David Allan Lacey — who was not in the courtroom Friday and entered the plea through his attorney — was charged Aug. 3 with three misdemeanor counts of assault with a firearm involving the March 2 early-morning run-in with demonstrators.
The protest occurred before sunrise. David Lacey was seen on video pointing a handgun out the front door of the couple’s home and ordering Black Lives Matter protesters to leave the property. No arrests or injuries were reported.
David Lacey is heard on the video ordering protesters off of his porch as he pointed the gun out the door. Protesters can be heard asking to see his wife, prompting him to again order the group off the property.
Members of Black Lives Matter who took part in the protest immediately condemned David Lacey’s actions. Activist Jasmyne Cannick posted the video online and circulated links to it via email to local media outlets.
Black Lives Matter has repeatedly protested against the district attorney, criticizing her for what they see as a failure to hold law enforcement officers accountable for shootings of Black suspects, and accusing her of failing to meet with them to discuss the issue.
One of the group’s members, Melina Abdullah, who is listed as one of the victims in the complaint, said the protesters were off the Laceys’ porch in less than 60 seconds.
Abdullah insisted Lacey’s house was not off-limits given that the district attorney is a public official and BLM has never threatened her.
On Twitter, Abdullah alleged David Lacey “pointed a gun at my chest and said ‘I will shoot you.”‘ She noted that the counts filed against him are “misdemeanors, but charges nonetheless.”
On Sept. 10, Superior Court Judge Patricia A. Hunter rejected defense attorney Samuel E. Tyre’s contention that the California Attorney General’s Office should have transferred the case to the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office for consideration of misdemeanor charges once it determined that felony charges were not merited.
In an Aug. 11 filing, Tyre wrote, “… The California Attorney General does not have the legal authority to file misdemeanor charges in this case, and therefore this prosecution by him is barred. As such, the demurrer must be sustained, and the charges dismissed.”
Lacey is seeking her third term as the county’s top prosecutor. She is facing a runoff election in November with former San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon.
In a statement released by her reelection campaign last month, she said, “The events that took place earlier this year have caused my family immense pain. My husband acted in fear for my safety after we were subjected to months of harassment that included a death threat no less than a week earlier. Protesters arrived at my house shortly after 5 a.m. while I was upstairs. My husband felt that we were in danger and acted out of genuine concern for our well being.”
Shortly after the charges were filed, David Lacey’s attorney said he and his client “are disappointed that the Attorney General’s Office felt that the conduct at issue amounted to criminal behavior.”
“We disagree entirely with their assessment, but we have the utmost faith in the justice system, and we are confident that the correct result will be reached,” Tyre said in the Aug. 4 statement. “At this time, we are not going to comment on the facts of the case except to say that my client’s human instinct is forever and always to protect his wife and his family and to keep them safe from physical harm. We look forward to all relevant facts coming to light.”
Previous related stories:
Judge denies defense motion in misdemeanor case against D.A.’s husband
D.A.’s husband charged with misdemeanor assault involving protesters
California Attorney General’s Office investigating L.A. County D.A.’s husband
Protesters gather outside D.A. Jackie Lacey’s house; husband points gun
#BREAKING This morning Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s husband pulled a gun out on Black Lives Matter activists who protested his wife in front of their house. @BLMLA pic.twitter.com/wnCFMMvaWV
— Jasmyne Cannick (@Jasmyne) March 2, 2020
Alby says
Just think of the uproar and the craziness it would have been if Jackies husband was white. Vehicles could’ve ended up overturned and dumpsters could’ve been set ablaze.
BLM says
Why do you ALWAYS bring up race? Do you have a problem with people of color? Racist are the most ignorant lowlifes in society
Alby says
Well, to whomever is hinding behind the name blm, first off, blm is a joke, they fall slightly short of terrorism, and its all just some money grabbing scheme which is making certain people bookoo bucks that gets spent on fancy clothes and cars. Secondly, blm is so quick to condemn and get violent with people that had nothing to do with the reason they’re angry. Blm is too chicken to attack the real problem which is within the blm community and within themselves individually. And finally, I said what if Jackies husband was white. Thats means “Interracial couple” where’s the racism in that dummy? But the truth is that if it was so, racist flags would be waving around and more Caucasians would be condemned. Have you ever considered that you blm’s are the real racists that easily get offended over every stupid thing? George Floyd and others is just an excuse for you blm people to do more stupid stuff. Its easy to intimidate the weak and play dominant animal until someone fights back, then all of the sudden you’re all innocent victims of circumstance which you created. I think blm stands for “Bullfaced Liars and Monsters.” Black lives have always mattered to me, especially this one dancer that works at snookys that I would love to sweep her off her feet. Thats wishfull thinking, But the blm movement is insulting.
Matt says
Ummmm…..pretty sure that exact thing happened in St.Louis, and that couple are going through the same proceedings.
Alby says
Their weapons got taken away, which makes it pretty difficult to defend themselves against 300 blm protesters and potentially violent looters. If they had political influence then it all would probably go smoother for them like it did with jackies hubby. If blm never existed, both couples would be living their life peacefully without the paranoia of blm crap.
Mike Litt says
Good! Alby
Hope your anxieties keep you awake all night, every night.
Alby says
Unfortunately for blm bums like possibly yourself, I’ll always sleep great while you’re Litt in the rear like a christmas tree at night hoping to Santa that blm will someday be accepted by the very people that make this country great… Which of coarse will never happen. Chug some nyquil or disinfectant. Maybe it’ll sooth the burn while you are accepting the reality of it all.
Alby says
That was a low blow on my part. Dont drink disinfectant or too much nyquil. But know that there are many Maejor Page’s that are infuencing youthfull clown puppets and laughing their way to the bank and I choose not to feed that machine.
surfside 6 says
Liberals could have a point. With guns around, kicking people to death might never be the same.
California blm protester says
Why wont you let me and my blm buddies intimidate you on your own front porch and potentially get violent with you? You’re suppressing our made up right to harass and threaten your well being by pointing a gun at us. We’re pressing charges and suing you.
John Evans says
Gaven Newsom proving he is an a**hole by allowing the State to file any charges. Early morning and loud violent Black Lives Matter Democrat party blackshirts “want to see his wife” ( someone who they’ve already threatened) while they’re disturbing the peace, and now claiming they can be little sh*ts at their front door because they’re harassing a public official. Sue their asses off! And sue the B.S. State of California fo malicious prosecution. And understand a very real fact, the Mob always turns on the leaders because the leaders can never deliver on their B.S. promises. So get ready Democrats, you hired the Mob so don’t expect any support when they turn on you. It already happened in Beverly Hills.
Mike Litt says
You keep proving you are an @$$HOLE John Evans with every comment.
After the election, you won’t be here any more. Trump will be gone next year too.
MarkyMark says
He should’ve shot those morons. Get off of his property you frickin cybabies.