PALMDALE – A lawsuit was filed against the Palmdale School District because a teacher allegedly made racist attacks, comments, and slurs directed towards Latino children.
The Parris Law Firm filed the Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit this week on behalf of two middle school students who allege their eighth-grade social studies teacher Jacqueline C. Early subjected them to a campaign of racist harassment, including repeatedly calling them several racist slurs in front of their entire class.
The lawsuit is against Palmdale School District, SAGE Academy School, and Early.
“If there is any place our children need to feel safe and nurtured, it’s in our schools,” said attorney Alexander R. Wheeler of the Parris Law Firm. “It should go without saying that no student should ever be singled out or feel at risk in any way because of his or her race.”
According to the complaint, “While teaching, Defendant Early would refer to the plaintiffs as ‘wetbacks’ and ‘beaners,’ [and] would tell them that ‘Latinos and Hispanics do not belong in this country.'”
The lawsuit also accuses Early of:
- Assigning homework that specifically referenced anti-immigration policies, forcing students to underline these portions in the readings;
- Telling the children’s entire class that “Latinos are criminals and live off of welfare”; and
- Claiming President Trump wanted to keep them [Latinos] out.
Once Palmdale School District was notified, the administration placed Early on administrative leave twice in one school year, according to the complaint. The District transferred Early to another school within the district, without verifying this behavior stopped, the complaint alleges.
“The District should have interceded immediately once they found out about the heinous nature of these slurs, but instead Palmdale School District refused to act and ignored the safety and mental health of these and other students,” said R. Rex Parris of the Parris Law Firm.
The case is Yaretzy M., Miguel G. v. Palmdale School District, Sage Academy, Jacqueline C. Early et al., Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. 20AVCV00481. A copy of the complaint can be found here.
[Information via news release from the Parris Law Firm.]
Felix Mayerhofer says
Palmdale School District has a fine reputation with an outstanding superintendent. Charges by any student at that level against an experienced teacher must be weighed very carefully. One student sometimes brings in two or three other friends to support the accusations and the story can grows out of proportion. In this racially charged society many mistakes can be made and lives and reputations ruined. I’m sure the parents spoke to the teacher first and then the principal if they got no satisfaction. That is the proper procedure in schools for a good reason. If it isn’t done that way the whole case can be blown out of proportion, especially if the local newspaper gets a hold of it. I’m not implying the student isn’t telling the truth, but that is what proper procedures are for.
barbi says
… playing the race card, over issues well beyond the scope of racism obfuscates the problem, depriving our children the help they really need. Blaming our teachers isn’t ever going to make the willful, undisciplined, lazy, dimwitted children they have to teach one iota smarter –
bubs says
makes the brothas pulls up ours pants, dos ours homeworks = racist honky whitie cracker teacher –
Ignacio P. says
Another liberal proves they are a racist.
Gerardo says
Not as racist as the Republican Party. You’re soaking in it here in the AV.
Confused says
Ok let me see if I’m understanding this right. Palmdale school District moved this teacher out of the school she was teaching it for racist comments against Latinos but yet when my daughter was in the fifth grade the teacher she had they did nothing about making Racist comments about white people and did nothing until she struck a white student. How is this any way right?
Michael Murray says
It very hard to believe that a teacher would say those things. Maybe it was said in a way that was explaining to the children the names that racist people use about them. I hope there is some audio recording to understand this better.
Joseph says
My son had nothing but nice things to say about her. This is unbelievable. If she were like this, she would have a history of issues with Hispanics. It wouldn’t just start at one. Perhaps she was immensely disliked by some.
Alby says
If anchor babies weren’t being dumped out left and right at taxpayers expense, if lantino people got off of their kick that California should belong to mexico, if they bugg off about the illusion of “white privilege”, if they quit comparing themselves to other Americans with that sorry “I wonder why they have this and we dont” mentality, then maybe… Just maybe they would have more respect and dignity by the Majority that voted for border security to keep them out. I would imagine being ridiculed if I were to impose my Americanisms in a mexican school with students and teachers that embrace Mexico the way Americans embrace America. And now they wanna sue and make money because money grubbin lawyers gave them the idea. That’s their American dream. Why cant they make Mexico great again? Because mexicans already crapped all over it and now theyre gonna work their way up to dumping on Canada one blood-sucking lawyer at a time and lord have mercy on our wallets if we exercise our freedom of speech by ridiculing it all. Too bad they cant get sued for ridiculing us behind our backs like they always do. Us Americans are not entitled to make money off of their negative views and expressions toward us. I smell something foul. It’s not sewage. It’s not pet droppings on my front yard. Its brown privilege.
Thomas says
Sadly, this is my ex-wife. We divorced around 20 years ago. I am not surprised to hear something like this about her.
Ellen says
Taxpayers pay for this teacher to teach. Not to verbally abuse students by making them feel unworthy. Whether they are here legally or illegally, they are children. This applies to all children no matter of race.
Sometimes a lawsuit has to be filed to get problems fixed. The school district is paying attention now I’m sure. They may have been hoping this incident was forgotten.
Stinger says
Any lawsuit of Parris’ should be thrown out on the basis of gross incompetence and dishonesty by a court officer.
The very fact that his name is on the suit calls its merits to question.
Elizabeth Work says
So sad for all involved. No one wins.
Rex Watcher says
Stinger is right. If the name Parris is connected, you should question the merits. He has a history of frivolous lawsuits. He had the gall to sue two American Legion posts for a baseball incident that they had nothing to do with except hosting baseball for our youth.
Some lawyers will do anything for money and we have the king of that here in Lancaster.
Rex: a sleazy ambulance chaser says
About 10 or more years ago, the California bar changed their oath to include making disparaging remarks in public which came about shortly after Parris was doing that kind of king such as calling the former mayor of Palmdale a dufus.
At the time I wondered if the bar did that in response to what Parris had been doing. Or, it was just a coincidence. I doubt the latter.
Alby says
In what aspects and perspectives?
Michael Murray says
Some are quick to sue over many things. If this is true, the teacher should be held accountable, not the School. A lawsuit suing the School will drain the School funds for basic needs of the School and classroom.
Reform says
Possibly so; I believe every article should be addressed independently, using our minds to practice critical thinking instead of being led by emotional (feelings.) Although Parris is someone I don’t like, it is still important to gather facts about this case, and stick with this case. On the other hand this is the A.V. Times opinion section.
Stinger says
lol – yes, indeed, the court of public opinion is most definitely different than a court of law… Glad you noticed.
Now… If only Parris could do so.
Taxpayer abuse says
PSD performance in teaching our children is dismal at best. They have a very bad record compared to the rest of the State of California. They are good at spending our precious bond money.
Reform says
If this is the same teacher that has been disciplined twice for racial slurs toward Latino children then this is a very credible law suit against Sage Academy. She left then was allowed back, and this happened in October 2019. An adult teacher berating students should never be tolerated. These students want an education not a teachers verbal abuse.
@reform says
I am basing my comments on what I read strictly and how it’s phrased. With everything going on there is no way Palmdale SD would allow this. This is like injury attorney rhetoric to try and get money. Plan and simple.
Reform says
Use the internet to gather facts and you can see just as I did that this issue is in print, and happened October 2019. There is plenty to go on with this case, and if not this teacher another one was disciplined twice for using ugly racial slurs toward Latino children at Sage Academy. It doesn’t matter what you believe or don’t believe.
Really says
Placed on leave twice, once in October 2019 and again in December. This is completely unacceptable in our schools.
Partisan pals says
Nancy Smith and Rex are political pals so let’s see how much he gets this time. Rex makes money off the taxpayers again. Shameful !!
Michael Murray says
It doesn’t seem right that the Mayor of Lancaster is involved in Seeing the School District.
Van Dammit says
Rex has been active in trying to control Palmdale. At every turn he is either suing, badmouthing, or taking over some board or council. I hope the good hard working people of Palmdale wake up and kick Rex and all his henchmen to the curb this November. Yes, November, when most cities hold elections, unlike Lancaster which holds ours in April under tight control.
Alby says
I don’t see a problem. Let them crawl back under the wall and come here legally.
@Alby says
Awful comment and has nothing to do with this case and the reason for Black Lives Matter movement.
Jason says
Sounds like a law firm trying to make some money. Palmdale School District is not perfect but it has done some awesome things for kids. This is way over the top. Know your source of information people. I thought Rex Perris has more integrity than this…..
Parris lies too much says
Rex…integrity???? Please don’t use both words in the same sentence.
You could crash the “internets”.
Stinger says
Ya gotta be trollin’ me! Integrity? Parris? Those would be antonyms, not synonyms.
Parris is just another Trump wannabe.
Debbie Irons says
Palmdale School District performance is nothing to brag about. Look up how they compare, failing our children.
He told story doesn't sound right says
For some reason being Hispanic I find this story very unconvincing it’s more like it’s a meet up stories so somebody can make some money
Citlaly says
I can assure to you that it is true, I was also a student in her class and everything that was said is true :/