The funding is for renewal projects which already exist within the Los Angeles Continuum of Care, which includes all cities in Los Angeles County with the exception of Glendale, Long Beach and Pasadena.
The amount given this year is $17.3 million more than HUD awarded the Los Angeles Continuum of Care the previous year, according to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, which said the increase was due to the Fair Market Rent being adjusted.
“We are grateful to HUD and its Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs for renewing assistance for local rehousing programs. In the era of COVID-19, the seamless continuation of these funds will ensure that our system continues the lifesaving work of getting people experiencing homelessness out of harm’s way and providing them with a permanent home,” said Heidi Marston, Executive Director of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.
“I also want to thank HUD for extending the renewal while allowing LAHSA and its partners to continue to focus on protecting their clients during the global pandemic,” Marston added.
LAHSA is the Los Angeles County Continuum of Care’s lead agency, and it manages and coordinates nearly $600 million in funding per year from federal, state, county and city governments.
Jason Zink says
Why doesn’t Palmdale and Lancaster cities contract directly with HUD like Glendale, Long Beach and Pasadena? Aren’t we tired in AV of LA ripping AV off and not getting our fair share of fundingand resources. AV has a higher per-capita homeless count than LA possibly the highest in the State. AV Leadership and citizens need to wake up and have more local control from LA County. Take over HUD, Water, Sewer, Park and AV Regional Planning from LA County.
james marks says
Where is my $1400?