiery traffic crash in Palmdale
Former AV Resident says
I blame racism and global warming. Wait, SYSTEMIC racism and climate change. Hold on, WhYtE SoOpRemAsEe, systemic racism, global warming, weather, public schools, and climate change.
Everything but the @#$%ing idiot going 100 mph on RVB.
Maurice says
… district attorney George Gascón, now counting Facebook shaming as time served, gang-banger Jamaal’s going to be back out on the street in time for Christmastime looting, with his BLM pals.
FatWhiteBob says
Palmdale was nice 40 years ago.
Kara says
Why doesnt some body donate this POS a shirt. He cant afford one himself
Rufus says
On account of systemic racism, and white supremacy, gang-banger Jamaal can reasonably expect his case to be dismissed, time served, and a few hours community service.
Damodar says
Beyond their own personal problems, California judges just don’t care. So overpaid, rubber stamping everything the way their democrat masters decree, California judges could care less about anything, or anyone.
FatWhiteBob says
When he’s back on the streets he can live off of reparations
Louise Long says
Clearly the lesson hasn’t been learned; driving up RVB last night around 11 pm and two speedsters went screaming past me in excess of 90+ mph…. so soon on the heels of this tragic event and yet it continues. maybe we should consider roundabouts up RVB or speed humps… why the speed limit is so high is beyond me.
Gary Cafaro says
Go ahead and keep producing Fast movies as a training film for impressionable youth who think they can duplicate the stunts shown. Even one of the stars, Paul Walker was killed in a high speed street stunt as a passenger.
Lisa says
The speed limit isnt the problem the problem is people dont obey the laws dont you get that.
Louise Long says
Oh, I get it…… and yes speed is a big problem. How do you make people obey the law? The days when there was respect for anyone or anything are long gone. If there are no consequences for bad behavior then the next best thing is to remove the temptation…. which is the speed limit.
Betty says
Different laws for different people, you just watch how soft the courts go, on gang-banger Jamaal.
FatWhiteBob says
Yes lucky he’s not white..
FatWhiteBob says
Speed limits work as well as gun laws
Mini82 says
AAAAMEN! IM GLAD THEY CAUGHT THIS SCARY COWARD….if people cant drive or control /handle a fast vechile why buy it….. then have the nerve to speed on a street at 100mph. I dont felt sorry for the suspect I feel so for the victims and their families healing. Unfortunately this wont teach others a lesson until it hits them close to home. Well I hope the victim enjoyed his short term driving skills it will be his last. Young and dumbfounded. Also car dealerships needs to make sales men who only cares about making a sale if a young individual wants to purchase a fast vechile learn how to ask questions.
if there capable of driving it and handling it due to its speed. Make them sign a statement saying they have knowledge. In the long run I can see families suing for sales to individuals that dont know anything about there purchase. All they know is they love how they look in it.
Tammy says
It was a rental car that he was speeding in.
Jesse Ortega says
Imagine putting your children to bed, then going out to get groceries for them, only to meet the worst death possible, being burned alive. Imagine how many times Jammal drove like this, narrowly missing you, before killing these people.
Imagine the cowardice of Jamaals’ family and friends, those who gave him access to the car, yet failed to turn him in.
Imagine the voices of the village, Tim Scott, Barron Gardner and Giovanni Pope, who cant find it in themselves to abhor this behavior, and demand justice for the dead.
Imagine growing up without your mom, forever.
Imagine George Gascon giving Jamaal probation.
None of us should allow any of this.
Roberto says
Well said Jesse
Av resident says
Well said Jesse, I thought all those things and just felt so bad for the victims even if I didn’t know them it hurts to hear that they were going about there day Like any of us and we’re met with such a horrific death, especially the children without their mother. All because of this idiot!
American Idol says
Best post of the year
Bob says
This guy had a bench warrant for over a year. He was arrested last August by Lapd and taken to Central Juvenile Hall and was released with a cite to appear. Hello he already failed to appear. He had a long history of bench warrants which means he is a flight risk. If the probation dept would have done their job this Mom would still be around. Trust me there are a lot of stories like this. Systemic failures causing death and destruction. He even called his P.O in March to deal with the bench warrant. He told him just go turn yourself in, so lazy.People need to realize this is common place everywhere right now. Not an isolated case.
Roberto says
And now two people are dead and families are ruined.
Spud says
My experience with L.A. County Sheriff last summer, pressing charges against a local perpetrator, that they’re happy logging my complaint. But, that the main problem we have here in California is, bad judges. Really bad judges.
FatWhiteBob says
Logging your complaint should be done by clerks. Law Enforcement should be out on the streets profiling perpetrators if we want to prevent crimes.
Publish the full story says
More folks at fault. I thought one must be 21 years old and have a credit card and insurance to rent a car from Enterprise. So, did someone rent it for him? Did he use it without knowledge of whoever rented it? Did he steal it? There is more to the story than what appears if I am correct. More questions than answers.
Bob says
Stolen car from a repeat offender
Claire says
I looked it up and you’re right about minimum age being 21. Enterprise also has used cars for sale from their fleet. Yes, there is definitely more to this story.
FredM says
He messed up big time no arguing that but we all make mistakes, some bigger than others. I’m sorry for all involved and I have a slight amount of sympathy for Jamaal but he must pay up for his poor judgement.
Kelly says
Low life piece of shi….
No excuse for his selfish decision he thought his life was the only one important. Hope he stays in there for ever so he wont kill more innocent people.
Cindy says
The kid will get off easy with Gascon in office, they will say he’s just a kid and deserves another chance.
Gascon doesn’t care about the victim’s and the fact that they don’t get a second chance or that 5 children will grow up without a mother. Gascon can’t give the lift driver a second chance or give the victims families the satisfaction of know that justice will be served. We will be reading about this offender again in the news just as we have read about the other criminals Gascon has let out to commit more crimes against the innocent. I pray for all the families that are being victimized by Gascons stupidity and neglect to do what’s right. I also hope that Karma pays Gascon a visit.
Stinger says
Not quite done, here… What of the person who assisted in the getaway? They share culpability.
Shelly says
I knew it was one of them
Sandy says
Good thing they caught him now he should pay for what he did.
Jack says
Only 18 and going to be doing Hard Time. Looking at 20+ years.
LACSD Unit says
“Madden’s Dodge Challenger was allegedly traveling westbound at more than 100 mph…”
Fast & Furious: The Fugitive
Jack says
100 miles an hour by the mall? How foolish!!!
Av Resident says
How did That POS have a car like that? If it was his parents why did they not turn him in? You can tell this thug had no future, lock him up and throw away the key! Five kids now don’t have a mother because of this idiot!