LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services has announced that it will discontinue the use of Curative COVID-19 PCR tests at pop-up testing sites after a significant number of false negatives were reported.
The change, which will happen this week, comes after a review of the data that prompted the recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration alert regarding the possibility of false negative results.
Curative provided a limited number of tests at county-supported pop-up testing sites beginning in mid-December. Between Dec. 13 and Jan. 2, a total of 24,241 Curative tests were administered, making up about 10% of all COVID-19 tests at county-supported test sites during that time.
The Curative tests will be replaced with Fulgent Genetics tests.
All COVID-19 tests have a risk of false negative results, DHS said. That means a person may test negative despite having the disease because the results are sensitive to how well the sample was collected and the concentration of viral RNA in it.
There is no reliable way to detect early infection, meaning that infection often spreads before symptoms have time to develop. Nevertheless, PCR tests — including the Curative test — remain better at detecting disease than some other tests, including rapid tests.
DHS reminds people to follow public health guidance to protect yourself and others by staying home whenever possible, wearing a face covering over the nose and mouth, avoiding gatherings and frequent hand washing.
Previous related story: False negative? FDA warns of possible issue with locally used COVID test
AV Resident says
To all you commentators on this thread- you guys really need to go back to reading comprehension 101! Utter nonsense on here… SMH…
Ronnie says
It’s the money. This coronavirus thing, it’s about the money.
Alfred says
“Negative?” That’s it? They slough us off with a lousy one page PDF? No analysis? All it says, “… negative?” I agree, not a single trace of bona fide virology, doesn’t seem like much of a bio-science to me. Seems more like a bunch of scammers dressed up in a hazmat facade, laughing all the way to the bank soaking up our medical insurance.
Sam says
All the comments so far have been pretty dumb, so just to make sure that there is at least some relevant info in this comment, section, people in the AV should know that the tests adminstered by LA county at the palmdale testing site were all Fulgent brand tests, and not the faulty Curative brand test.
Jimbo says
… doesn’t seem like much of a science, to me.
If you have the virus, it’s not going to be in your sinus cavity. It’s only presence or absence of its symptoms that a q-tip up my nostril will detect. And, so what if they do detect a virus, up my sinus cavity? Doesn’t necessarily imply the virus ever activated, to replicate itself. Much less whether it lies dormant. Or, has died.
I can’t see how ramming a q-tip halfway up my face accurately indicates anything definitive, beyond presence or absence a symptom.
Shay says
Of course it couldn’t be in your sinus cavity, its not like the virus can be spread by breathing. (Facepalm, wondering how some people graduated from middle school.) Sigh…..
Connie says
Since the outbreak, not one single syllabetic utterance regarding the coronavirus, from a bona fide virologist? These are not virologists at the front line. Mindlessly flipping their official coronavirus their playbook, they’re plain Jane nurses, lab techs, and physicians’ aides, who know less about virology than a well-informed layman –
Alfred says
I agree. Jimbo’s right. Definitely something fishy about this coronavirus testing thing. Denote, how they’ve maximized for profit, lining us up in our cars like livestock, bodda-bing, bang, boom? They could just as easily hit us with a cattle prod when we recline our seats, toss our bodies off to the side, swipe our shoes, wallets and travel mugs. Heh heh!
Lukas says
Denote how tightly COVID-19 screening is provisioned, to generate no positive externalities they can’t otherwise cash in on. Special tripping you for a negative or a positive, just that one thing, that is all you get. Of all the other important, necessary things the medical profession could otherwise be screening for, while they have you there? They cannot be bothered.
Rita says
Congratulations! Job well done! Now that you’ve turned out for COVID-19 testing, a sample of your DNA can now be uploaded to the FBI’s DNA farm, for the cloning of a future examples of yourself, for tomorrow’s class of sex slaves and slave labor serving the corporations, the politicians, and America’s limousine liberals.
Marco P. says
You should probably put your QAnon crackpipe down for awhile and work on some real-world sobriety.
Gertrude says
The coronavirus originally scheduled to expire November 3rd, due to complications over election rigging, the coronavirus pandemic was extended, indefinitely. Making way for impending impeachment proceedings in the mainstream media’s news-cycle, the coronavirus is now scheduled to taper off beginning today, formally expiring on or the day after inauguration, January 20th.
Stinger says
*sigh* Gertrude, there just isn’t a word strong enough in the English language to define just how stupid your comment makes you appear to be.
Matt says
Yes ladies and gentlemen, believe it or not there are still people out there who believe this virus is fake. Maybe up by the entire world as a plan to get Trump out of office. I’m not sure how the entire world got in on it without someone knowing of the phony plot to over throw Trump, but according to Gertrude here, they did.
Kathy says
Seriously! Too freakin funny!
Peggy says
Ah! Anti-democrat sentiment! Tisk-tisk! Better behave yourself, or the democrats are going to call you a terrorist, throw you in their Supermax, for reeducation!
Mona says
We are definitely not getting the straight scoop on this coronavirus outbreak.
Rosie says
So now, the mainstream media would beg you to believe, two gorillas from the San Diego Zoo have admirably performed their civic duty, driving themselves their local veterinarian, for a COVID-19 test?
Patty says
Latest from mainstream media insiders, Democrats are scheduled to transition the news cycle such, that coronavirus will yield to a second made-for-virtual reality impeachment, on Nancy Pelosi’s Que.
Bub says
Finally got my GOVID-19er the other day, at the the AV Fairgounds. The old hag rammed a couple stix straight up my nose, told me I smelled like a Budweiser virus!