Speaking with Fox11 on Tuesday, Newsom said the state will continue to make recommendations for mask-wearing in select circumstances. But he said when the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy is scrapped as scheduled on June 15, mask-wearing will likely only be required in large-scale indoor gatherings.
“Only in those settings that are indoor,” he told Fox11. “Only in those massively large settings, where people — from around the world, not just around the country — are convening, and where people are mixing in real dense spaces.
“Otherwise, we’ll make guidance, recommendations, but no mandates and no restrictions,” he said.
Newsom announced in early April that the state plans to lift COVID-19 restrictions on June 15, banking on the success of vaccinations. The move will do away with the color-coded Blueprint for a Safer Economy that ranks counties into one of four tiers with varying degrees of allowable business and social activities.
He insisted at the time, however, that the state would maintain some form of mask mandate.
But as more people are becoming fully vaccinated, federal and local health officials have eased back on mask-wearing, particularly in outdoor settings with relatively small numbers of other fully vaccinated people.
Newsom told Fox11 mask-wearing in California will likely still be required at “huge, large-scale indoor convention events where we’ll use our common sense.”
Throughput says
Meet the moment with Dr. Gavin Newsom.
How far we’ve fallen says
CDC as corrupt as it is beat you to it Gav. See Jill Buy-done today. Your group messaging is failing under the stress of leading by coercive incompetence. But always remember, Joe Biden is the smartest Democrat in the country, and how do you like those gas prices?…Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Babylon Bee says
Scientific studies show that persons still wearing the mask are either super ugly or ghey.
Alas, Babylon says
You’re in luck. You hit a double.
Tim Scott says
Funny how the Republicans immediately shift to “what about Cuomo?”
WTF does Cuomo have to do with anything? California ranks very low in COVID mortality rate. It is really the only large state that does. Republican governors across the country demonstrated they couldn’t properly manage even in states where the population is like the Antelope Valley. Heck, Steve the pocket toy Hofbauer probably could have done better for North or South Dakota than their Republican governors did.
The fact is that prompt and decisive action by Newsom saved lives. COVID sucked, and it sucked everywhere, but California was one of the best places in the US to be if you wanted to, y’know, live through it.
Republicans crying the blues can point at New York and say “that’s a Democrat too, and they did worse.” But notice that they can’t point out where ANY Republican governor did better. Because Republicans have stopped caring about electing people that can actually govern.
Caring says
Politicians regardless of party affiliation rarely care about anyone anymore. They pretend to care when they need votes. Otherwise, it is about increasing political power and enriching themselves and their friends.
Tim Scott says
I never really thought much about a politician “caring about me.” I’m electing my government, not my mom. Can they manage a state with tens of millions of residents, through ordinary times and extraordinary challenges? That’s the job of the governor of California.
Maybe a state like Alaska can afford to have a brainless former weathergirl in charge, at least in normal times. Maybe South Dakota deserves to have someone running the place that calls the highest mortality rate in the country “doing the best job with COVID.” After all, they elected the Republican death monger.
But California got pretty good results in the face of a very bad situation, so I don’t really care if Newsom cares enough to tuck me in at night. He did as good a job as any and way better than most. California Republicans were lucky to have not gotten their way and stuck us with an incompetent death monger, and hopefully I can live out my days without them getting the wheel again and crashing us into the ditch.
The Dude Abides says
Not sure where you are getting those facts Tim. California is #1 by a large margin in number of cases and number of Deaths. In fact we lead #2 Texas by approx 11,000 more deaths and #3 Florida by almost 30,000 more deaths. Add to that all 0f the small businesses that California destroyed and the fact that our kids suffered greatly from at home learning where a large amount of the Country went back to in person learning. Our kids have fallen way behind in the rest of the nation when it comes to education. I would say that California was one of the worst places to have spent the last year surviving COVID.
Beecee says
Keep in mind Florida has a population that is average 5.5 yrs older,
Never had state mandated shutdowns, and still had a lower mortality rate then Cali.
There is a reason everybody is flooding Florida right now
Tim Scott says
Florida mortality rate 1676/million…California 1584/million.
Sorry to interrupt.
What were you lying?
Tim Scott says
Because I am using mortality RATE which is something that matters.
Standing around saying “gosh California had more deaths than South Dakota!!! I wonder why???” just makes you look stupid.
Opinion says
I think a certain poster on here gets paid by The Antelope Valley Times to provoke viewers and drive traffic.
Tim Scott says
I wish.
Beecee chennels Newsmax says
You mean Beecee.
Yeah, she can’t hlep it. The girl can’t help it. The girl can’t help it. It was a song.
Beecee says
What is “chennels”?
That was so bad you had to inform peeps that it was from a song…
Slow down a bit, nerd.
This one had DD written all over it.
Clownifornia says
Gavin is the poster boy for incompetence and stupidity.
Tim Scott says
Care to address where California is ranked in COVID mortality rate?
It’s funny that a Republican governor can stand up and claim their state demonstrates what good Republican governance can accomplish and how their COVID response was “the best in the nation” amd just like when Trump tells a whopping lie Republicans just nod along. That example of good GOP performance by the way was attributed to a Trump supporting governor who managed to take a state with fewer people per acre than any state but Alaska and a total population comparable to the Antelope Valley and STILL mismanage it into one of the very highest mortality rate states in the nation.
Anyway, Newsom made a bone head play going out to dinner after telling his constituents they shouldn’t, and that is boneheaded enough to justify ending him politically (though in the GOP such behavior is apparently fine based on Ted Cruz) so I am fine with his ambitions for 2024 being dashed. But there is no evidence that he has been incompetent or stupid.
And this dog and pony show recall nonsense should be billed to the GOP instead of the state.
Out of Business says
Go tell that to twenty-thousand small business owners who have had their businesses put under by Newssolini’s edicts.
His winery business remained opened while other businesses were required to shut.
He had the nerve to tell everyone to cower at home while he was dining at The French Laundry.
His kids have been attending a private school in session since October 2020 while public school districts around the state were closed for months.
His double standards and hypocrisy are over the top. He has no credibility.
I am shocked that you would defend that.
Tim Scott says
Yeah…I like live people. Silly me.
By the way, which part of “made a bonehead play that rightfully ended his political ambitions” are you calling a “defense”?
Observation says
Weak rebuttal.
He's Out of Business for a good reason. says
Hey, Out of Business
Explain to us how Trump & Co spread COVID throughtout the White House and many dozens got infected including his Supreme Court noiminee after attending a WH function.
Meanwhile, very few if any Democrats in elected office got sick. Not even at the Franch Laundry.
The Superspreader in chief had to go to Walter Reed after he got sick with COVID. Did you forget that? It was a disaster all last year due to Trump.
We had pandemics before with Obama and no recessions. No dangerous strain on the health care industry. No suspension of restricitons on crematoriums in Los Anggles so they could creamate thousands of the deceased.. It causes air pollution and it happened under Trump.
Take off your orange-tinted glasses.
Explain says
Can you explain why Andrew Cuomo has not been charged for manslaughter for the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home patients in New York?
He's out of business for a good reason says
You first.
Your reply isn’t a suitable response.
I’ll compare Cuomo to Trump who is responsible for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths due to his ineptness. “It’s a hoax. ” delayed urgent action on the pandemic.
And, you are a sucker for that stuff aren’t you?
Question says
Doesn’t China bare some responsibility for COVID-19?
Matt says
Haha. I’m going to cherry pick one Stat such as senior deaths in one state on a governor against a president who caused hundreds of thousands of deaths across the country to try to make an argument. Really???? Lol. Way to bring a rubber band to a gun fight bro. Lol.
Jason Zink says
Masked never worked anyway….it was the “Big Lie” like overblown Covid-19 con-job/scam….throw those filthy worthless mask away ASAP! Young healthy people(infants-50yrs old) & people who had Covid-19(natural immunity) should not be take vaccine the data does not support taking experimental vaccine(risks). Let most vulnerable population use it here and in other country’s.
Bri says
Could he be any more vague? Ugh.
F tim says
He is changing his tone even though the science doesn’t add up. According to scientists masks work , so why take them off. Oh wait it now serves the narrative of him not losing his job. Typical liberal hypocrite. He knows that if he doesn’t roll back all this stuff all the furries in California are eventually going to turn on him.
Tim Scott says
I see no particular reason, based on your post, to think that you are remotely qualified to speak on “the science” and whether or not it “adds up.” In fact, it seems like you are not even keeping up.
California during the pandemic has consistently lead the way in following the science. That’s why we have one of the lowest mortality rates, because we put science and people ahead of the good of the wealthy and shut down hard and fast. That’s why we are now among the leading states in being prepared to reopen with minimal restriction, because we have had one of the most robust vaccination distributions in the country.
We have also followed developments as they progressed. Before the transmission process was identified we took action against all the possibilities. Remember the grocery stores with personnel specifically sanitizing the carts? That turns out to have not been helpful so it was dropped from requirements when airborne transmission was identified as the responsible process. That’s following the science. Vaccinated people do not allow the virus to reproduce in transmittable concentrations, so vaccinated people don’t need masks. That too is following the science.
Undoubtedly you with your partisanship placed well ahead of common sense or common decency will undoubtedly be just hoping to avoid the virus or pretending that it doesn’t exist, and if you do catch it that will undoubtedly lead to you infecting others of similar ilk. Hopefully we have done enough to protect innocent people who just can’t be vaccinated for whatever reason against the consequences of your selfishness…you and Zink both.