By Manuel Ybarra, Jr.
Coalgate, OK resident
As an 84-year old man it is hard to comprehend how America has changed so much in a few decades. Especially, of how they now perceive, the precious rights and liberties granted us by our founding fathers, when they drew the greatest Constitution in the World.
Now in this election, we face the possibility that Socialists/Communism, and other crazy ideas, has permeated so many minds in America, that it could possibly present a threat to our beloved America.
In 2018, Jeff Rense, wrote that “about 27 of the 45 Communist(Zionist) Goals on the original list have or are being achieved in America.” A quick study of the list should convince anyone that he is correct!
Now one can easily see that they have taken over many of America’s institutions, including a major political party, and most of the news media.
There is a “2019 List of Socialist/Communist Sympathizers in Congress,” by Trevor Loudon, which lists the names of fifty Democratic Party Congressional members.
Even if the Biden/Kamala team lose the 2020 Presidential Election, America will still be in great danger!
That is because too many have already been trained to follow the 42nd Communist Goal, which states,” that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition. Of course, that it false! Goal #42 also says, “that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use (united force) to solve economic, political or social problems.”
Some have purposely, forgotten to point to the murderous history of Socialist/Communist nations, who lined up property owners, dispose them of homes, business, and others, by trenches and murdered millions upon millions.
These followers of socialism in America would do that to us too! They have already demonstrated their heartlessness!
Democrat Dave says
Capitalism and Socialsim aren’t in the Constitution.
If voters want capitalist policies they can vote for them.
If voters want socialist policies they can vote for them.
If amazing how stupid some people’s comment are here.
But, then again, this is America and stupid people get to speak freely and vote. That’s how we got Trump.
How did Myvotecount? says
Actually we can’t vote for socialist/communist policies it’s just that no one is there to stop them especially when those policies slip through with other well meaning bills. We can’t just vote against the Constitution…legally.
Paul Lee says
Socialist-democrap!! Dave, you’re with the idiot party, the one who wants to take your freedoms away, your food, your money, your,…..Everything!!!
Even your Life!! I’m Very serious, you’ve been mislead. Take Liberty, and keep-hold, to our freedoms, Socialism, is Horrible, and Will Never work!!! It never has, before, anyway!!
Democrat Dave says
Paul Lee
Democrats have outperformed the Republicans with the economy over the last 100 years on average. If that is “socialism” I’ll take it.
Right now, Biden is working to restore the country after 4 years of incompetence and worse.
Republicans have been in charge when the economy crashed in 1929, 1987, 2008 and 2020. Were you alive for any of those crashes?
They failed to protect us. Katrina, COVID, 9/11 and then invaded the wrong country.
Clinton got the blind cleric who was behind the first World Trade Center bombing and he’s in prison.
Obama got bin Laden. He is in the Atlantic Ocean.
Remember the war in Bosnia. Clinton handled that and you probably don’t remember.
Remember Clinton’s “Peace and Prosperity”, 20 million jobs created in his 8 years while the Republicans were on a witch hunt to impeach him before they even knew of Miss Lewinsky.
Republicans are feckless as are those who repeat their lies like the election was stolen.
Like you, Paul Lee, they all talk a big game but the evidence is that they are lying.
Do you want to debate this or are you just throwing crap like the monkeys at the zoo.
Alby says
Socialism will never take over America no matter how many blacks or mexicans or caucasian drug abusers get angry and violent. Americans have been far beyond tolerant beyond their deficit and beyond what hard working, tax paying civilians should have to pay for. Why is it so easy to riot and loot places all over town here in America and not in mexico or africa? Because in mexico or africa, business owners and residents will fight back with assault weapons and explosives and have a better chance of getting away with it. They would also laugh at the idea of looters and rioters doing it in the name of WLM or ALM or even BLMGBTQ. It’s easier being “gangster” in a McDonalds play pen then it is in a real “gangster” neighborhood. It’s the tolerance of it all that makes America a God blessed and powerful nation that gets taken advantage of time after time. Nevertheless, Americans will never allow socialism to take over this country no matter how pushy certain people get at “Walmart.” Americans push back harder where it counts when it truly matters. If I was a socialist/communist sympethizer imposing foreign intrest in American politics, I would be worried about that. Bottom line, these so called angry mobs of rioters looters and cancel culture libtarded cucks would be too scared to ever dare protest unpeacefully or even protest at all where it really matters the most, their place of origin.
Dr John Stone says
Lewis BLM says
Get mad stay mad.
Sincerely British 17 year old who knows more about your country then you do. BLM.
Lawrence says
The question of the day: Why do democrats just love turning ANTIFA loose, looting and burning down small business owners, straight into bankruptcy?
ANSWER: It’s because 99.9% of small business entrepreneurs always (ALWAYS) vote Republican.
Seriously says
Please back that up with some citations.
My experience says it is a fairly balanced distribution.
Barbi says
Getting your news from psy-ops television (e.g., ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX) would lead you to conclude, of course it an even distribution, but it’s only Russians and racists who vote Republican –
Seriously says
You assume a lot Barbi.
I actually talk to business owners everyday. From around the world.
There are decent people in both parties, the majority are actually decent middle line folks. That is the strange part of this year, how the extreme fringes are being given such a loud voice when they are the extreme minority.
G says
Barbi go back to your gender neutral bf ken.
Auntie antiffy says
Democrats raise taxes. That never helps businesses. Your point… isn’t.
Dr. Robert says
Democrats loathe small business. They hate us. They just love seeing ANTIFA, looting us asunder. Whensoever Democrats met out political payback, the first ones they single-out, small business.
Stinger says
Jessie Knowles says
So take up for your self and business I wouldn’t let antifa or anyone else for that matter loot or burn my business there called firearms people defend yourself and what’s yours can’t Stan people that want to cry about the situation they’re in but are too scared to do anything about it
Tim Scott says
This is utter garbage. The party that hates small business is the GOP; the party of BIG business. Every time the GOP drafts legislation they claim is going to “help small business” it is a lie.
“Look, we are giving a nickle to small retailers!!!! (oh by the way we are also giving a million dollars to Wal-Mart and next year there won’t BE any small retailers)…”Look!!! We are giving a nickle to independent craft shop style manufacturers!!!! (oh by the way we are also giving a million dollars to multinational conglomerates that will outsource manufacturing of the same products so next year those independent manufacturers will have been driven out of business)…”Look!!! We are giving a nickle to the small farmers! (oh by the way we are also giving a million dollars to huge agricorps that will be buying up their land after driving them under)…it just goes on and on and on.
Small business shouldn’t mean a small mind…open your eyes.
Red says
I HATE to use my Gmail account for this. They’ve pretty much been my “sworn enemy” ever since the bastards terminated my social media accounts due to my conservative ( which they call “hateful extremist” ) views.
Hopefully they aren’t following me around deleting all of my comments on other forums!!! Nothing like being an honest to God “Jedi” during a rising new hellish “Empire!” The way they have seized complete control over almost all social media ( particularly Facebook, YouTube and Twitter ) is something right out of 1980s Moscow!!! Oh how I just “love” their so-called “community ( that’s zero-tolerance left wing COMMUNIST ) guidelines.” They’ve silenced so MANY dissenting voices, terminating their accounts forever. Oh how I MISS having my social media “voice!!!” The ‘powers that be’ knew that to succeed in creating this new global Empire from hell, they first had to silence our very best, strongest and loudest “alarm.” DONE!!! This is what has given rise to free speech websites like Parler, Bit Chute and Exiled. Unfortunately, those are still in their infancy. But they are growing FAST. MILLIONS of good people are being systematically “shut out” ( their voices effectively “silenced” ) by our global M.I.T. geek technocracy from hell. Their legions of scrutinizing “moderators” are toxic to the 10th degree. And what their snarky extreme leftist “moderators” ( 80 percent of which are probably members of
Antifa!!! ) don’t catch, their word targeting anti-free-speech “bots” DO!!! They also use “algorithms” like the FBI does … all to rid social media circles of “deplorables.” Will all their “terminated persons lists” ever end up being turned over to law enforcement ( U.N. troops? ) and used to round up “trouble makers” ( dissidents )? I wouldn’t be at all surprised. If this seems “far-fetched”, well,.. look at how dictatorial many state governors have become, using COVID-19 as an “excuse” to crack down on people’s rights to run their own businesses!!! Think of the nationwide Covid LOCK-DOWN Biden says he will force on everybody!!! Is COVID-19 a hoax? Not at all!!! But it makes a mighty fine EXCUSE for the ‘powers that be’ to seize power like never before!!! When the smoke finally clears and the mirrors are all removed, we will find ourselves living in a VERY different
country!!! And since this insane tyranny is happening on a GLOBAL SCALE, …. you do the math!!! Now, with our losing both the house AND senate, we won’t have anything to effectively “fight back” with!!! So in light of these harsh and painful facts, you’d better BELIEVE those social media “black-lists” could soon be turned over to the new “gestapo!!!” Oh how the skeptical world used to “laugh” at people like Bill Cooper, Alex Jones and David Icke. But it’s really funny how I don’t hear anybody “laughing” anymore. Everybody now sits on their front porches wondering what’s going to happen NEXT. Yes, there was definitely voter-fraud at work in these extremely “fishy” elections. But i think that there are an awful lot of very stupid people out there, who think that the definition of equal opportunity and charity is
“socialism!!!” We can thank the global left wing media mind-control institution for a good 70 percent of that indoctrination. The remaining 30 percent consists of people with very low I.Q.s !!! Sorry for the length of this, and I hope mine enemy “Google” doesn’t strike this comment down( via my old Gmail account ) before anybody has the chance to READ it!!!
If ever there was a time for the people to get TRULY “woke”, it’s NOW!!! ~ RedRedMane
Red says
This is why I get banned on so many forums!!! I have a mind that’s sharp as a RAZOR!!! I see right through the lies of this new Empire!!! People like me are EXTREMELY dangerous, because we are gifted with razor sharp minds and keen psychic awareness!!! We keenly read between the lines and have the ability to “X-ray” what we are told!!! Our “B.S. detectors” never rest, and that makes them EXTREMELY nervous!!! ~ RedRedMane
“So This Is How Liberty Dies… With Thunderous Applause!!!” ~ Padme -Star Wars
Liberal is good says
Thank you for sharing, Red. Is that all?
Stinger says
“Brilliant, [Red], once again you’ve put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion.” ~ Sirius Black – Prisoner of Azkaban
Wells says
… dealing President Trump out effectively destabilizes the Republican party. Combination affected, your executive branch of government effectively subverted, your de facto president becomes, George Soros. A hare’s breath away, eco-fascist George Soros is that close, to the codes to America’s nuclear arsenal –
Barron says
If you have guns for hunting you can say by byte them because if we go that rout you will not have anyway of protecting your family and yourself it will happen no matter what you think it will.
Wayne La Pepe La Pew RIP NRA says
Really Barron.
There are more guns than citizens in this country.
Take something for your anxiety. Do you want to spend the rest of your life worrying about something that isn’t going to happen instead of living your life.
Looks like it.
Laughing says
So, a guy that made billions by doing a short sell of Sterling is a socialist huh?
A guy who makes billions by buying selling stocks, a socialist? LOL
No seriously I am trying not to laugh too hard here… I mean hey he owns publication companies which make money selling literature. Not giving it away, selling it.
The wiki notes is easy to read
Red says
Biden is an evil, unstable, senile and SLOPPY version of George Soros.
Wayne La Pepe La Pew RIP NRA says
Quit looking in the mirror Red.
It’s your meds talking.
EXAV says
@ Claire…Are you talking to me? My comments are, unfortunately, painfully true. America is hardly a socialist country. America has a brutal capitalist economy with nary a hint of socialist policy. Only socialism in the US is socialism for billionaires and corporations.
Claire says
My comment was for “Socialists are losers.” It was a lazy comment, painted with a broad brush.
Barron says
The way I see it is if you dont like it n America leave go back where you came from how about that bis off we dont need your polices over here we were doing fine until [removed] was brought over here.
Stinger says
And what if you are from HERE, you racist slug?
Red says
EXAV, WOW! are YOU ever backward!!! ~ RedRedMane
Socialists are losers says
Losers, moochers and spongers want to suckle at the teet socialism and get everything for free.
Winners want to compete and support themselves to be free.
We know who the losers here are!
EXAV says
I see you touched on all the talking points from your pamphlet.
America is currently being strangled and sucked dry by capitalism, not socialism.
Claire says
Your comment is so off the mark it’s ridiculous. Spend some time educating yourself by using your computer to sift through the wealth of information available to you, but stay away from conspiracy theories.
Barron says
We need a good purge and take out a lot of BSull shit communist that are trying to take over this country yes I said it purge.
Red says
Socialists Are Losers:
Unfortunately, right now, it appears “WE” are the losers, due to the first ( true ) losers keeping us from winning in Georgia!!! Now, we will be FORCED to cheat on our taxes, because they will soon go through the roof!!! Soon, the American dollar will go the way of the Mexican peso!!! Ten pesos ( Mexican dollars ) is equivalent to ONE American dollar!!! Our currency will be soon be de-valued to just about that degree!!! I sure hope you enjoyed this most recent Christmas!!! ~ Rudolph
EXAV says
America is already socialist.
We have socialism for billionaires and corporations and brutal capitalism for everybody else.
Dave says
Exactly. The people (Rs) who holler about socialsim the most are the greedy
capitalists who benefit most from bank and corporate bailouts after they’ve “played the
odds” on Wall Street and crashed the economy…over and over.
And, they own the government and have enlisted the people who could use “socialism” usch
as universal health care, higher minimum wages, better infrasctructure etc.
That’s what is meant by “people voting against their self-interests”. Voters in red states have
been conned into voting against their own self-interests.
North and South Dakota have the highest death rates from COVID in the world. Their
governors wouldn’t mandate masks yet their voters went for Trump. Go figure.
When locals here cry “socialism” they aren’t much different from the voters in the Dakotas who are suffering “bigly” from the leadership of their anti-socialism Republican officials.
Ruby says
Democrat Dave, with the copy ‘n paste reply!
Democrat Dave says
As usual, Ruby has nothing of value to say.
What else is new?
LJ says
Socialists want everything for free. free healthcare, Free rent, open borders, I am sure you believe in that and and are waiting for your checks and keep your doors unlocked. Who’s going to give you all your free stuff once you’ve drained the rest of us dry. And the rest of us are the middle class who work hard and believe in earning what you have.
Red says
Dave: It’s the greedy REPUBLICANS who are the socialists??? No, sorry. You’ll find out the truth soon enough. There’s nothing “greedy” about wanting to make a good honest profit. There’s nothing “greedy” about saving your money and investing in your future and that of your descendants. There’s nothing “greedy” about getting paid well for doing an important job. OFCOURSE we should help the needy. That’s called Welfare and Charity!!! Socialism is not the solution. If you think socialism makes everything all cozy and better, take a trip to Mexico, Cuba or Venezuela!!! ~ RedRedMane
PaulDid says
I love how Evav has said the same thing over and over like a trained bird.
That Guy says
I’d welcome socialism, even communism with open arms if the alternative was to shoot demonstratirs with rubber bullets and tear gas so that Hitler can have a photo opp holding a Bible in front of a church…
Another Notch says
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…
Anyone domestic person who would welcome socialism or communism is an enemy of this land.
To Another Notch says
I hope I never see you call the police or fire fighters or 911. I hope I never see you driving our roads, drinking our water or using our sidewalks. I hope I never see you ask for unemployment, social security or Medicaid/Medical. I hope I never see you breathing fresh air or enjoying local parks or hiking trails. Please do not enjoy any of our socialism, live off the grid eating raccoons and your own piss. Please just go away.
Another Notch says
You are greatly confused my friend. Those are all services and benefits enjoyed by free Americans that are paid for by the taxpayers and those rights to have such items available are due to those who have defended this country for its freedoms and to have such benefits. Not by socialism or communism.
I pay for the police, firefighter and 911 services, I pay for our roads, drinking water, sidewalks, I pay for social security, medicare, medical. I pay to breath fresh air, enjoy the local parks and hiking trails, none of this is provided free of charge to me by the government. You are enjoying Freedoms provided to you by Taxpayers and those who have laid their life on the line to prevent being ruled by, and being told what you can have and do by the government. If you want Socialism or Communism there are many places you can go however, I will not turn this country over to dumb-asses like yourself without a fight.
Another Notch Eats Racoons says
Actually “my friend” the programs are subsidized by our taxes, which I guarantee I pay triple the amount you do, however; these would not exist without the ugly socialism you are so terrified by. Those programs are a byproduct of our socialism, I also forgot to include our awesome military, whom I served under for over two decades. Communism and socialism are not the same, actually you can’t even compare them. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid and try thinking for yourself for once. Take the time to get educated and avoid calling others dumbasses because their opinion differs from yours.
Lae says
they are still policies that fall under socialism, whether you pay for them or not. this isn’t rocket science, pal.
Stinger says
You really have no idea what socialism actually is, do you?
“I pay for the police, firefighter and 911 services, I pay for our roads, drinking water, sidewalks, I pay for social security, medicare, medical. I pay to breath fresh air, enjoy the local parks and hiking trails, none of this is provided free of charge to me by the government.”
What you just described is a textbook definition of socialism. Really. Go check it out for yourself with Mirriam Webster or any economist… it’s okay… we’ll wait…
Reform says
Another Notch…Paying taxes to pay for programs and projects that benefit quality of life for society as a whole is a form of Socialism. Communism is a perversion of Socialism and there is great confusion about the two. Democratic Socialism.
Alby says
Together you could all make China or Russia great again.
Reform says
Here’s something else to consider: Hardworking undocumented immigrants pay billions each year into Social Security but can’t collect. IRS issues ITIN”s and it is taken out via FICA. You can also thank them too.
Stinger says
I seriously doubt that you even know the meanings of those words, let alone the difference between them.
Dave says
Excuse me, That Guy.
He was holding the Bible upside down in front of the church that the minister later dissaproved of.
I’m surprised lightening didn’t strick him.
The Truth says
You mean the same church the ‘peaceful protestors’ had set on fire the day before right?
PS, Hitler ran on a platform of nationalizing the police, free college, abolishing wars for profit, free healthcare, and old age retirement.
The fact is in 1938 you’d of been goose stepping through Berlin with the rest of the Bernie Bros.
BrainDeadRepublicans says
@TheTruth..So, you are against affordable college education, you support wars for profit, you are against affordable healthcare for all citizens, and you are against secure old age retirement? Sounds like you might be the goosestepper around here.
RedRedMane says
NOBODY SAID THEY WANT UNAFFORDABLE COLLEGE EDUCATION!!! NO ONE EVER SAID THEY WANTED “WAR FOR PROFIT!!!” NO ONE WANTS UNAFFORDABLE HEATHCARE, AND NO ONE WANTS NON- SECURE OLD AGE RETIREMENT!!! You Libtards are totally ass backward!!! Liberalism is like Satan. It promises the moon but delivers nothing but disaster!!! There’s a sucker born every minute. WAKE UP!!!
EXAV says
The form of capitalism that we have in America today is so disgusting that people are looking for change, any change.
RedRedMane says
EXAV: Yeah, but if we try to fix that with socialism ( and ultimately COMMUNISM ), it’s like curing a person of cancer by giving him or her a bullet in the head!!!
Dawn says
Commenting from the uk. I guess you think we’re socialist because of our wonderful NHS – we all pay a bit in taxes like we do with police etc. so we can all go see a doctor or get hospital treatment free at source. I see you in the US worry about a doctor visit and hospital bills and insurance- I’m glad I don’t have to. My daughter needs extensive medical treatment? It’s done, no questions asked. I need prescription meds regularly? It only costs the equivalent of $15 for it. And we have a conservative government in power, so go figure.
Orin says
Socialism is one thing. Nancy Pelosi-ism (e.g., crony-capitalism) is a whole ‘nother thing, entirely –
Dave says
Well, Orin.
How ’bout some fries, I mean “facts” with that nothing burger post of yours.
RedRedMane says
People, can’t you just feel the LOVE radiating from Dave?!?!
Sir, the only “nothing burger” here is YOU.
I'm here to tell ya says
There’s a dog in my neighborhood that barks all night signifying nothing. His name is Alby.
Alby says
Aint much need to signify nothing to someone that can’t smell the [removed] in the air. Its already evident to many others anyways.
Madge says
Oh, Alby
Rudy Giuliani and some others of the Trump Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight had a “fraud” presser today. Rudy was dripping with flop sweat as he babbled about My Cousin Vinny. Really.
Right wing media lies and nonsense.
You’re soaking in it, Alby.
RedRedMane says
With folks like Dave, you simply cannot cure their stupids.
Betty says
… foremost and always, your first casualty of Marxism and socialism, your free ‘n fair elections are now a foregone conclusion –
Betty says
ps – … a hearty welcome comrade, to the Soviet Socialist Republic of America!
Dave says
So, Betty.
Did you love Trump doing kissy kissy with Vladimir Putin, former KBG?
Spare us your intellect, Betty. You have none to spare a la Elaine Benis.
RedRedMane says
Dave, there simply is no effective cure for your illness ( Trump Derangement Syndrome backed by the Libtardal “Wonderland delusion.” ). There’s no hope for you. But you can get psychiatric help. I’d advise you to get some. Your family must MISS their father, husband, brother, & uncle.
Dawn says
I’m honestly curious why socialism is such a knee-jerking horror story to so many Americans?
I’m in the UK and while I’m not a 100% socialist the whole thing intrigued me. Biden is our equivalent of a conservative- not a socialist at all. Socialist is something like Denmark or Sweden, or even France and Spain. Or Scotland, who long for independence and a socialist government instead of a conservative one. Ps. – if the Scots get their independence I’ll be heading back to the motherland just because of how insular, bigoted and hate-filled England had become lately.
Claire says
So Betty, read the list of Socialist programs I posted. I asked you a question along with the others that don’t understand.
Maggie says
… top five to-dos on Bejing-Biden’s to-do list:
1). The Barack Obama apology tour, 2.0 –
– e.g., apologies and appeasement, groveling to Iran, China, begging forgiveness;
2). Mandatory critical race theory indoctrination –
– e.g., all Trump supporters blacklisted; herded into concentration camps for reeducation;
3). Political payback –
– e.g., massive layoffs in coal, timber and energy, as punishment for exiting the Paris Climate Accord;
4). have a squeeze on Kamala’s boobies in the oval office –
— e.g., stop drooling; memory exercises; focus; try to concentrate;
5). the Barack Obama Politically Correct epoch, 2.0 –
– e.g., censorship; 1st amendment privileges extended, only to those who advance his narrative, and look the other way –
Stinger says
Let me see here, Maggie…
1) Correct – Biden will, indeed, have quite the apology tour ahead of him, thanks to Moscow Mitch and Putin’s Bitch over the last 4 years of stupidity.
2) Incorrect – Although part of me kind of likes the idea of teaching these trumplican nazi wannabes what reality actually is and how to avoid another wannabe tyrant like Trump, it would be un-American to do so and thus,.. No.
3) Incorrect – Although there may be political paybacks (some of which I support, most of which I do not), any layoffs that may ensue would be done by the owners of said companies and not by any political official. Punishment of said companies is less likely to occur from political payback insofar as by market pressures brought about by necessary policy changes to reenter the Accord. I would have noted it as partially correct on this basis, but your assignation of intent and method was too inaccurate for that.
4) Ummmm… Looks less like a statement of fact and more like a projection of a wish, to me.
5) Partially Correct – There is likely to be a lot of social discourse on the subject of allowing these fringe conspiracists to continue to be able to spew their lies as we look at the damage to our country it has caused over these last four years plus. There is likely to be a serious rebound against the sources of these Orwellian spin factories by a large portion of the citizenry. However, it is highly unlikely that such outcries will accrete into any serious laws hampering the 1st Amendment.
RedRedMane says
And don’t forget 6). Raise everybody’s taxes to the 10th degree, and 7). Make the giant tech companies even MORE untouchable than they already are!!!
But the very FIRST thing Creepy Sleepy Sloppy Joe is going to do is force us all into a great big Covid-19 lock-down. Maggie, just think about how THAT will effect our economy, babe!!!
Stanley says
Bejing-Biden’s new motto: “… Make China Great Again, for Joe and Hunter!”
Claire says
China is loving Trump right now for putting America at risk, by holding the White House hostage.
RedRedMane says
Claire, your husband Cliff is very concerned about your mental health! Your entire family certainly knows you’re not quite “yourself” anymore. Even worse, is the fact that they know there’s just no “cure” for Trump Derangement Syndrome or the Libtardal “Wonderland delusion.” Medications can help, but there is not much the doctors can do for you. Sorry, but…
Randall says
Biden’s Motto ought to be: “… build-better-busty-bodacious buttocks and bigger-boobies.”
Stinger says
…and your problem with that idea is, Randall?
Do you not like, “better-busty-bodacious buttocks and bigger-boobies”?
Are you SURE you’re a Trump voter?
RedRedMane says
I wonder if Creepy Sleepy Sloppy Joe is going to talk about the blonde hairs that grow on the back of his legs at the inauguration!!! ?
Dave says
Social distance???
I always assume that Trumpers who don’t like to wear masks also don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom.
It’s good advice to keep your distance from them.
In fact, I assume all Trumpers don’t wash their hands. It’s their right and blah, blah, blah,
Alby says
And you probably sit down when you go number one and stand up for number two and use the duct taped hole on the wall to hang your coat and hat.
Madge says
Oh, Alby
Rudy Giuliani and some others of the Trump Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight had a “fraud” presser today. Rudy was dripping with flop sweat as he babbled about My Cousin Vinny. Really.
Right wing media lies and nonsense.
You’re soaking in it, Alby.
Dave says
You’re not funny, Alby. Not at all. I have funnier dreams than your “humour” such as it is.
Give it up. You post lies and nonsense and you aren’t funny or smart. You’re useless to society.
Go mingle with your ilk.
Alby says
Don’t be startled if the hat starts floating towards you.
RedRedMane says
As for your response to Brain-dead Dave: BINGO, Alby, BINGO!!!
Claire says
The rise and fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy (red scare times.) His complete unraveling when he accused the Army of communism.
Claire says
Trevor Loudon, another far-right conspiracy theorist. The only thing permeating so may minds in America are conspiracy theories masquerading as truth. This entire article is a study of a man polluting his 84 year old mind with conspiracy theories.
Stinger says
Why is this conspiracy theory idiocy from out of area even being published here?
The author clearly has not a single clue of the differences between the various ‘isms’ he is attempting to claim are the same thing.
Claire says
Well, when you’re listening to Jeff Rense, a way out conspiracy theorist wearing bizarre wigs, not having a clue what the Biblical meaning of Zion represents, then truth doesn’t matter to you.
Claire says
Socialist programs in America: Military, police, firefighters, voting, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, public libraries, public schools, roads (except toll), Parks and Recreation, federal and state unemployment, most of our justice system, and much more. Would you like to do away with these programs? This question is to those that constantly complain about socialism and communism taking over America.
Hamilton says
At a local level, that’s fine, but the Federal Level is where we run into legal issues. If it’s not enumerated in the Constitution, then it’s illegal.
RedRedMane says
Claire, … WOW!!! Are you ever warped!!! You probably believe that pizza, movies, soda-pop and popcorn are socialist concepts, TOO!!!
Dave says
Trumpist#1 is drinking again and is back as REdRedStupid.
It’s okay. His guy Trump is headed for prison and he’s not too happy ’bout it.
:( boo hoo
Barbi says
… Tom Steyer and George Soros squandered hundreds upon millions, buying America’s 2020 election, in hope of upending your Founding Fathers’ constitution. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than, seeing them having squandered every cent, all for naught –
Alby says
That was money that could have been used for the covid research that they are coincidently all of the sudden complaining about and politicizing.
Claire says
Socialism is alive and well in America and has been for a very long time.
American Exceptionalism says
Yeah, Socialism is great for people that can’t make their own way in life and want to sponge off those that can.
Claire says
Read the socialist programs I listed above.
Hamilton says
A majority of them are illegal at the Federal level. You can’t even count on the Supreme Court anymore to determine if it’s legal or illegal anymore. They’ve been politicized. Read The Federalist Papers and you’ll understand.
Alby says
They’re not socialist programs, they’re [removed] jobs.
RedRedMane says
Yep! It’s alive and well thanks to the Democ-rat party!!!
Dave says
For over half a century, people have whined and complained about socialism, using up their entire lives and then they die.
They seem to ignore the socialism for Wall Street, the banks, the corporations, etc., when the bailouts are handed out to them to buy back their stock. They said they were going to create jobs. Really?
With the anti-socialsim Republicans, we go through these boom, bust, bailout cycles over and over when there is a Republican administration.
Then, the Democrats have to do clean up after the Republicans.
Boom. Recession. Rinse, Repeat. They all begin with an “R” as in Republican.
When are people going to get a clue?
Yep says
I agree 100% Dave.
We also have idiots like Alby blaming immigrants and anchor babies. The only invaders look white to me. Hypocrisy at the maximum level.
Dave says
Yeah, Yep
Immigrants, illegal and otherwise caused the 2008/9 recession when they were reselling toxic mortgages, and crashing the market. They brought down Bear Stearms and Lehman Brothers.
They also invaded Iraq based on lies.
They didn’t do squat about COVID early this year letting it run rampant. I recall immigrants in the Oval Office calling it a “hoax”.
Alby is really not very smart. You can count on that.
Alby says
And how coincidental that covid came out magically on the final year of a republican term along with blm riots. Desperate attempts after desperate attempts. And how silly for Yep to automatically aim at white people when I said illegal immigrants. They consist of many colors and your obviously threatened by white. Is it cuz you mister puggy fat face baby? Just look in the mirror and smile big for a minute. You’ll get over it. Nowadays most countries consist of many races like America. Doesn’t mean Its ok to jump the wall and settle in when there are millions of people waiting to enter legally. Lol “white.” Its probably “browns” that didn’t honor their mortgage payments, bit off more than they could chew for the sake of show and tell and got evicted. I’ll bet you blame Trump for it too. Would of been better off in a trailer while saving every penny but you were so eager to impress people even if it meant under false pretenses. Plenty of people with such mind set contributed to that crash. The moral of that story is dont bite off more than you can chew.
Dave says
Alby has lost it rambling on and on without a lick of sense in his post.
It’s OK.
Trump has lost. I said it 6 months ago. Alby is just left to whine and complain with no real facts to back him up.
Dave says
So, Betty.
Did you love Trump doing kissy kissy with Vladimir Putin, former KBG?
Spare us your intellect, Betty. You have none to spare a la Elaine Benis.
Alby says
If the facts were in your face you wouldn’t see it. No it ain’t OK. Open your eyes. It was laid out before you 4 years ago. Didn’t seem to get. Now whomever wins the election probably ain’t gonna help you get it either. But you probably will ramble about how I and others ramble about you rambling about us rambling and so on. Woopty doooo.
Cosmo says
And what’s with you and Miss Benice? Who died and made you sponge worthy?
Puddy says
I was born sponge worthy.
Of course, Alby is merely a sponge soaking up right wing misinformation and repeating it…repeating it….repeating it…as y’all have seen.
Has anyone noticed that Alby can’t provide any facts to back up the krap he continues to vomit?
Biden ~80,000,000 votes (80 million, Alby in case you can’t count)
Biden 306 in the Electoral College A MANDATE ACCORDING TO TRUMP WHEN HE GOT 306 IN 2016.
I love to rub foolish people’s noses in their own stupidity. You must love it too. Right Alby?
The only mandate Trump has left is with the warden at Attica State Prison.
We’ll see if Individual 1 is indicted next year since his attorney, Michael Cohen, went to prison for doing Trump’s bidding in that case. It’s only fair if Trump goes to prison as well. Right, Alby?
RedRedMane says
Yep, sir, just when I think there might be some trace of HOPE for humanity, someone like you comes along and demonstrates that “special-kind-of-stupid” that takes my faith and throws it right back out the window!!!
Hamilton says
Socialism and Fascism are not welcomed. They pose a big threat to our independence as a nation and as people. Neither one is acceptable.
Stinger says
You are incorrect in the former, but correct in the latter being a threat or acceptable.
Fascism is what the incredibly misguided trumplicans are actually supporting and is, indeed, totally unacceptable in a democracy. So, bingo there.
Socialism is frequently confused with communism, as they have the confusingly similar base of communal ownership of a product or service, but they differentiate dramatically in application and intent. Communism tends to support fascism, as it is based upon conflict between classes and state (or communal) ownership of ALL property, while socialism is less so oriented; being based in cooperative efforts of a group of individuals as a community. Fun fact: Fascism runs hand in hand with communism, as a dictator can not allow for a capitalist free market to threaten his/her power.
So, we can see that capitalism is the natural enemy of communism, but not necessarily socialism. Capitalism, with its individualistic basis, allows for greater freedom and powers innovation. It is a wonderful engine of prosperity and progress. However, its natural competition leads to many failures to support those successes which negatively affects the lives of the citizens that our government, which has been morally and constitutionally tasked to, “…promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty,” neither of which is possible with a purely capitalistic government. Indeed, our founding fathers recognized this, which is why socialism is baked right into our constitution from the very preamble. Hell, the entire concept of a government to provide for the common needs of the people (which the preamble spells out exactly such) is socialist in concept and a product of ‘the enlightenment’ occurring in the world at that time.
Engaging in a knee-jerk reaction to oversimplified buzzwords without close examination is not critical thinking and doesn’t really help move the subject forward. It also allows for people like Trump to twist information into the pretzel of Orwellian lies his supporters actually believe… but I digress.
Alby says
The truth is that there are particular races thats entered here illegally, dropped out a bunch of achor babies and taught them that America is gonna destroy itself within itself. The more illegals that crap out anchor baby after anchor baby, the more likely it is to unfortunately happen. Anchor babies should be considered illegal if we dont want this beautiful and God-blessed country to deteriorate into a third world socialist dumpster. Illegals know that they have it way easier and they take advantage of it until its spent dry only to migrate to the next best country. Do you think those countries are gonna accept them after they rotted out America? I think they’ll end up being systematicly removed or exterminated like any other termite or roach. Henceforth, we need tighter border security. Democrats and CNN bimbos will probably praise the idea if “Slippery Joe” says so. And by the way, Republicans breathe oxygen. Shouldn’t Democrats stubbornly find an alternative while holding in their breathe?
Seriously says
When using something as a reference you should give readers access to that same information in as easy a format as possible. Copying and pasting the link to the 1963 Communist goals list, presented in the House of Representatives January 10th, 1963 would get my comment back channeled for review, but this information now lets a reader look up the document I found at ecjones org.
Taxes pay for out system of roads, that is socialistic in nature. Public education, the same. Hospitals receive monies from the public fund. As do our fuel producers, and a great many farmers (our food and textiles suppliers). The list goes on of course.
Perhaps we should change to all toll roads, only private schools and medical institutions. The farmers would have to charge real rates for food and textile raw materials, that would limit their ability to work with international markets (many of which also display socialistic tendencies). It is noble to think all humans can be self sufficient, but it is also false.
Decline says
Zionist goals.
Randall says
If you’re looking for crazy ideas, look no further than Lancaster. Rex is full of idiotic ideas that embrace crony capitalism (no bid contracts, inside deals like LEAPS), communion with Communist China (birth tourism), and free market interference (price controls on food delivery).
Hamilton says
It’s really more about controlling people and thats what a system like socialism and fascism are designed to do. Therefore I don’t understand why people gravitate to either side.