Lancaster Sheriff’s Station’s Summer Crime Suppression Team for 2021 was activated on Thursday, authorities announced.
The team consists of Sergeant Heischuber and Deputies Orta, Winter, Fratianne and Acosta, and the team is tasked with reducing crime in the unincorporated areas of Lancaster.
“The county has focused [its] attention [on providing] more deputies in rural areas during summer months in an effort to reduce crime,” according to a news release from the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.
he summer team will be active from through September 2021.
go for a walk says
I’ve lived in the A.V. since the fifties and most people that call this home including me, shake our heads at all the ‘trash’ talking by the miserable few that can’t stand either mayor, nor find one thing positive about this A.V.. Instead of finding fault, volunteer and be an asset. Rex and Hofbauer live rent free in your heads. They are elected officials so either find a way to deal with it, or be miserable and complain the rest of your miserable lives.
RX Anon says
Why would I volunteer to support a person who tells us to carry guns illegally and shoot the homeless if they try to rob you? I see tax dollars constantly wasted on pet projects like the Eye in the Sky that does nothing to help fight crime. If it was so good why isn’t any other city using it? It’s because they all know what it is and that’s a political payback boondoggle. All we get from Rex is BS, lies, hate for the homeless, Moslems, mentally ill and anyone who dares to challenge is bizarre policies.
There are many positive things about the A.V. and Rex is not one of them.
Mark A says
The homeless people around here just carelessly dump their trash everywhere.
Tim Scott says
Gosh it’s almost like businesses started locking their dumpsters and there are no public access trash cans any more…
Pro tip: someone sleeping on a sidewalk doesn’t have a billing address to set up their Waste Management account.
Alby says
So that justifies them scattering trash everywhere?
go for a walk says
What do you justify? Do you justify being a victim throughout life? Do you look in the mirror and walk away forgetting who you are? Maybe you never received mercy in your life; no one showed you any compassion, or do you pick and choose who you apply your righteous standard to?
Alby says
There are those who have been victimized throughout their lives and tumbled in the rough to make their lives justified and better for them and those around that would resent your comment. And yes they do look in the mirror and walk away wanting to forget who they were in the past. The question is, do You apply Your righteousness to those that victimize you? Probably not… and for logical reasons too. If you pray to a talking dead guy then you might feel compelled to be selfless and risk your safety reaching out to scumbags that do nothing for themselves or anyone else. At this point I’d rather help those that take a chance on themselves and others that are willing to clean up their act and get with the program. It sure as heck aint easy, but its possible. Why give handouts to those that are healthy and have all five limbs to be productive like the rest of everyone else trying to make ends meet? Why cater to the deterioration of this town?
Tim Scott says
I’d rather they stepped on your foot like a pedal on a trash can and when your mouth popped open they shoved the trash down your throat Alby.
That would keep it contained, and after all, that’s your only priority in the matter, right?
Your position is so obviously self centered and stupid, but let’s hear it anyway. What did you expect a homeless person to do with trash when you take away any access to any “proper” disposal Alby? Just eat the trash? People insist “don’t let the homeless use bathrooms” then are SHOCKED, shocked I say, when they relieve themselves “in public.” Tell me Alby, did you think their bodily functions were just going to stop?
I mentioned that there are people here I would love to meet up with for coffee again now that quarantining is coming to an end. People I agree with or disagree with…even my friend in law enforcement…but Alby you revolt me so you are not on the list.
Alby says
Oh jeez, I’m not on your list? Bummer. Now I wont be able to have coffee with pedal foots that deepthroat trash and bask in its surrounding essence with glory. Its revolting seeing food wrappers, sanitary wipes, and god knows what scattered all over this once and soon to be again nice town and its more revolting trying to justify it when there are people that love this town (aka. “dusty wide spot that leads to nowhere”) and work tooth and nail, dollar by dollar trying to make this place great for the locals and visitors. A real homeless and struggling person could use that trash for a mini fire pit to stay warm at night and even warm up a canned food in there mini shelter secluded and hidden from “city ordinance” while trying to get back on their feet soberly or at least responsibly. Has it ever occured to you that such people have been robbed by other homeless so that they can buy their cheap booze, get drunk and disorderly just to wake up the next day to play the “pity me” game and try to get handouts like a burger near a drive through window just to chomp it down and toss the wrapper in front of a plaza and repeat the same process again of finding another down and out person to act friendly with and take advantage of. There’s a difference between a homeless person and a homeless shameless leach of a bum. Which one do you choose to help? I might have an idea of your masterplan for this town but then I’ll end up spewing it out without the help of a foot pedal because I’m not a socialist, but, you Are welcomed to have the trash delivered to your front lawn or patio since you justify it so well. So enjoy your Turdberry wishes and Caviar dreams. Just remember to pick up after yourself.
Claire says
Mark…The worst offenders are people who wear thousand dollar suits, living in houses and have access to receptacles. You know, entitled people that like to blame the homeless on everything and they are spotless.
Homeowner says
Yeah, The homeless caused the 2008 recession, and the one last year.
The homeless caused an inept response to COVID in 2020.
The homeless in Lancaster use the city for their own personal gain….oh wait. that’s Rex & Co.
AV resident says
Thank you Matt for your analysis of East Lancaster’s comment.
Trash city says
Lancaster will never be fixed, just take a look at it’s location relative to basically any other city in socal. Victorville area incorporations are your peer communities to Lancaster/palmdale. Only differences are the county name in which they operate under. Both desert inhabitations have violent crime rates that now more than double the average national rate. To sum this up, the entire high desert area will suck and continue to suck at a higher rate than the majority of cities and towns in Socal. Perhaps even the entire state.
Summer Crime says
No trans deputies?
Tf is this says
East Lancaster says
That is going to be one busy crew, especially in East Lancaster. It is too bad we have no elected representation in East Lancaster to help with the many problems we face. All Rex and his cronies care about is that dam BLVD which is full of homeless people that Rex despises.
Homeless says
Stfu East Lancaster! Do you know what its like being homeless? Its a NIGHTMARE trying to survive – don’t judge
Alby says
The trash left behind all over this nice town is a nightmare. The more you all trash and crap all over it, the more you are all judged and ridiculed… And despised. Being down and out and struggling financially can happen to the best of us but being a dirty trashy bum is a choice. Zero sympathy.
Tim Scott says
Lancaster, to the best of my knowledge, has never been a nice town. It’s a dusty wide spot in a road to nowhere that never has aspired to be anything more, filled with mean self centered people.
Alby says
Not to mention the shirtless Aholed Aholes that think they run a neighborhood or block and expect you to feel subservient to their vario or clique. I swear this whole valley was once a nuclear test site. That’s probably why we have exceptional WiFi out here… and tarded members of society that have nothing better to do than scout neighborhoods. Nuclear tests are welcomed again. I swear I’ll survive it because I’m so holy…(hiccup) After all, it’s my dusty wide spot… I mean, it’s my town in a road to Who knows.
Mark A says
Exactly! I didn’t use to care about homeless being here. However, now that I see all of the trash they leave behind, it’s infuriating! I know a lot of people are angry over it and want something done about it.
East Lancaster says
Homeless, WTFAYTA? I said all Rex and his cronies care about is the dam BLVD and it is full of homeless people. I made no judgement on the homeless. I said Rex DESPISES them. I NEVER said a BAD word about the homeless. Maybe it is YOU who need to not judge. You do not know a thing about me or what I have done regarding the homeless. One thing I did not do was JUDGE them. Was I ripping Rex a new one? Helles yes and I will continue to do that.
Ex Homeless says
You made a statement and I quote “the blvd is full of homeless people”. Are you serious? That isn’t saying something BAD? Come on… Maybe you should get a life?
East Lancaster says
A grocery store is full of food. A library is full of books. The ocean is full of water and fish. The BLVD is full of homeless people. None of those statements is BAD. They are statements of fact. Get a life Ex Homeless. I am glad you are no longer homeless, but you sure do need to take a class in reading comprehension.
You should be more concerned with WHY there are so many homeless on the BLVD and WHY Rex and his cronies refused to open the county facility on Avenue I with 1400 beds and opted for a much smaller facility that is being build by an insider. Take a closer look into that and your blood will boil.
Matt says
In all fairness, u cut off the end of his statement, “which Rex despises.” He is pointing out that homelessness is a problem here, and that Rex doesn’t care about it, or the people who are. I think that was his point.
East Lancaster says
Thank you Matt for reading the entire post and not taking words out of context and putting words in my mouth. I made NO judgement on the homeless at all. The only thing BAD about the homeless situation on the BLVD is Rex’s indifference. He despises the homeless and has gone so far to suggest that citizens of Lancaster arm themselves ILLEGALLY with guns and shoot the homeless if they attempt robbery. THAT is bad. So is turning down the option to open a homeless shelter on Avenue I that would house 1400 people and choosing to spend 33 million dollars on a project that will house well under 200 people. It is BAD to make this choice and it is VERY BAD that a no bid contract was given to an insider. You can quote me. That is BAD.
Unite says
The facility on Ave I was not feasible, that’s a fact. I don’t get caught up in the political drama so I’ll leave that to you, so as someone who has been homeless and now I’m not, let me say this facility on Ave I would not have worked for so many reasons, one is it was too far out. You keep bringing up the same false narrative about this 1400 bed deal, but this isn’t about just rounding the homeless up and putting them out on the outskirts of town with just beds. You don’t know what you’re talking about and don’t have a clue what it takes to help the homeless or what they need. You are only concerned with your own self-centered agenda which is a political agenda. There are many homeless that want help and we don’t want these dear people shipped out of town to 60th street to be dropped off without services. They are human beings that should never be bantered about on a public forum to promote your hatred for a politician.
Unite says
These people that are unhoused have names. They are not some mass of less than human beings. Every one has a story of life interrupted, when God forbid you lose everything and end up in a hopeless situation. Yes some are drug addicted, some are teachers, veterans, families with children, and the stories would bring a person to tears. I have witnessed miracles that are beyond human comprehension, and have seen these miracles with names, go on in life helping others out of their hopelessness. Those in this community that just provide a meal, or a shower and clean clothes with other services available, when and if they’re ready for help. All of your comments mentioning the BLVD, or 60th street, or thinking you have all the facts, haven’t witnessed these precious miracles because you’re too caught up in hatred toward a politician instead of compassion for the unhoused.
East Lancaster says
Unite, you are not factually correct. The county facility WAS feasible. Rex and his cronies complained about the cost being too high. It turned out to be the same as Kensington with FAR fewer beds and a rental fee. It would have provided services on location, too. This is a perfect example of how corrupt Lancaster is especially under the reign of Rex. Meanwhile, the homeless issue GROWS and all we get from his highness is arm ourselves with guns illegally and shoot the homeless if they try to rob us. SMH
capncack says
Many MANY homeless people refuse help because help means giving up their drugs. This is a FACT. Many people don’t want help. They want to stay homeless and get handouts.
If you want help, help is out there.
FatWhiteBob says
The summer time suppression team needs to be less white
Mike says
There are 2 Hispanics on the team which equates to 40% of the team. Stop being a racist monger.
East Lancaster says
2 Hispanics on the team and 0 Hispanics on the Lancaster city council. Just like 0 people from East Lancaster on the city council. You have to wonder if Rex despises Hispanics and people from East Palmdale as much as he despises the homeless.
East Lancaster says
*East Lancaster. We know Rex despises people from East Palmdale. And West Palmdale. And Antelope Acres. And Quartz Hill. And Rosamond. West Lancaster is his base.
FatWhiteBob says
Those two Hispanics are white washed lol
Debra says
I thought we were to be a non racist world wtf who cares who is on the team as long as there are people on the team. Why is racist in everything we
F—king do or say NOW I’m f/-king tried of hearing it were all the SAME
Alby says
I dont see any blacks either. Affirmative Action! Affirmative Action!
FatWhiteBob says
There’s a reason Desert View Highlands isn’t part of the city. Voters don’t want further regulation brought on by COP bs.
Funny Waste Management claims COP won’t let them supply trash barrels in my area. I’m unincorporated. Waste Management is stupid. So instead I dump my trash on the side of the road.
capncack says
Mr Bob, I’m in an unincorporated area and Waste Management takes my trash. They’re doing it today in fact. So maybe you could be wrong. Something to think about.