As COVID-10 cases overwhelmed Antelope Valley Hospital last year, Parris sent urgent requests for help to Congressional Representatives Mike Garcia and Kevin McCarthy, and former Representative Buck McKeon.
Morris Thomas contacted his liaisons in the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to solicit assistance; and AVH soon received the support needed.
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“Thanks to Morris Thomas, on December 28, 2020, the Antelope Valley Hospital received additional medical staff — including nurses, emergency medical technicians, and respiratory doctors from the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (CAEMSA),” according to a news release from the city of Lancaster.
“During our most trying and difficult times, Morris was there,” Parris said. “The City Council and I are deeply appreciative of all the work and support during this time. I am honored to present the Key to the City to Morris at our next Council meeting.”
The Key to the City is bestowed upon distinguished citizens and residents as well as honored guests to the City.
[Information via news release from the city of Lancaster.]
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Tim Wood says
Local Lancaster Election Resolutions, for April 12,2022 scheduled election:
Well, while many of Lancaster’s residents were watching World Series Baseball, the ‘Cabal on Fern’ was busy adopting resolutions pertaining to our local municipal election scheduled for April 12,2022, these resolutions, will darn near make it unwinnable for a challenger/s seeking election of a position/s held by a current incumbent candidate/s!
Local election will not align with Statewide Primary Elections, thus traditional voter turnout is minimal and of course favors the incumbent in most elections.
Election voting will be by mail in ballots only, no in person polling locations.
The election will be a stand -alone election administered by the city with contractor provided ballots and vote tabulation equipment and services. Also, contractor will be providing printing and mailing of election materials and ballots.
The County of Los Angeles will not conduct this election at the request of the City of Lancaster.
Additionally, adopting regulations pertaining to candidate statements and filing fees, lastly will establish conduct for a runoff election.
This pending election will be for two council members seats, each for a full four-year term; to my knowledge Lancaster does not currently have any term limits for any elected positions in the city.
How will voter registration, residency and signatures be validated, we all know and remember the claims and accusations that were presented from a recent election, some of which were in fact proven.
If this format goes forward, Lancaster residents may as well consider the current elected officials as ‘Lifetime’ appointees, unless they resign, are terminated for legal cause, or pass away this will be Lancaster’s leadership for years to come. In most cases should a vacancy occur the mayor is allowed to appoint a replacement, at least until the next scheduled or special election.
I can already hear the chanting,” Long live the King”!
AV Observer says
Why does Lancaster keep getting away with this garbage? Where are the so called community leaders and why aren’t they up in arms? Here we have Rex clearly doing everything he can to keep power while people in East Lancaster and protected classes are left in the dark. Don’t let Rex’s appointments of people of color fool anyone. No one is appointed by Rex who isn’t a complete yes man or woman. There isn’t a single independent thought on his hand picked council and there never will be until we get voting districts.
The problem is the people of Lancaster either don’t care or lack the intelligence to make a difference. Until that changes the Fern Street Mafia and the good old boy network will live on.
Paul says
What i find funny is that rex thinks he owns the av. He can’t fix the homeless problem. He damages and ruins everything that is good. The amazing part is, he is a bully and unfortunately he knows it. A person that needs to have a bodyguard with him 24/7 and carry a gun with him, to me means he is into shaddy shit hiding behind a law firm. There is a person on here that said that he has people placed in palmdale? That person is right. A couple of people on the council. The city manager there has close door meetings with the city council to have his agenda taken care of like a loan to buy a house(he has one already) with an interest rate of 0.458%. That is a 2.2% lower rate then current mortgage rate. So is the loan really for a house, or for something else.. By the way jj murphy makes $310,000 per year. Why would he need that loan? The city council and the mayor approved that unanimously behind closed doors. Did rex help with that? Also It was said that jj said behind those closed doors that he would quit if he didn’t get it. From researching his name, it seems that he takes advantage of every town that he has worked in. That includes New Mexico and Philadelphia. It is amazing how corrupt the av has become. It really seems like he fits in here with all the other corrupt people here. It really looks as like what happened in the city of bell is happening in the av. Both lancaster and palmdale. Someone should really look into this more. It is really sad
Clueless in Laguna says
More ‘wisdom’ from ‘America’s best mayor’.
From a recent article that addressed his bizarre Chinese birth tourism fiasco –
“How does it not make sense to open arms, attract affluent, educated people from China to come and seek citizenship?” he asked. “But there’s this jingoist view of Asia. … There’s no difference between them and us, except they have black hair.”
Rex, I don’t want to be the one to break it to you, but a lot of us have black hair. Some of us have black hair and dark brown skin. Some of us have black hair and lighter brown skin. Maybe you don’t see a lot of our kind down in Laguna where you live, but here in Lancaster, we are many and we are proud.
Republican Hack says
Don’t forget Rex’s sidekick on the hospital board Dr. Abdula Farrukh he supported the Chinese birthing scheme was the same guy supporting Rex to remove Mike Reeves from the hospital board, yes the same Mike Reeves that beat Rex’s own son in the election. Bitter and small minded Republicans both Rex and Dr. Farrukh and shame on them both..
RobbieM says
If I had a key to Lancaster I’d lock the door and leave town
Key This says
Why would anyone want a key to a city that is ruled by a meglomaniac who calls our brave nurses at AV Hospital tyranneous cowards?
Homeless says
Uh, no. Rex thinks he controls Palmdale just because he has some puppets there. But, no, Rex is giving the key to the city of Lancaster, the city with the highest crime rate around and where panhandling has replaced the Jethawks as a professional sport. Maybe with this key, they can find the Compassion Room in this ‘christian’ city and do more for the homeless than bulldoze, arrest, and complain that they can get vaccines.
Diana says
A key to the city of Palmdale???!!! I’d rather have the key to the bathroom at the corner gas station, at least the gas station bathroom would be cleaner.
Vic says
Rex is giving the key to the city of Lancaster, home of panhandling, insider deals, lousy roads, a ten million dollar spy plane, and a mayor who lives in Laguna.
The Key says
Another useless PR stunt…
Crossroads says
Hahaha too funny good comments I love it lol…..
William says
What’s funny is the seriousness that Rex places in this obvious publicity and butt kissing stunt. A key to the city of Lancaster? That’s like saying you’ve won an all expenses weekend vacation to Slab City.
Actually, a Slab City vacation would be a better option.