Newsom said nine more of the state’s 58 counties have been moved into the most restrictive “purple” tier of the state’s COVID-19 monitoring system, meaning 51 counties are now in that tier. And those counties would be the ones likely subjected to a stay-at-home order reminiscent of the restrictions that were imposed at the onset of the pandemic, he said. All of Southern California is in the “purple” tier, including Los Angeles County.
“The red flags are flying in terms of the trajectory in our projections of (case and hospitalization) growth,” Newsom said. “… If these trends continue we’re going to have to take much more dramatic, arguably drastic action, including taking a look at those purple tier counties.”
He said those actions include “the potential for a stay-at-home order for those regions in purple.”
The action follows what Newsom called an 89% increase in hospitalizations statewide over the past 14 days, and projections that the number of hospitalizations could double or triple within a month, based on the surging case numbers over the past two weeks. The state projects that 78% of hospital beds will be filled by Christmas Eve, and all currently available intensive care unit beds will be occupied by mid-December.
“We’re now looking in real time at hospitalization numbers and ICU capacity in those regions,” he said. “We are assessing this in real time over the next day or two to make determinations of deep purple moves in those purple tier status (counties) that is more equivalent, more in line with the stay-at-home order that folks were familiar with at the beginning of this year, with modifications in terms of the work that we are currently doing.”
Newsom noted that all hospitals have the ability to increase bed capacity, and the state has 11 surge facilities planned statewide that can add nearly 1,900 beds. But providing staffing for all of those beds could be an issue, he said.
Dr. Mark Ghaly, the state’s Health and Human Services Secretary, noted that since hospital numbers tend to rise about two weeks later than cases are confirmed, the impact of the infection surge over the past two weeks has not even begun to impact the already elevated hospitalization numbers.
Ghaly said everything is on the table in terms of confronting the surge, including the possible stay-at-home order.
“Everything is on the table in considering how we effectively guide the state through this, and working with our local partners to make sure what we do is both impactful and as time-limited as possible,” Ghaly said. “We know this is hard for all Californians, and (we are) making sure that we choose something that will make a difference but that we can track that difference and give people some confidence that we will only do it as long as we need to to bring the hospitals into a situation that they can handle the incoming patient numbers and provide high-quality care in a way that protects our health care workforce as well.”
Brazza says
Double whammy, first we get wanked by Governor Moonbeam, then we get shafted by Governor hairdo. How we unequivocally know our elections are rigged? Just one look at California, it’s always the same idiot archetype elected Governor.
Lockdown says
I am going to The French Laundry tonight.
Van Dammit says
With the new stay at home orders, does this mean Rex will have to stay in Laguna? Asking for a friend.
Barbi says
Not a year into his term, Newsom’s credibility was already shot. The laughing stock of the policy community, top 5 worst governors in America, Newsom now has a well-earned, thoroughly humiliating new sobriquet. They’re calling him, Governor Hairdo –
Barney says
Have you seen how Newson lives? You would have to see it to believe it. Mr. Silver Spoon lives the high life off the fat of the land, never having worked an honest day in his happy life. Laziest guy on God’s green acre, the only thing Newsom’s good at is, bouncing on the mattress with others guys’ wives.
Bethie says
Im per son a tion of Ga vin New some is ea sy! Break ing ev er y thing down, in to mono syl la be tic ut ter ances, you too can speak like gov er nor hair do!
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh says
I used to think W Bush couldn’t talk until I heard Newsom. Dude needs a speech coach. And some common sense. But let’s start with the ability to speak.
Loam says
I remember last spring, when we welcomed giant Navy hospital ships to our cities and build make-shift hospitals. They were not used because cases never got that to that extreme level. Now, after months and months of this state control of our lives, they want to raise more fears of dire circumstances.
The same leadership has been in charge of the state and local efforts for the past ten months. Isn’t it about time we asked if what they are doing is really helping or hurting?
go red says
Flu Season
Deborah says
… a happy coincidence, the more evidence of election rigging having surfaced, the more extreme, far-reaching our lock-down restrictions –
Rafael says
The crime of the century, election rigging on an unprecedented scale, our policy community’s credibility is pretty much shot, along with our mainstream media. Go right ahead, by all means, I double dog dare you, rig our elections to their heart’s content. See what happens. The more they rig our elections, the harder we’ll be to govern –
Dave says
You’re right about the elections being rigged. How else did Trump or Mike Garcia get elected?
Neither had any experience in elected office and it shows.
Van Dammit says
Not sure about Trump or Garcia, but it is easy to see how Rex and his hand picked puppets get in year after year. Rex holds elections in non presidential election years when the turnout is lower. Rex hold elections in March which is totally off everyone’s radar. Rex has voting booths over at Lancaster Baptist which gives him a ton of votes. Then Rex has votes counted at Lancaster City Hall behind closed doors. What possibly could go wrong?
Dave says
“What could possiblly go wrong?” you ask. Rex is mayor.
However, the problem rests with people who vote for Rex, Trump, Garcia, the Bushes, Nixon etc.
There were 74 million who voted for Trump this year. THEY are the problem. Trump is just the sympton.
If they can, they’ll vote for Charlie “Winning” Sheen next time or another even more crooked guy than Trump.
Garcia is a pu$$y for not sticking up for the country and sucking up to Trump. He’ll be gone in 2 years after not having done jack just like Kinght.
He’ll be in the minority as a seat filler Yes man.
Reform says
Don’t like Rex, but elections have been held in April decades before Rex. Get smart people of Lancaster and stop using April as an excuse. There is no voter fraud in Lancaster, just low voter turnout which Rex counts on. You get the politician you deserve because of laziness and stupid excuses.
Magenta says
Stand back everyone.
Trump gave a rambling, lie filled speech on Facebook today with a CHART.
With a chart no less. Who knew he could read a graph.
Meanwhile, one of his “Dream Team” lawyers was telling Georgia voters not to vote January 5 because it’s rigged.
Can you say “self-fulfilling prophecy”?
RiffRaff: ” It’s astounding; / Time is fleeting; / Madness takes its toll /” to the tune of The Time Warp