“Los Angeles County’s one-size-fits-all approach to COVID-19 restrictions is not working for Lancaster and it’s extremely detrimental to our economy, especially our restaurants. We know our issues best, and we believe a more local public health department is best suited to meet our community’s needs and curb the spread of COVID-19 in Lancaster,” Mayor R. Rex Parris said in a news release. “What I see for the first time is the ability of the city to raise up the health and welfare of the city. This is an exciting time.”
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“The city of Lancaster has had several productive meetings already with Santa Clarita and Palmdale, two cities that share our vision for a regional COVID-19 response tailored for our communities.” Parris continued. “We are looking forward to partnering with these cities as we explore a collaborative solution. We also know that the reason we want a localized public health department goes beyond COVID-19.”
As a result of the Council directive approved Dec. 3, Lancaster city staff will begin the process of gathering documentation and a list of resources necessary to start a public health department.
For additional information on Lancaster’s COVID-19 response to date, the city’s coronavirus information webpage.
[Information via news release from the city of Lancaster.]
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Lancaster Resident#1 says
Nice thinking! Very true!
Jenny says
I’m curious. How are we gonna pay to have our own health department AND police department (which the council is also trying to do)?
Nameless says
Karen Anne Isaac says
Have been in Lancaster now for 14 years. I have seen the area go down hill for some time now due to drug sales in my neighborhood and the increase in section 8 housing where the occupants do not seem to care about their neighbors with the condition they keep the home and yard up keep. The loud bass booming music all this of the night. Doesn’t do any good to call the the Sheriff’s Dept. because this is last on their concern of issues. Lancaster needs some serious help Mr. Mayor!!
Rich says
Imagine watching the decline for 60 years
Tim Scott says
“This is an exciting time!” – R Rex Parris as case rates and fatalities spike. Glad you are getting such a charge out of it buddy.
Van Dammit says
To be fair Tim Scott, things are pretty exciting in Laguna where Rex lives.
AV County says
This is just the first step of removing the AV from the controls of LA County, I highly believe this valley could do much better if we was our own county. All out tax dollars go to everyone down south of Santa Clarita and all we get back from them is their criminals when released from jail and the Section 8 people.
I noticed every time there are hand outs or grants or any kind of help you have to be a resident of the City of Los Angeles and we get left with empty hands, Where do you think the money came from that they are helping the people of LA? Let become our own County and take control of what happens to us now!
Lancaster Resident#1 says
Nice thinking! Very true!
Taxpayer says
Be careful what you wish for. The cost of running a Health Department is pretty steep. $15.5 million to run Pasadena’s. Lancaster is not as big but will still be close especially with all the start up costs.
By the time Rex gets all his hand picked people in place, Corona Virus will be under control and we will have another Rex-led bureaucracy on our hands. Our taxes will go up again. Do you think the County will give us money back? You are dreaming.
On the bright side, it may force Rex to finally get rid of his failed LEAPS program to pay for it.
Jason ZINK says
Time too Protest this B.S. overblown Virus and open AV up Fully!!!!! If LA County steps in AV we block them united against them!