LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Probation Department announced Tuesday it received a one-year, $356,615 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to monitor high-risk, repeat DUI offenders.
“Our monitoring program helps DUI offenders stay on track and meet the terms of their probation,” said Ray Leyva, the Probation Department’s interim chief probation officer. “With the right guidance, there are important lessons learned and the less chance of re-offending.”
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The grant funding will be used for:
— collaborating with court officials and prosecutors’ offices to establish probation orders;
— compliance with court-ordered terms of probation;
— check-ins with probationers in the office and field;
— alcohol testing;
— officer training in the Standard Field Sobriety Test;
— tracking and reporting SCRAM (Secured Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring Device) usage; and
— participation with local law enforcement on anti-DUI efforts.
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“Prevention is the best tool to address the significant traffic safety issue of DUI,” OTS Director Barbara Rooney said. “The goal of probation programs is to help people convicted of DUI not put themselves in a position to make the same mistake again.”
The grant program runs through Sept. 30, 2021.