A nine-page memorandum on the Oct. 30, 2019 shooting death of Ricardo Myers concluded that Deputy Jonathan Lee “acted lawfully in defense of another.”
According to the report, the mother of Myers’ son initially called a psychiatric emergency team (PET) to try to have Myers evaluated but was told she needed to call 9-1-1 after she informed them that Myers was “agitated.” Responding LASD deputies Jonathan Lee and Miguel Gonzalez were not informed of any possible mental health issues.
Myers swung an ax toward Deputy Lee, who retreated and ordered him to drop the weapon. Myers then began to raise the ax and step closer to Deputy Gonzalez, and that’s when Deputy Lee discharged his service weapon five times, killing Myers, according to the report.
Read the “Factual Analysis” portion of the report below:
On October 30, 2019, at approximately 6:28 a.m., Betty R. called 9-1-1 and reported that her “kid’s father,” 62-year-old Ricardo Myers, “Keeps saying he needs mental health, but he’s not – he isn’t doing anything about it.” Betty R. reported that Myers was, “Disrupting the house.” When asked what she wanted the police to do, Betty R. stated, “I need them to come out and assess him because he needs mental health.” Betty R. informed dispatch that there were no weapons in the home.
Dispatch put out the call to deputies stating, “Children’s father, male 62, arguing with family, no weapons…”LASD deputies Jonathan Lee and Miguel Gonzalez responded to the Lancaster residence at approximately 6:58 a.m. Both deputies were wearing distinctive LASD uniforms and were equipped with Tasers.
Lee knocked on the front door of the residence and Myers’ adult son, Vincent, invited the deputies inside. When the deputies entered the home, Betty R. and Myers were near the entryway to the dining room and kitchen area. Myers walked through the kitchen and entered the garage. Gonzalez spoke with Betty R. near the dining room table, and Lee removed the flashlight from his duty belt and walked toward the garage to contact Myers.
Lee opened the garage door, and Myers was a few feet in front of him walking toward the open vehicle door. Lee stood in the doorway between the kitchen and garage and asked, “What’s going on?” Myers turned around, bent down, and grabbed a yellow handle that was protruding from underneath a makeshift bed on the garage floor. Myers pulled out a large axe and said, “Want some of this motherf–ker?” Myers took a step toward Lee and swung the axe at him. Lee backed up, and the axe came within inches of hitting him and struck the garage door. As Lee retreated into the kitchen, he dropped his flashlight on the floor and drew his service weapon. Lee continued backing up, and Myers entered the kitchen with the axe in his hands.
Gonzalez drew his service weapon, pointed it at Myers, and ordered him to drop the axe. Lee continued retreating backward toward the dining room table while ordering Myers to, “Put it down!” Lee broadcasted over his radio that he was detaining an armed suspect and needed backup. Lee then radioed, “Suspect is unco-op. He’s got a knife in his hands. Put it down! Put it down!” Myers continued to hold the axe and walked toward the deputies. Gonzalez and Lee were now standing on opposite sides of the dining room table. Myers advanced toward them and stopped in the small area between the kitchen and dining room. A brief standoff ensued, and Myers yelled profanities at the deputies and stated, “You better shoot me motherf–ker!” and “Go ahead and shoot me!”
Gonzalez holstered his service weapon, drew his Taser, and pointed it at Myers while ordering him to drop the axe. Betty R. and Vincent yelled at the deputies, telling them not to shoot Myers. Vincent yelled, “Tase him!” Myers was approximately four to five feet away from Gonzalez when he began to raise the axe and take a step toward Gonzalez. At that time, Lee discharged his service weapon five times. Three rounds struck Myers, and he fell backward to the floor. Lee radioed that the suspect was down. 4 Paramedics from the Los Angeles County Fire Department responded to the scene and pronounced Myers dead at 7:12 a.m.”
View the entire report at: https://da.lacounty.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/JSID-OIS-10-09-2020-Myers.pdf
Previous related stories:
Coroner identifies man, 62, killed in deputy-involved shooting in Lancaster
Ax-wielding man killed in deputy-involved shooting in Lancaster
DefundThePolice says
Why was he shot? There was no reason to shoot him! Tell me why they never tasered him? Tell me why they never pepper sprayed him? Nobody sees anything wrong here? See this is why the Police need defunded. DEFUND THE POLICE! What that means is allocate most money to mental services Defund Police doesnt mean totally disband them. There was other ways to handle this.. Most Deputies in the AV love to kill and will kill you if they have an opportunity.
Alby says
Well said man. The deputy had a whole table with chairs to shield him from an axe swing or two. Giving him time to use and over use non lethal force. Did the deputies do time while awaiting trial? Most likely not. And if these morons want to be police, shouldn’t they have an idea about mental functions? It seem like they find these morons off the streets and deputize them. Like I said, If they didnt have a job wearing a Lancaster badge then they would just be gangsters on the street. Its all lame.
Alby says
I think they want to shoot someone so that they can show a sad sense of glory amongst their peers at their local bar or church. They probably watched too many cop shows along with pornography and had a yearning to be a “hero.” But if they got amushed by real bad dudes, they would beg dearly for their life and that brave feeling they felt going into a residence and killing a mentally ill person with an axe would fly out the windows faster than bowels flying out of their panties. Time for the higher authorities to evaluate them for what they really are… For how many others see them as.
Thanks LASD says
I am so glad our officers are ok and I feel bad for the family of the mentally ill man.
AV Illegal says
They should have called the social services mental health team to handle this one. They trend is let the police just handle crime. Let the social services handle the axe wielding mental patient.
Martin says
Yes let them die how are they going too stop him from killing them a kind word you try it
Beecee says
Axeman says
Suicide by LACSD.
Alby says
No pepper? No taser? No batons? Had to draw a firearm? I lost 5 months of my life defending myself on MY own property for making a person with a bat and knife believe that I had a real gun. Him and his four other friends ran like cowards. I reject illegal gangster activity near my once happy home. I also hate guns despite knowing how to use them fairly well. I had no time to turn my back to find a phone and at that time in fear of being hurt, that was my only option. I was arrested and seen as the provocator and yet lancaster pigs enter a home and are justified for killing someone for having a bad day. The cop could have deescalated the situation verbally, used and overused a can of pepperspray or taser. But no. He was dying to use his handgun. You lancaster pigs have no brains and if you do, its probably up your [removed]. So therefore stick your stupid guns up your stupid[removed] and discharge it stupidly as much as you can. Curse you feckless pigs and your children and your tiny reproductive organs that crap out duplicates of your petty selves. Die of cancer. Get bald headed. Quit breathing oxygen. Do the tide pod challenge every hour. I’m disgusted with you damn pigs. I’m disgusted for people in my situation that have it worse. You all sicken me. You are all maggots and you are rejected as an entity of authority.
Anne says
Your comments are quite revolting and this site should remove them.
You sound like a typical coward who gets in trouble and then wants to blame everyone else.
By the way, if you lost five months of your life, that means a jury of your peers decided you needed to be there. I’ve sat on a jury and know others who have, and it’s no easy fete to get a jury to convict. Sounds like you only have yourself to blame!
Alby says
Coward? Revolting? Blame everyone else? You’re definitely in the Lancaster “justice” department. And what peers you revolting typical [removed]? Apparently you dont know the meaning of “disgruntled victim” that asked for zero trouble and was forced into a confrontation(s). Zero jury due to contempt. there’s plenty more to the story that adds up from begining to end. I was using it as an a example of their hypocrisy… Which is endless. You’re brain belongs in your head not your dumb rear. I cant believe I waisted a text on you when there are others worth debating. You probably just copy-cated whats said to you on a regular basis. A coward that blames everyone else when in trouble. The real revolting cowards are the lancaster department which I’m sure you represent because you sound just as stupid.
Mike says
Ably hates his life obviously. As I was reading his post, all I could picture in my head was a grown man on the floor throwing a raging tantrum, eyes filled with tears, snot running down his nose into his mouth and ears, feet flailing like a kid having a seizure….then he stops. And the involuntary abdominal contractions begin as he tries to breathe air into his lungs. You, Alby, are a poster child for soy boi’s around the world. Enjoy your new reputation.
Alby says
The clear, illustrious and vivid depiction makes it seem like if you were once, twice, three times abused physically and emotionally. Did a soy diet make you feel better Mike? You dont have to be a poster child. Just call a hotline and speak to a councelor confidentially. “Mike the Soy Boy Centerfold in the black market trying to go mainstream and needs a tag along.” Sorry cant tag along with you on that one man. But nice try. You either have a very good imagination or a very good memory.
Dave says
Alby is having sympathetic pains from channeling Trump.
Trump has been in the White House bunker going insane. He knows prison is awaiting his fat a$$.
Alby says
Are those the kind of pains you felt four years ago dave?