LOS ANGELES – Republican Rep. Mike Garcia leads Democratic Assemblywoman Christy Smith by 219 votes Friday in the race for 25th Congressional District seat.
Garcia has 165,435 votes and Smith 165,216, according to figures released Thursday by the Secretary of State’s Office. Both candidates have 50% of the vote.
Garcia led by 159 votes entering Thursday’s count.
The lead has changed twice since Monday. Garcia, R-Santa Clarita, led by 432 votes entering Monday’s count. Smith, D-Santa Clarita, took a 1,287-vote lead in Monday’s count.
Garcia took a 159-vote lead Tuesday. There was no update announced Wednesday, which was Veterans Day.
It was unclear how many ballots from remain to be counted. The 25th Congressional District stretches from the Antelope Valley into Ventura County. Vote by mail ballots will continue to be accepted through Nov. 20 if they were postmarked by Election Day.
Garcia defeated Smith, 54.86%-45.14%, or 95,667-78,721, in a May 12 special election to fill the final 7 1/2 months of the term of former Rep. Katie Hill, D-Agua Dulce, who resigned following the online release of salacious photos and allegations of an extramarital affair with a staff member.
The seat had long been held by Republicans until Hill’s 2018 victory over then-Rep. Steve Knight, R-Palmdale.
Previous related stories:
Challenger regains lead in 25th District Congressional race [updated]
Garcia takes narrow lead in 25th Congressional District race
Smith leads Garcia in 25th Congressional District race
I wanna do Nancy Pelosi says
Move along, now. Nothing to see here, folks. Pay no attention to the Clinton and Obama people behind the curtain, rigging votes asunder in the 202o election.
Dave says
Looks like the Trump cultists have turned in an army of Monty Python Black Knights.
“Tis but a scratch.” as the hop around armless and legless.
Kinga Forrester says
I’m the female counterpart of Trump.
XXX says
do you have small hands too?
Dave says
The election was rigged so cleverly and perfectly that whoever did it left absolutely no trace evidence.
I want that party and whoever leads it to run the government. Congratulations to the Democratic Party, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Claire says
Faultless, even the voter fraud dogs can’t sniff it out.
surfside 6 says
Try to focus on the soft side liberals. As soon as the US Selective Service closes in for ducking them all these years, electing some liberal come lately won’t matter anymore anyway. Your format then will be the basement at Portsmouth Naval Prison.
Laughing says
So what you just said is that Selective Service has not been doing their job the last four years. Good to know.
Laughing says
Oh btw, it was Jimmy Carter that reinstated Selective Service. One of those Democrat conservatives the far right like to make believe do not exist.
Claire says
“Hammer and Scorecard,” is nonsense: It is not real! This nonsense was spread by a Trump supporter con man, and Trump supporters are swallowing this lie hook, line, and sinker.
Rose says
Who’s going to convince 73 million disenfranchised voters the election wasn’t rigged? You? The mainstream media?
Bubbles says
ANTIFA lieutenant Eric Coomer, staffed as a c-level exec at Dominion, we know with certainty the election’s rigged.
Clark says
Facebook, Twitter and Google people are desperate to scrub Eric Coomer from social media. Cat’s out of the bag. Too late.
Claire says
O.K Rose, Bubbles, Clark and Kippy. Keep on keepin on.
Kippy says
Kind of funny, a pent up deranged ANTIFA guy like Eric Coomer, major anger management issues, in charge of the whole 2020 election.
Edith says
Censorship is the solution, I say! Mark Zuckerberg is our man! He’ll mop up this election fraud thing, sweep it under the rug and reunite the world, though internet censorship!
Dave says
Nobody can convince them ust like the birthers. They were preprogramed to not accept the election many months ago.
It’s a mental illness.
Sonny says
… democracy, and a free and fair election process, are synonymous. Lose one, the other is forever lost. You can’t get it back.
Were it the case our Founding Father’s legislature tirelessly defended a bona fide democracy, by safeguarding and guaranteeing data integrity of a free-and-fair election process, this election could never have been rigged.
If it was? If it’s a slapdash, rigged, woefully defective an election process? Then, it’s because your legislature wanted it that way. It served your legislature’s purpose, rigging elections as a bargaining chip, to repay political favors.
Now the only English speaking nation which no longer boasts free and fair elections, America is no longer a democracy. Whatever it is, now? No one really knows.
Painfully apparent, the government in Washington DC is out-of-control. Nobody knows who really controls the thing —
Lizabeth says
Biden’s the least of your worries. Pray he lives a long life. Because, your worst nightmare, Barack Obama’s stealth operative, once Kamala Harris is inaugurated, your Founding Father’s constitution becomes a foregone conclusion, your 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendments, dissolved. In case no one’s told you, Kamala Harris is ANTIFA. All this election rigging business wasn’t about electing Biden. This election was rigged, for the purpose of positioning ANTIFA’s number 1 asset, Kamala Harris, a hair’s breath away from the oval office, putting George Soros arm’s reach, from obtaining the codes to America’s nuclear arsenal.
Claire says
This was a fair election process. This election process was not rigged. Trump called this election rigged because he lost.
Davb says
After running a flawless campaign Biden looks to take over from Trump’s mess like he and Obama did in 2008 with Bush’s mess.
Republicans leave messes behind and Democrats clean them up over and over again throughout history.
Meanwhile, Superspreader Trump had over 40 members of his administration testing positive, vacant offices abound, temporary acting officials and cabinet members who don’t know jack, fly on Pence, an awful convention full of screeming lying banchees, 4 Seasons Total Landscaping fiasco, and COVID is surging once again.
Why do you Trump cult members think that’s great? That’s not great. Biden will Make America Great Again.
Tim Scott says
I’m just hoping for MANARDFA…Make America Not A Raging Dumpster Fire Again
After Trump, and with 70 million people so out of touch with reality that they would still vote for him, I think even that would be a heck of an accomplishment.
Connie says
So, you’re always right? Everyone else is always wrong? This constitutes Carte Blanche for you, to arbitrarily rig elections, dictate to everyone how you think we ought to be living our lives? That explains it. I want to thank you for setting me straight.
Burl says
Masters of the universe, the Nancy Pelosi crowd.
Barbi says
… whistleblower just came forward. Trump’s attorneys now have the algorithm Smartmatic used, to flip Dominion votes to Biden. A whole lot of democrat people are going to jail –
XB51 says
The infamous ‘hoax’ artist, Dennis Montgomery behind Trumpworld’s voter fraud claims. Stop being a puppet.
Ruthie says
We already know, a matter of public record, the Obama people deployed HAMMER and SCORECARD, 2012, to flip Florida away from Mit Romney.
Claire says
Stop carrying your brain around in a bowl.
Dave says
Ruthie’s notion of a “public record” is her post her on the AVTimes with the words HAMMER and SCORECARD. That’s public.
That’s how ridiculous it is. She is.
Matt says
If you watch another news channel, you will see that it has been debunked already, just like everything else you try to come up with. But keep trying, it’s so cute when you get your hopes up.
Andrew says
Notice anything peculiar about the ANTIFA democrats, how overtly defensive, oversensitive, over-reactive they all are, regarding the topic of election rigging? They’re even more delusional, emotionally unstable regarding the topic than their hero, Whoopie Goldberg –
XB51 says
So Andrew, did you notice Trump is calling the election rigged? Does that make him a Proud Boy republican ex president?
PJ says
Even if we don’t know, for certain, the election was rigged? What we do know now with certainty, if true, our mainstream media would have no compunction lying through its teeth, covering it up.
Melissa says
Doing a kamikaze attack taking down President Trump, the mainstream media took itself out. When President Trump says, 2.7 million of his votes got flipped? The ratchet effect, in the tank for Biden, no unbiased, credible, authoritative, objective source to refute his contention, for 70 million people, election rigging becomes an apodictic certainty. How do you expect to convince them otherwise? Blacklisting? Oh, yeah. That’s going to work real good. That’s going to make you real popular.
Dave says
Look Pj.
Learn something here. The main stream media called the election for Trump in 2016, for Bush in 2000.
Try not to be so gullible.
P.T. Barnum says
The clowns quacking about voter fraud forget how Trump welcomed Russian interference in the last election.
The clowns forgot all the years of voter suppression by the Republicans.
The clowns just don’t know what the he11 they’re talking about.
They believe the bull$hitt on Fox News.
Loam says
Yes, it is very funny that the Democrats spent years complaining about foreign interference in the 2016 election, and then thought the best approach for the next election is to flood the country with untraceable, uncontrolled ballots and claim that every single ballot is valid.
Russia has no need to waste time making up stories on Facebook when they could just gather ballots from nursing homes, apartment building mail boxes, and union members.
Kimosabe says
Any way you look at this election, it stinks. A happy coincidence, notice how Pelosi, McConnell, McCarthy and Schumer, all of them got what they wanted? Pelosi gets to keep control of the house? McConnell keeps his Senate? Yet both Schumer and McCarthy can be credited, growing their constituencies? Five gets you ten Pelosi, McConnell, McCarthy and Schumer meet in great lodge, smoke ‘um peace-pipe, do ‘um horse trading –
Birdy says
Things are so bad here in America, our elections are whimsically and arbitrarily overturned, no rhyme or reason :(
Randall says
So, now we know, we’re chumps. Trustworthiness of our elected leaders measured, only to the extent of the integrity of our elections, faith in government is pretty much shot. Now we definitively know, we’re being played. Our elections whimsically rigged, not one of our elected leaders, to either side of the isle, is ever to be trusted –
Becky says
They’ve rigged everything! Even the polling was rigged!
Where are the hypocrites? says
Who was saying “fix is in” when Smith was ahead.
It must be in when Garcia is ahead, right?
What a bunch of whiny babies.
Samster says
No room for argument, elections in America are no longer free ‘n fair. They’re rigged. Election fraud, on this scale, could never have occurred, without mutual cooperation from both sides of the isle.
Gianclaudio says
There’s no silver lining anywhere to be found in this election rigging mess. Whether you’re ear’s to the ground, or your head’s buried in the sand, we’re all left on relatively equal ground, pondering stark realization our elections are rigged, that Hollywood movie stars have more say over who governs than we do, that it’s the Silicon Valley soy boys who now own and govern America’s Information Superhighway, and that our overlord’s enforcement mechanism implanting disinformation, propaganda, censorship — television news and social media — constitute its principle 2 platforms keeping America divided, week and frustrated. By design, our overlords prefer us divvied into factions, at each others’ throats. For this reason, Trump was taken down.
Tim Scott says
“Election fraud, on this scale, could never have occurred”
This is the only intelligent thing you said, clipped from the sea of stupidity you surrounded it with.
Trump got SHELLACKED because he has been an unbelievably bad president, so more, no less.
Our congressional district is almost perfectly split, because half of the voters here are thralls to a GOP that doesn’t even exist any more…the GOP of Buck McKeon, who stuffed our mouths with dollars as chairman of defense appropriations. At least back then this valley had an excuse for holding our noses against the stench of racism and voting GOP…now you just vote for this chump for Trump out of habit.
Dave says
Where, oh where, is your proof Samster?
Even Republicans governors and secretaries of state in Republican states say their elections were done correctly with no widepsread fraud.
You are just pushing lies and misinformation.
Do you not realize that?
Really? says
That’s a small number of votes to be ahead. I am sure they will get it all fixed, I mean counted properly before it is all done.
Cindy says
… the more dirty filthy lying cheating democrats they can falsely elect, the sooner it will be for all of us, that we wind up sick, blacklisted, unemployed, disenfranchised –
Fred says
Biden-Harris = LBJ-Humphrey 2.0
Oly says
LBJ’s Ballot Box 13 Scandal, I remember well. Ballot box stuffing fiends, that is the one and only thing Democrats do particularly well.
Matt says
What I dont understand, is if Republicans say the Dems cheated the election, wouldnt it make more sense if they took the Senate and didnt let those House seats flip as well? I mean, why cheat if you arent going all in. I need a Republican to explain that to me. Oh, and that little thing called proof.
AV Illegal says
The Senate is probably going dem after they get done fixin’ the Georgia run off.
Esmirelda says
they’re pretty good at blacklisting, too!
Bethy says
… American military forces just raided Scytl servers, in Frankfort. Looks as though off-shore democrat operatives manipulated swing state Dominion Voting machines remotely, from a server farm in Germany –
Tim Scott says
I have gotten so used to Republican blathering buffoons just regurgitating whatever idiocy they injest from their “real news” sources that I had forgotten just how absurd some of the stuff you swallow can be.
Sooooo…you are saying that the US military attacked Germany…
Do you even hear yourself?
Jill says
… technically, flipping votes, rigging an American election from Germany, is not a crime. Frankfort-on-the-Main is where the CIA conducts all its electronic warfare, and its remote, illegal spy operations, eavesdropping on U.S. citizens. Doing so off shore, the CIA bypasses constitutional constraints. Outside America, the CIA can operate independently, doing anything they like, no accountability whatsoever –
XB51 says
Word salad, Bethy, word salad. You’re confused by your confusion.
Bert says
Makes sense. Technically, flipping votes, rigging an American election from Germany is not a crime. Frankfort-on-the-Main is where the CIA conducts all its electronic warfare, and its remote spy operations, eavesdropping on U.S. citizens. Doing so off shore, the CIA bypasses constitutional constraints. Outside America, the CIA can operate independently, doing anything they like, no accountability whatsoever –
Vincent says
Pelosi, McConnell, McCarthy and Schumer had to have had a hand in this business, dealing Trump out. The CIA never could have pulled off a HAMMER and SCORECARD op, without high level mutual cooperation, from both sides of the isle. Denote the symmetry, Pelosi keeps the house, but McCarthy grows his constituency; McConnell keeps the Senate, but Schumer grows his constituency. A happy coincidence, denote how each one of them — Pelosi, McConnell, McCarthy and Schumer — they all got what they wanted.
Matt says
Joel says
This is just like watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 with Trump’s robots chattering away about sci-fi nonsense like HAMMER and SCOREBOARD.
If only it were funny instead of…..of…distubing that THEY LIVE AMONGST US. Hey, that would make a good horror movie title.
Starring Vincent, Bethy, Beecee, Wally and that gang of losers from the Trump Lie & Fraud Factory.
Mr. Science says
The earth is flat.
Water is wet
Trump lost big time
Any questions?
Trump Voter says
2 + 2 = 5
Trump won
Beecee says
No worries,
Harvested and cured ballots are on their way
Wally says
The democrats’ solution to every problem: HAMMER and SCORECARD.
Hitchcock says
i wish Rod Sterling was still writing screenplays. I’d like to see what finally happens to Wally, Beecee, Oly, Fred and Cindy in the end.
Lee says
The only two things democrats are good at, election rigging and blacklisting.
Baldwinder says
Americans are no longer in control of our government. A consortium of elites, nosebleed elevation towering over our policy community, pulling strings manipulating our elections, the government in Washington DC is out-of-control.
Terri says
Painfully apparent, our votes are meaningless. The government in Washington DC, nobody knows who’s really calling the shots, or who really runs the thing.