Nearly two-thirds of residents in Southern California and across the state would receive $600 state stimulus checks under a rebate proposal Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday, while families with children would receive an extra $500.
“We are tripling the Golden State Stimulus to get money in the hands of more middle-class Californians who have been hit hard by this pandemic,” Newsom said. “Two in three Californians will receive a check from the state and more than $5 billion in aid will be made available to those who need help paying their rent or utility bills.”
The payments are being proposed in response to what Newsom called a $75.7 billion state budget surplus.
In addition to the direct stimulus payments, Newsom also proposed $5 billion to assist renters who have fallen behind in their payments, and another $2 billion to cover utility bills that residents hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic have struggled to pay.
The stimulus payments would be directed to families earning up to $75,000. The proposal needs to be approved by the state Legislature.
Kevin Faulconer, the Republican former San Diego mayor who has been spearheading the recall effort against Newsom, was quick to criticize the plan.
“Californians need permanent, real tax relief, not just one-time stimulus checks,” Faulconer said. “Our state is unaffordable because of Gavin Newsom’s failed leadership, which has forced countless families to flee our state.”
Q.H. old guy says
How about we lower the tax rates and save some for a rainy day?
Lancaster says
Hey gov a middle class family makes at least $50.000 each. The cut off should be at least $100.000 for California $600 stimulus.
Mark A. says
I’m a Democrat and even I can see Gavin’s $600 nonsense for what it is — a way to buy yourself out of being recalled!
Major lesson here, don’t vote for a man with the name “Gavin”. Ever! We would have been better off with Antonio Villaraigosa. He was a much better candidate.
FatWhiteBob says
How come you voted for Joe Biden?
New$om says
A $600 stimulus check won’t pay for anything in LA or SFO. Gavin should get a teaching position at UC Berkeley and continue running his winery business.
Helga says
Things are so bad here in California, we’ve got a drag queen democrat subverting the California GOP. Bruce Jenner turned the upcoming California recall into a circus freak show. He has single-handedly sunk the Gavin Newsom recall campaign, single-handedly ensuring no Republican will ever be elected California governor, again –
Tim Scott says
I think the fact that “Republican Purists” branding anyone that doesn’t agree with their absurdly faked “reality” as a RINO and driving them away from the party is what has really handed the governing of California over to the Democrats. Thankfully Kevin McCarthy is bent on taking that approach to Washington.
Beecee says
“I think the fact that “Republican Purists” branding anyone that doesn’t agree with their absurdly faked “reality” as a RINO and driving them away from the party is what has really handed the governing of California over to the Democrats”
Lol, at least you admit that’s what you “think”
Tim Scott says
Obviously a lot of factors have gone into the collapse of the GOP, and yeah I am not pretending I’m going to list them in order. As we see the GOP self destructing nationally today in exactly the way I described the GOP losing California I find your focus on trying to just laugh me off is pretty hilarious.
Tell me Beecee, how do you think the GOP cancel culturing one of the strongest, most consistent advocates for fiscal conservatism just because she refused to endorse Donald Trump’s obvious lies is going to gain voters for the GOP?
That’s exactly the kind of ‘strategy’ I am referring to that cost the GOP any shot at ever coming back in California playing out right in front of you. You gonna try to laugh that off too?
Beecee says
MAGA is the new doctrine.
It is necessary for the GOP to have this fracture to rid itself of entrenched uniparty politicians.
And there is still more that need to go.
It’s called “draining the swamp” sir.
Beecee says
As for California,
Some could argue that years of unmitigated immigration, and lax immigration enforcement have caused the state to go blue and never go back.
The California experiment worked well for them, as they look to employ the same tactics in the other states as well.
Matt says
Beecee, everybody knows that roughly and it’s an estimate here, about 30% of people will always vote Democrats, as 30% will always vote Republican, maybe more, maybe less on each side. But to win a presidential election it’s that other 40% you have to get to win. Your party just turned off about half of that 40% that are undecided. Why??? For a president who already lost the popular vote twice and has the least favorable numbers ever. Why hitch your party to that wagon?? If gives Republicans no chance.
Beecee says
This isn’t the first time the left has fantasized about the “collapse” of the Republican Party.
There is an opinion piece from Greenfield at Politico that should be a good read for the both of you.
Every so called “collapse” turned out to be….
Not so much of one at all. Actually quite the opposite.
And no TS, I do not and have not posted under any other aliases.
Tim Scott says
It’s unfortunately no laughing matter that the GOP is on a simultaneous “purity purge” that clearly cannot work in producing an electoral majority and on a “restrict voting” program designed to disenfranchise their opposition. If they can reduce the electorate fast enough to offset the self imposed losses as they alienate their former members it is conceivable that this disgusting minority of Trump worshiping insurrectionists could overthrow the constitution.
For every American the battle starts AT HOME. Lancaster has been incorporated into McCarthy’s district as part of gerrymandering a secure bastion against intelligence and ethics…but Palmdale can be part of making a stand by ousting Trump puppet Mike Garcia as soon as possible.
Mike says
It’s not like the Democratic Party is a bulwark of stability either, Tim. Peek just under the surface and you see boiling tensions between various factions:
Blacks hate Asians, Latinos, gays and Jews.
Blacks only like liberal Whites when it means they’ll personally benefit
Asians hate Blacks and look down on Latinos
Latinos hate Blacks and liberal Whites/Jews. They barely tolerate gays.
Jews and liberal Whites use Blacks as a battering ram against conservatives, and blacks are figuring this out more and more with each passing day.
Gays see homophobia as a largely Black/Brown issue.
The only thing making the Democratic Party somewhat feasible is the public sector unions who extort dues from their members, and even their rank-and-file members don’t support the party all of the time.
Public sector unions are the biggest joke, and people of all stripes and backgrounds utterly hate them now after the teachers unions pulled their latest stunt with keeping schools closed. Public sector unions are irrelevant anymore and fewer people have any respect for them, or their members (including police and prison guard unions).
Time will tell, but I see more young Asians and Latinos exiting the Democratic Party in coming years, out of resentment. They see the Democratic Party for what it is, which is a machine that caters to the worst elements of society and supports a breakdown of law and order.
They won’t become Republicans, per se, but they will know better than to align with a party that doesn’t serve their interests. California won’t always be a Democrat-controlled state. Mark my words.
Matt says
Beecee I’m not hoping for I by any means. I lean democrat, but am no fan of Trump, so yeah, I voted Dem last year. I also voted for Bush twice. I’m even a gun owner. Lol. What I’m getting at is there will always be a need for at least two parties to keep the other in check. I really feel that what Republicans are doing is going to make their party irrelevant for a long time. It’s not something I fantasize about, it’s something I actually fear.
Tim Scott says
Mike that’s quite a laundry list, and yeah the Democratic party is definitely a patchwork. I don’t think there is as much “hate” as you portray, but there are certainly divisions based on priorities. But by and large those divisions are deepening because all sides are expanding. Young people leaning Democrat expand the progressive view. Moderates with some right lean to them that are just driven to the Democrats as the GOP gets too disgusting to stomach bolster the classical liberal wing. Keeping it all together in the face of a distinct lack of results due to GOP ‘obstruct at an cost to the country’ strategies is hard.
But that is a whole different set of problems than the problem the GO{ is presented with by “there are still people contradicting the lies, the party isn’t small enough yet!!!”
William says
Matt. The country would be better off without the Republican Party. What is this about…having a matched set like the couple on a wedding cake?
As for stability. The Democrats do better with that. Wall Street backed Biden because they want stability after Trump cut taxes and regulations. They like that too. They play the voters every 4/8 years to get the stability after Republicans trash the economy while the 1% get richer as they ‘ve done over and over.
Republicans cut taxes and create a boomlet followed by a recession as did Trump and W. It goes back many decades.
Now, the GOP is a minoirty party fighting to regain power and is dangerous. They promote Trump’s lie about the election. They write laws to suppress Democratic votes. They put party and Trump ahead of the country. They must go.
And, you want them to stay around. Where is that wiitten that we must have 2 parties?
Think it through. What would happen if the GOP ceased to exist…aside from a run on champagne?
One large Democratic Party with liberals moderates and sane conservatives, oh my. The crazies on the far right and left would be sidelined hopefuylly. Right now they are running the GOP. Not good. AOC is not running the Democratic Party. Biden is.
RIP GOP You’ve overstayed way too long. Give it more thought, Matt. The current GOP is too far gone to come back from the edge.
Beecee says
You guys are a hoot!
Democrat Dave says
Hear, hear, Helga.
That’s a good thing. Republicans can’t govern. They fail every time. We are now recovering from their lastest FAILURE.
Engineer Bill says
We’re coming out of this pandemic. A budget surplus should go toward housing assistance for the homeless. Too many guys are scamming the system. People made more money collecting unemployment than working.
Leanne says
Let’s begin by shipping the homeless back to the Republican-run states that they came from!